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Devale: move in here

Khadeen: yes

Devale : NO

Khadeen: what do you mean no

Devale: Not happening, bye I have to go , I love yall ( he said getting up and leaving)

Khadeen: did he just say no

Crystal: yeah

Khadeen: nigga used to complain about feeling left out and not feeling included and now he don't want to live together

Crystal: maybe it's to much for him

Khadeen: what do you mean

Crystal: maybe this is to much for him , we might end back up in the same space we were at in the past and I don't want that

Khadeen: maybe we're just over thinking it ( as they both sat in their thoughts)

The next morning

_____________________________________The next morning

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Cam: wassup with you bro

Devale: nothing man , just living

Cam: I know you got your family back , plus some

Devale: yeah and I couldn't be happier

Cam: so why you looking like that

Devale: they want me to move in with them

Cam: so do it , what's the problem with that

Devale: I said no

Cam: why would you do that

Devale: I want a fresh start

Cam: did you tell them that

Devale: I tried to call last night after I left but neither of them answered, I guess they were probably upset.

Cam: so are yall going to move together

Devale: of course, Ive been working on something for a while now I just want it to be perfect , I don't want to fuck it up

Cam: that's wassup man

Devale: yeah , I have my final walk through today

Cam: you're buying a house

Devale: already bought it and had it furnished

Cam: congratulations fam

Devale: thanks bro

Cam: how is y'all relationship going , like how is this working

Devale: everything is good , we're parenting great , we're all happy and the kids are happy.

Cam: y'all be sleeping together and shit ( he questioned )

Devale: I'm sure Kay and Crystal be sleeping together but I haven't slept with neither one of them in over a year

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