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Crystal: I'm sorry , I need space ( as she stood up grabbing her robe) I need some air( as she grabbed her things and head down the stairs

Khadeen: what the fuck just happened

20 minutes later

Crystal came back in the room and stood by the door.

Crystal: I'm sorry

Khadeen: you don't have to be sorry

Devale: No , im sorry

Crystal: you don't have to apologize, you didn't do anything wrong. I got scared for a moment.

Devale: I'm not him babe , you don't ever have to worry about me hurting you

Crystal: I know , I'm sorry

Devale: stop apologizing

Khadeen: come  sit down and talk to us ( as Crystal walked to sit on the bed)

Crystal: I'm fine it's not a big deal

Devale: we're partners , you have to trust us and let us be there for you

Khadeen: talk to me

Crystal: David said that to me the day that he came into my house and attacked me. All I could think about was how I almost died and ended up in a coma. I was triggered. All I could do was think about all the things that happened to me, the baby that  he caused me to lose and how he would beat me every day when I was pregnant. I thought about how he would say I wasn't good for nothing but sex. And how He would make me have sex with him when I didn't want to and when I didn't act like I was enjoy it he would get rough . it's my fault tho .

Khadeen: it's not your fault, I thought we were past this self blaming thing. It's not your fault.

Devale: I'm sorry ( he said as he grabbing crystal pulling her in his arm and holding her just as Khadeen grabbed her hands)

Khadeen: do you wanna know what made me fall in love with you ( she said as she wiped crystals tears)

Crystal: what

Khadeen: I fell in love with your strength it made me stronger. You gave me reassurance and affection, you made me feel safe and loved, you had been through so much in so little time but you still managed to bring me joy and happiness. You were there for me when I needed you the most and now I am going to always be here for you.

Devale: I remember how you would always walk in the studio with a smile that shined so bright. Your confidence. How you were there for me and how I was able to trust you with my heart. I know I wasn't perfect and that I made mistakes and  I'm glad that you forgave me . I'm glad that you gave me the chance to be the best man that I could be and love you the way you're supposed to be loved . I promise that I will never hurt you.

Crystal: I love y'all and I think yall for always being there for me

Love you to ( they said as crystal stood back up)

Khadeen: ready to go to bed

Crystal: no, actually I have something else in mind

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