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 Mona: well I lied about some things and I tried to go and make it right

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Mona: well I lied about some things and I tried to go and make it right

Tony: what are you talking about

Mona: her father Michael didn't ask me to get an
abortion when I was pregnant with Crystal, I wanted the abortion he wanted to keep her but I didn't.

Tony: what

Mona: I lied but baby please let me explain

Tony: TALK ( he shouted)

Mona: he broke up with me and later I found out that I was pregnant.

Tony: then what

Mona: I went to him and I told him that I was pregnant and he told me that it wasn't going to change anything between us and that he was still done with me

Tony: okay then what

Mona: I told him that it didn't matter and that he wasn't her father anyway and then a couple weeks later me and you got into a relationship , he came to me again about her right before she was born and I lied and told him that you were her father.

Tony: your a sick ass person, you lied on him you lied to me. You told me that he didn't want her, that he wanted you to get a fucking abortion

Mona: I know and I'm sorry..... baby I'm so sorry ( she said crying )

Tony: you said that you tried to make it right, what did you do

Mona: 3 months ago I ran into him in the store and we talked

Tony: about what

Mona: we talked about where our relationship went wrong , I got closure and I apologized for the hurt that I had caused him and I told him that I was hurt that he left I was 21 I was young and made mistakes.

Tony: you can apologize to a man but you couldn't apologize to your daughter??

Mona: we talked a little more and I couldn't leave without telling him that she was his daughter , he got upset and mad that I lied to him all these years and he left

Tony: okay

Mona: I went and searched his name and it came up  that he was a general surgeon at Atlanta grey hospital So I went to visit him. He told me that he searched her up and that he was going to find her.

Tony: why you sitting here nervous and crying you did this , this is your fault

Mona: he sent me a text message last night and said that he found her. I don't know what he's going to tell her , I don't want her to hate me anymore I want to fix things

Tony: it's too late for that and just to let you know I went to see the lawyer about the divorce you should be getting served soon.

Mona: Tony baby please what about our kids

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