My love

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Khadeen : Oh my god Crystal Fuckkkkkkkk

Crystal : mmmmhhhhh you like it baby

Khadeen : yes baby don't stop

Crystal: I need you to cum for me

Khadeen: babyyyyyyy

Crystal : baby what . "This what you wanted right"? she taunted as she sucked and fingered Khadeen

Khadeen : I'm cuming baby

Crystal : give it to me . Cum for me baby

Khadeen starts to shake as she reaches her climax and Crystal was hitting her spot, she cums all over Crystal face. They share a passionate kiss and minutes later drift off to sleep.

The next morning

Crystal: baby get up

Khadeen: no babe I'm tired

Crystal: no baby you have to go your husband is calling .

Khadeen: why are you so worried about him

Crystal: I just don't know if I can keep doing this with you

Khadeen: doing what

Crystal: this, you sneaking and acting like we are going to ever be something when we both know that we would never. You know how I feel about you.

Khadeen: what do you mean Crystal you know I love you and want to be with you but it's just

Crystal: it's just what Khadeen?

Khadeen: me and devale have history, I have a family with him we have been together for 20 years in not that easy Crystal

Crystal: I think you should go .

Crystal gets up and leave out the room , she starts doing her morning routine and getting ready for work.

Khadeen POV

I love Crystal so much I have never met someone like her, someone that pleases my body the she does , someone who talked to me the way she does, someone who is there and that supports me the way that she does. I've never met someone that I love as much as I love her. Yes I love devale , We have 4 children together and we are know for our family dynamic and we are in the public eye. I can just leave him.

Khadeen( calls devale back)

Devale: hey baby, I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you.

Khadeen: it's okay

Devale: baby, where are you? Where did you stay?

Khadeen: I stayed with crystal

Devale: oh okay , come back home baby we miss you

Khadeen: I'll see you guys in a hour

devale : I love you

Khadeen: love you to . Hangs up

Khadeen and devale relationship , In public people see them as the perfect relationship and see devale as the perfect husband but behind closed doors the relationship just wasn't the same, over time they began to grow apart and nothing that either did worked, they longed for that spice that they had when they first got together but it just wasn't there anymore.

Crystal walked in the bathroom

Crystal : why are you still here

Khadeen : baby stop being mean to me okay. I'm going to figure something out. I want to be with you
Crystal it's just complicated.

Crystal: it's always complicated with you

Khadeen: please baby just give me some time I hate when you are mad at me she cries as Crystal wipes her tears.

Crystal: fine

Khadeen: I love you baby

Crystal: I love you more!

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