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2 weeks later
( Crystal and devale back at work)

Devale POV

We're back filming for season 4 of zatima and the thought of me being with Crystal again has been on my mind like crazy . It's something about her that just makes me weak everytime I see her but let's be honest she is my best friend and would never to anything to jeopardize her relationship with me or Khadeen and plus I'm happily married.


Later that day After filming

Crystal: alright devale imma head out

Devale: ok Crystal I'll see you later, have a great night

Crystal: you too
( begins to walk away)

Devale : Crystal wait

Crystal : yeahhh

Devale : I just wanted to say that I love you. I know that you just recently went through a break up and that you aren't talking to most of your family. I know that you have been having a hard time lately and I know that you have been struggling with depression. I just wanted to tell you that you are not alone and that I got you.

( Devale leaves )

Crystal POV

Seeing that devale noticed something that no one else around me noticed made me cry. Truth is not only did I go through a break up recently with David I also went through a miscarriage. Although the pregnancy wasn't planned David made it clear that he didn't want a baby anyways. I feel like a Traitor knowing that I'm in love with Khadeen and knowing that she has been helping me get past this.

(phone ringing )

Khadeen: hi baby

Crystal : heyy

Khadeen: I missed you last night

Crystal: I missed you too ( Crystal said in a sad tone )

Khadeen: baby what's wrong

Crystal: this is wrong

Khadeen: what are you talking about

Crystal: betraying devale , today after work he told me that he noticed me. Nobody ever notice me , he told me that he noticed that I've been having a hard time and he knows that I've been fighting depression. He told me that I wasn't alone..... it feels wrong because you have been the one helping me through these hard times and you're his wife.

Khadeen : so what Crystal I love you and you love me to

Crystal: sometimes love just isn't enough. I can't do this ( Crystal hangs up)

Khadeen : Crystal


Khadeen POV

Devale recently cheated on me this is the third time he has done it and every time he do it he tells me that he will never do it again and that he is sorry but let's be honest can I even be mad about him cheating on me this time considering the fact that I've been messing around with Crystal.

Devale has hurt me way too many times and I forgive him every time because of our history and the fact that we have 4 kids together and honestly I still love him despite it all. Crystal Doesn't even know that he cheated on me the day showed up to her house and we made love. Truth is I didn't tell her because I didn't want her to think she was the rebound or that I was only there to get back at him when the truth was I've been feeling her since the day that I met her.

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