Chapter 2: I don't belong here!

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The sky is red. The sky is fucking red! If I'm looking at it right, is there a god damn pentagram in the sky?! I stay close to the alley because for some reason it makes me feel safer, as if I can run back into the brick wall and make my way back. I doubt that's how it would work, but the thought helps.

I start noticing others in the streets, but they don't look like I do. Some look animalistic. They have actual features of animals. Others look closer to how I do, but their skin tone looks horribly pale. As if they shouldn't even be alive. God if I didn't think I was tripping on something I'd think I was in Hell! Whenever this hallucination ends, I'm going to the doctor for a checkup! Until then, I'll just try and survive this stupid mushroom trip, or whatever it is.

Luckily it doesn't seem like any of these... things have noticed me yet. I can probably still find a way to get out of here. I just have to muster up the courage to get out of this alley. As interesting as all of these... things? People? Whatever they are! As interesting as they are, I think I found the most interesting so far. Is that one a walking TV?!

I mean at least he seems dressed as some sort of CEO or something. Nice suit. Ha ha! Holy shit I'm losing it! I wonder if I can watch my evening drama in that screen. As that thought comes to my mind, I realize the walking TV makes eye contact with me. At first, he looks confused, and then intrigued. I should probably be worried. As different as I think he looks, I probably look more out of place. I see him walking toward me for a second but then he seems to vanish in a spark.

"That thing can fucking teleport?! Of course it can." I mutter to myself. Great! How can I escape it if I don't know where it's coming from?!

"More like travel through electric cables. Also, he, not IT." As clear as day the words are spoken behind me after the sound of another spark. I turn around and he is brushing off some dust on his shoulder. "Yooooou must be new here. Name's Vox." He extends his hand out to shake mine, a pleasant smile across his screen.

I'm... talking... to a talking TV? My eyes move back and forth from his screen to his hand, unsure of exactly what to do. If I must continue going along with this acid trip... or whatever it is..., would it benefit me to befriend the TV?

"(y/n)." I say in a very unconfident manner as I give him my hand, which he shakes as if we were starting a business deal.

"Holy shit! You're so warm! Like, incredibly warm." Vox finally let's go of my hand and crosses his arms across his chest. "So, how did you die? I'd guess housefire if you're still this warm, but you don't... look like you've been in a housefire. If you know what I mean." He tilts his head, interested in what I would say in response.

"How did I... I'm not dead!" I respond. I notice Vox's screen glitch for a second and then he looks surprised. "I didn't die! I think my stupid dad must have either had too much weed smoke in the house or accidentally gave me the wrong mushrooms for my lunch salad and I am just on the worst trip of my life."

Vox starts laughing, holding his stomach as if he can't stop. It's infuriating. "Oh my god! There's... there's no way you're here and you're still alive. You've gotta have something, right?" He seems more serious. "You're super strong? Or really fast? You can spit fire or some shit? Come on, there's no way you're just... human."

"There's no way I'm having a serious conversation with a walking TV, but here we are." I argue. "If I had some super cool power, don't you think I would've used that by now to get out of here?" I ask, crossing my arms.

He didn't respond right away. He's just staring at me. It's making me very uncomfortable. "That means... you... you still have your human soul. Do you have any idea how powerful that is here?" He's pacing back and forth. I don't think he's even talking to me anymore as much as he's talking to himself. "With you... the V's would be unstoppable. We'd be at the top, baby! Fuck yeah! No more overlords telling us what to do!" Yeah, he's definitely not talking to me anymore.

The more I listen, the more I realize that Vox won't benefit me, or help me get out of here. I slowly start backing away from him as he talks more about his plan, something to do about V's and overlords. Once I think I'm at a safe enough distance I start running. I don't know where I am running too, but I know I'm running away from Vox. I can tell when he finally realizes I don't plan on staying, I can hear his laugh.

"Oooooh you little b-b-bitch! You can't out r-r-run m-m-me!" It sounds like Vox is glitching as he gets angrier. I can hear the static noise again as I run, knowing he is probably traveling through cables to cut me off.

Is there a place I can go that doesn't have these cables?!

"This way!" I hear a woman's voice yell from a far distance. It looks like she is slightly up a hill, waving at me. I know I can't trust Vox, and if she is trying to get me away from him, she has to be good, right? This is at least the safer of the two options for now.

I start running in her direction, noticing the weight of my feet as I run as fast as I can. My legs are getting tired. Usually in my dreams I don't feel these things, why am I feeling them now?

I must have at least gotten far enough, because I can hear his voice again from behind me. I probably reached an area that he doesn't have electrical access to.

"You think you'll be safe at that stupid hotel?! We'll see for h-how long, (y-y/n)!" He yells through his glitches at me as I continue to run.

I am incredibly winded by the time I make it to the woman waving me down, it takes me some time to catch my breath. I can't believe how realistic this all feels, I have a slight laugh.

The girl runs up to me, her purple tinted skin, one beautiful eye and long silver hair an interesting combination. I guess around here that's normal though and I'm the one out of place. "Are you okay?" She asks.

"I just can't believe how long this hallucination is lasting. I can't wait for it to be done and to wake up and share this crazy dream with (fiancé's name)." I told the girl in my dream.

Her face looks confused and a bit mortified. "I... I think you're confused." I look at her, still a bit winded. "You feel tired and sore because everything that has been happening to you is real. It's not a dream, or a hallucination. You must be new. There's never an easy way to say this to anyone... so..." She smiles very big at me and puts her arms out. "Welcome to Hell!" She sounds so chipper.

There's no way. She is wrong. This had to be a dream... because... "I-I don't belong here!"  

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