Chapter 24: I'm a f**king stupid naive girl.

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I am indeed a naive girl. A stupid naive girl. I think I've gotten too used to being here that I've forgotten where I am. Everyone is here for a reason; I shouldn't be so trusting. It would be better if I thought everyone had bad intentions and was pleasantly surprised instead. But no, I'm a fucking stupid naive girl.

I'm starting to wake up, but I still feel a little groggy. How long have I been asleep? I'm not sure what that anesthetic in the car was, but it sure did the job. I blink a few times and look around. This looks like a meeting room. The long table, many chairs, and is it surrounded by a fish tank? I was expecting windows, but they look like some sort of strange sharks swimming around.

"Ah, she's waking up." I hear the same female British voice I heard in the car. As I look around the room closer, I can see Velvet, Val, and Vox. How many V's are there? I hope it's not every chair in this room. I recognize these three though. I recall I haven't had any positive interactions with any of them, especially Vox. The farther away I can be from them the better.

I try to move but it seems I'm tied to the chair I'm sitting in. My hands are behind my back and my feet are tied to the pole of the chair. This is a bit uncomfortable. The more I pull the more uncomfortable it becomes.

"Welcome back." I hear Val say with a laugh. My attention is moved from the restraints of the chair to him. The smile he has makes me nervous. "Seems like we have quite a bit to discuss with you. I'd recommend you cooperate." He threatens. It looks like he has a firearm on the table. Along with some sort of white powder lined up in small lines. I don't even want to know.

"Or you'll kill me?" I ask. I probably shouldn't be reminding them of this, but I also don't want to die here. "If I die all my power goes away. That wouldn't be very smart." I explain. No one really knows if that's true, but we do know what I'm capable of now. At least Alastor and I know. I don't want to lose that.

"There are things worse than death." Vox finally speaks up as he puts his drink on the table. "I can broadcast your screams all over Hell to lure Alastor out. I don't care how I have to get those screams." Vox is making direct eye contact with me. Velvet is scrolling through her phone and Val is straightening the lines of powder he has on the table.

"But maybe we don't have to resort to that." Vox starts as he picks up his drink and twirls his chair, so his entire body is facing me. "We've been watching you for some time when you leave the hotel. You don't seem far from Alastor for long. It's been difficult finding a time and creating a situation where we could nab you." He takes a sip of his drink. "You performed in Cannibal Town and seemed to have a pretty powerful effect on your audience. How do you do it?"

I must be careful how I answer. I can't control anyone without Alastor's staff, but if they know that will they result to violence? "I'm still figuring it out." I lie. "That's why I was out performing when Velvet found me."

"Well, you weren't doing a good job at keeping that crowd under control." Velvet finally moves her focus from her phone to me. She seems skeptical of my explanation. I need to be vigilant of her.

"I know." I agree. "I was testing it out. I played an instrument at that time. When I had control of the residents in the bar at Cannibal Town I was singing. I wonder if that causes the difference." I wonder if that will be convincing.

Vox finishes his drink and stands up, walking closer to me as he speaks. "But Alastor wasn't under your control. Just everyone else." He pulls the chair out that's next to mine and sits next to me, leaning too close for my liking. If I could push myself away I would, but my feet are tied up. "Why didn't it work on Alastor?" Vox asks me.

"I don't know." He doesn't seem pleased with that answer. "I've only been here about a week. How long has Alastor been here?" I question Vox. "He's probably much stronger than I am." I explain.

"Your living soul should be more powerful than anything he can throw at you." Vox argues. He seems more irritated.

"How so?!" I argue back. "It's not like I understand exactly how to utilize this newfound power yet. I couldn't even get you to-" I stop mid-sentence as I realize both Val and Velvet are looking at me with confusion. Did Vox not tell them what he tried to do to me last time I was here?

Vox's eyes are looking at his two colleagues. I think they have a few questions for him. There's an awkward silence in the room for a few seconds. Finally, Vox snaps. "What?!" He yells at Val and Velvet. "She fucking started it!" He motions towards me.

"Excuse me?!" I snap back. I don't feel very threatening in this position. "I was obviously under some sort of drug, or something, brought on by moth pimp over there!" I motion my head towards Val.

"Doesn't change the fact that you made the first move." Vox snidely argues with a smirk.

I'm upset that Vox isn't entirely wrong. If I die, I'm absolutely ending up right back in this chair. "Oh, fuck you, Vox." I state sharply as I glare at him.

"That's one way I can broadcast your screams." Vox bites back. This fucking guy and his fucking nerve!

"Vox, put it away and back up. Jesus." Velvet seems annoyed with Vox as she puts her phone on the table. Not face down, but it's actually out of her hands. "Here's what we're going to do. Vox, you're going to broadcast her performance and utilize your hypnotic hold during the broadcast. Your televised hypnosis combined with her ability to manipulate an audience will help us find Alastor. If we can get him to actually look at the screen, we may even be able to get Alastor under our control as well with her help." Velvet seems like the brains of this operation. I'm concerned that her plan could actually work. We've only ever tried combining my abilities with Alastor's, not anyone else's. It sounds like Vox might be a problem.

"Put her in a skimpy outfit." Val says out of nowhere. Everyone in the room, including me, is looking at Val confused. Does he even notice?

"Val, why?" Velvet asks in an annoyed tone.

"If you're going to put her on TV and have her perform, put her in something cute that shows a lot of skin. The Radio Demon will hate it." Whatever white substance that was on the table before is gone. Val laughs. "We've seen him get mad at her in a tank top. Imagine broadcasting her to all of Hell in even less. He'll have to watch the TV." At first, I thought he was just being an ass, but he's being a mischievous ass.

"How long have y'all been watching me?!" I frantically ask the trio.

"Anytime you left the hotel. Vox tech is everywhere." Velvet explains calmly. She seems to be considering Val's idea. "Fine. Val show me something that you think will work and I'll get it." She agrees.

This isn't going to end well, is it?  

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