Chapter 8: I'm sure I can help your power grow.

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Synopsis of Previous Chapter: If you skipped the previous chapter, here's what happened (the clean version).

You went with Angel to his work so that you could confront his boss, Valentino. Unfortunately, the red smoke in the room made you feel out of sorts, and you struggled with the most basic movements. Everything felt really nice, but you didn't feel like yourself. Because of how this smoke affected you, you're positive this wasn't the same red smoke. Vox ended up finding you in the building and tried to keep you captive. However, Alastor was able to get into Vox's workroom remotely and shut down all the televisions in the room, including Vox. You used this vulnerability to escape the V's tower and head back to the hotel.

Alastor was very upset seeing what Vox was trying to do to you. So much so that he revealed himself, proving to them that he was still alive. He was so upset that he had trouble controlling his appearance. He continues to have trouble figuring out why you are getting to him so much.

Now, onto the show!


Your POV

All I can think to do is to never stop running. Never stop running until I get through those hotel doors.

"Take off the bra!" I hear someone yell as I pass them. Of course. Why wouldn't I expect something like that here?

I think about responding with a good 'fuck you,' but maybe I should save any energy I have to make it back to the hotel.

Once I finally hit those double doors, I fly through them and fall onto the first couch I can find, trying to catch my breath.

"Huh... so... did you get yourself a job then, girlie?" I hear Husk ask from the bar. I can't see him from where I'm lying on the couch, but I can still feel that sarcastic smirk that everyone seems to own down here.

"Ooooooh yeah. You know me! I walked right in and demanded a role!" Might as well learn to go with it, right? I sit up and look at him, leaning my arms over the back of the couch. This way I can look at Husk but keep myself covered to the best of my ability until I decide to move and find another shirt. "I just can't wait until my debut goes public. I'll be sure to let you know when it hits cable." I smirk; just how far can I take this joke?

Husk lets out a small laugh. "Not bad, girlie. Not bad." He puts a glass away and starts wiping down the bar. "But seriously though, what happened? Where's the rest of your clothes?" I can't tell if he's concerned or curious.

"I'd really rather not talk about it." I groan, defeated. "Let's just say that it wasn't the same red smoke that my dad was surrounded in. I can guarantee that." I look around the lobby a bit. "No one else around right now?" I question.

"Angel's still at work, Niffty's around here somewhere, and Charlie and Vaggie are upstairs doing who knows what right now." Husk clarifies.

"I see, and Alastor?" I ask him.

Husk lets out one small laugh and looks at me. "Alastor? He doesn't really hang around unless there's something to be gained." Husk opens himself up a bottle of whiskey and takes a drink.

"Interesting concept." I mutter, though I'm sure Husk heard my comment, considering the look he's giving me.

"Look, I'm not lying!" Husk says as he takes another drink. "He's an overlord. He's only going to do things that benefit him in the long run. I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for-"

"Goodness, little lamb! Aren't you even cold?" I can hear Alastor's voice from behind me. How often does he just appear out of nowhere?! Before I can even turn to look at him, I can feel a fabric over my shoulders. It looks like a nice stripped red coat. Did Alastor give me his coat?

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