Chapter 33: Let it be by my hand.

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I tilt my head, intrigued at Alastor's request. "I wasn't aware there was a deal you had going on that you want out of. That's interesting." I begin. "How do you think I can help?" I ask.

Before he explains more, Alastor seems distracted. His ear twitches and he seems more focused on the background jazz that's been happening this entire time. He stands up and holds his hand out to me.

I'm a little confused; are we going somewhere new? I put my hand in his and stand up, following him. He walks to a more open area of the bar where there are no tables or chairs in the way and faces me again. He puts one hand on my waist and the other still holding my hand, up higher roughly where my shoulder is.

"Oh no no no no." I protest, finally seeing where this is going. "I play and sing, I don't dance. I was gifted with two left feet."

"We'll start slow. Just follow my lead." Alastor isn't going to take my no for an answer. I spend the first few seconds focused on our feet, trying to make sure I'm not going to step on his toes. I'm not pulled away from my focus until he starts talking again.

"Understand, the deal I have does benefit me, but I didn't realize my end of the bargain was going to be so much work." Alastor begins explaining. "Unlike Lucifer and Charlie, I was not born here. I was sent here because of my murderous nature. A mortal soul. We become a lot less powerful once we're resorted down to a dead mortal soul. As much as I'd hate to admit it, I'm not yet powerful enough to overthrow Lucifer. At least by myself." I don't want to interrupt him. I'm doing my best to focus on what he's saying while still doing my best to keep in step. I'm doing a pretty good job if I do say so myself!

"There's one more player that you may have noticed is missing in Charlie's life. Her mother, Lilith. Just like Lucifer, she is extremely powerful. She's given me the power to be able to make as many simultaneous deals as I please. This helps me become more powerful and a threat to every other overlord in Hell." So far this makes sense.

"And what did she ask of you?" I ask.

"My job is to protect Charlie while Lilith is preoccupied. The deal ends when Lilith returns. What's nice about that is when my commitment to protecting Charlie is over my power should still remain." He seems annoyed. "Before I knew Charlie was going to start her Hazbin Hotel endeavor it was going to be such an easy job. But now, she's involved with Heaven and bringing demons into her care that may not be looking for a room for a redeeming reason. I even had to turn one of my longtime friends away because she's been known to bring trouble with her. I couldn't risk Charlie getting caught in the crosshairs. Getting Charlie to make a deal with me for her soul is out of the question, since that would not count under Lilith's definition of protecting her daughter." That's understandable.

"I think I'm starting to understand." I chime in, still in step as Alastor and I dance around the deserted bar. "So, you want to get Lilith to return so that your deal ends, but she won't return because she knows her daughter is protected by the most powerful overlord and her own father." Seems like her mom really thought this through. "Where is Lilith now?" I ask Alastor.

"She wants to avoid Lucifer so much that she's hiding out in the one place he can't go." Alastor explains.

"She's hiding in Heaven? Seriously?! How is that even allowed?" The rules truly are a shade of gray when it comes to Heaven and Hell, aren't they?

"That I'm unsure." Alastor admits. Now that I have the basics of our dance down, I don't feel like I have to be as concerned about stepping on his feet. He does throw me for a loop by lifting his arm and leading me into a twirl. It takes me a step or two to figure out how to get from that back to our earlier rhythm, but I think I'll get the hang of it. "But you can easily manipulate Charlie." Alastor begins explaining. "I can't have you hurt her, otherwise I've put her in harm's way. But I'm sure you could manipulate Charlie to do other things that would make her mother come running."

"I see." So, this is how he needs my help. I'm glad we're in agreement that Charlie shouldn't be harmed, but I'll admit it's not going to feel great making her do things against her will that she won't be proud of. But it'll be for the best, and I can make sure Charlie's antics don't get too out of hand, hopefully. "I think I can help you with that." I say to Alastor with a smile.

"Splendid." He twirls me again and this time I flawlessly transition back into our normal steps. "Also, you're becoming quite the dancer." He compliments. "There's one last thing I want to ask you. As a precaution."

"Lay it on me." I feel like I'm on cloud nine right now. Alastor and I are in a great spot in our relationship, more open and honest than ever, and I'm even going to be able to help him with something he's been struggling with. One final detail to go over to make sure this is successful? Absolutely!

"I don't know how the power dynamic works out between your living human soul and Lilith." Alastor begins. "You have so much power here in Hell, how you are. But Lilith does as well. I honestly don't know who is stronger. There's a chance she will overpower you. There's a chance you could die." He stops dancing, but he still doesn't let go of me.

"If Lilith kills you, I believe she would send you to Heaven with the connections she's created since she's been there. I wouldn't see you again." Alastor seems distraught by that thought.

"None of this is a question, just a very depressing explanation of what could be." I point out. This would not be the outcome I would want either.

"I know." I can feel his hand hold mine a little tighter. "If things aren't looking good. If it looks like there's a scenario where you might die..." Even though we aren't dancing anymore he still takes this moment to dip me as if we were. He's looking straight into my eyes with such seriousness but also such adoration. "...let it be by my hand. Not hers."

"You...want to kill me?" I ask slowly. Why does my heart feel like it's beating so quickly? Am I scared? Or am I so screwed up by now that somehow, I find this romantic?

"I don't want this outcome at all. But if it must happen, this is how I want it to happen." Alastor explains. He still hasn't lifted me up. "I promise, I will make it as painless as possible." I believe him. If anyone were to have experience in this area it would be him. As much as I don't want to think of the specifics, I'm sure he's had enough practice to learn how people feel in their final moments under different circumstances.

Am I insane? When a mass murderer asks a human being politely if he can kill them, the correct answer is no, right? But how many times lately have I asked myself if I'm even human anymore? The same rules I knew on Earth don't apply here. But there's a right answer here...

"You have my consent." Yep, I've lost my ever-loving mind. "Just be gentle, it will be my first time dying." I joke.

Alastor chuckles at my poor attempt at an uncomfortable dying joke. He leans in closer and gives me one long passionate kiss, just the privacy between the two of us. Once he pulls away, he lifts me up from the dip and rests his forehead on mine. His eyes are closed, and he seems much more relaxed. "You're absolutely perfect for me." He says quietly.  

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