Chapter 13: Let's make a deal.

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Still His POV

She's holding onto my arm as we walk back to the hotel. I can feel the eyes of others on me, I'm sure they're all wondering. I'm wondering as well. She rests her head against my arm and laughs.

"So, you're an overlord." She manages to get the words out after giggling. "What exactly is an overlord?" It is a good question.

"Someone who has more power in Hell than others." It's a simple answer, but she doesn't need to know the nitty gritty details.

"Well, you heard everything about my interest in power earlier. Whatever. Hold it over me all you want, I don't care." She still has her head leaning against my arm. She must be talking about her time at the night club. I don't have any recollection of this conversation.

"Remind me again about your interest in power?" Maybe she'll say it twice.

"That's so mean, Alastor." She mumbles as she sighs. "The whole being attracted to people who hold power? Who have control? You need to pay attention better." I love that this is happening.

"My apologies, I do need to pay attention better." Though that's very interesting. Most people are attracted to someone's eyes, smile, body. For her, it's power? Control? I never thought of attraction in that sense. Maybe that's why I feel different around her.

I wonder if she'll remember any of this conversation. She's a bit of a liability right now. I don't want her saying the wrong thing to someone. "I should've paid attention better when you were talking about me too. But unfortunately, I wasn't." I look down at her. "What exactly were you saying about me?" I hope it's nothing serious.

"Hey..." Did she even hear my question? She finally lifts her head off my arm and looks at me, still holding on. "If you had to pick someone, or you'd double die, gun to your head or whatever, who would you fuck to stay alive?"

"Ah, what now?" Is this what they were talking about in there? They were at the club for hours! Surely, they had better things to talk about. She doesn't look like she wants to move to another topic. I have to find a way to end this thought quickly. "You underestimate how powerful I am, little lamb. If anyone made such a threat, I'd kill them." Hopefully that's good enough.

"Ugh, imagine an overlord more powerful than you." She tries again.

"Impossible." I challenge.

"Fine. It's me. I'm holding a gun to your head." She takes her hand and shapes it into finger guns, touching my temple with her fingers. "Alastor, if you want to survive, you dirty sinner, you must fuck. Or you die!" Is her voice supposed to sound intimidating? It sounds like a horrible actress trying to sound tough. It's actually funny. But I did say...

I easily grab hold of her wrists and push her back against the brick wall of the building we're next to. I hear her body thud against the wall. Her feet can't touch the ground, but she's not kicking. I didn't think I pushed her that hard, but maybe I should be more careful.

"I'd easily kill you and not think twice about it." I point my staff at her chest. "Once you die, assuming you'd still be here, I'd kill you again. Then I would go back to the hotel and continue with my daily activities like nothing happened." Strange... I don't think I really would. I don't make empty threats. Except this... why?

She's breathing a little heavier, looking up at me. I frightened her, obviously. But when I frighten people, they don't look like this. Her face looks a little flushed. I recall her earlier words, she likes someone powerful, someone in control. She's not afraid. Is she...?

"No, you wouldn't." She interrupts my thought process. "I know you've enjoyed having me around. If nothing else, I'm entertaining to you. Also, I can make you stronger. You can make me stronger. We're... good for each other." She isn't wrong. "You'd be sad to see me leave, wouldn't you?" She questions.

I know I should have kept the frustrating growl in, but how is she getting to me? My grip tightened on her wrists for a second before I let her go. "What I feel shouldn't matter to you." I begin walking back to the hotel. I know she's only a step behind me. "You should be worried about making it back home." I remind her.

"Oh yeah? To what?" She argues. "A dad that will throw my entire life away for a moment of happiness to see his dog? A job as a store clerk hoping for night gigs to keep up with bills? A life regretting that my music degree isn't enough? A partnership where..." I stop walking and turn around. She's not crying, but she is upset. "A life partner that will constantly try their hardest, but no matter what, I'll never be enough." She sure is sharing a lot, and I can see that it's personal as she holds her arms together.

"You don't want to go back anymore, do you?" I ask.

"I..." She seems a bit lost. "I have to. I can't have my fiancé wondering where I've been. They've probably called the police by now and I've been reported as a missing person. I need to go back." She clarifies.

"Hm... It sounds like you only want to go back to make them happy. Not yourself." I walk closer to her. "But what if none of them remembered you?" I propose. This seems to intrigue her.

"What exactly do you mean?" She questions.

"If your dad, extended family, fiancé, friends, had no memory of you. You'd have much more freedom." I look at my staff. "You could either return back and start a brand-new life, or, if you wanted, you could stay here." She seems to be considering the idea.

"That... actually..." She doesn't want to say it out loud, but she likes the idea.

"Then, let's make a deal." I propose. Her eyes get a bit big; I know she's been warned not to make deals, but this is something that intrigues her. "I'll make it so anyone back in the living world that has any memory of you no longer remembers anything about you. Your dad won't remember having a daughter, your fiancé won't remember being engaged. Your classmates, friends, won't have any memory of you."

"In exchange?" Yes!

"I want to learn more about what a living human soul is capable of. If you find a way to go home and you still want to, you can. After I'm satisfied with everything I've learned." I hold my hand out to her.

She thinks about it for a little bit. "Five days." She states. "I want a definitive end date. You can learn more about what power I have here as much as you want. But if I find a way to go home, and I want to, I can leave five days from now regardless of how much you've learned." For being a drunk girl, she still has some brain cells left.

"Fine. I'll erase the memories of those in the living world that know you, so you can return and start a new life, or remain here, if you choose. In exchange, I get five days to learn as much as I want about your power." I still have my hand extended. "Is it a deal?"

It took a few seconds, but eventually. "Deal." Her hand clasps mine.  

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