Chapter 29: Itty, bitty favor.

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Okay hang on, is Lucifer threatening to kill me right now? I've come to terms that I will die; everyone obviously does! But right here? Right now?!

Alastor is quickly off the couch and standing between me and Lucifer. I can't see his expression, but I've seen that green glow before, he's not fucking around.

"Great, I get to kick your ass too!" Lucifer says with a happy laugh. I don't know the power dynamics here, but I would imagine that Lucifer is probably not someone to fuck with. As fun and silly as he seems, he's depicted as THE devil for good reason, I'm sure.

"Don't do this!" I don't know how much sway I have on either of them. But I do worry about Alastor, especially if he won't worry about himself. "There has to be a better way to resolve this." Hopefully.



All Lucifer is worried about is her power, her ability. With her, how she is now, we can overthrow him, and he knows it. If he kills her that power goes away. I can't have that.

A better way? Oh, but there is. Someone owes me an itty, bitty favor. Between friends of course.

"Oh, Charlie." I can tell she's concerned about the situation. She doesn't like resorting to violence. The silly girl. "One itty, bitty favor at a time of my choosing where you harm no one, remember?" I ask her.

"What are you talking about?" Lucifer is now concerned. Of course, it involves his daughter.

"Uh y-yeah." Charlie seems hesitant. Vaggie looks like she wants to stab me where I stand. Keeping peace in Hell is just impossible, isn't it?

"Oh, you'll appreciate my request. It's in line with your redemption goal." I explain to her. "Can you just make sure that your dear old dad can't harm any guest of the hotel?" I still don't want to risk Lucifer getting close to my little lamb. If he makes a move for her, I will do what I can to protect her.

"You don't want him to hurt (y/n)?" Charlie questions. Frustrating. Do I have to spell it out for her?

"Not just her, any guest of the hotel. Staff, customers, owners." Lucifer looks shocked, good. "And not just when they're in the hotel. If they are a welcomed guest of the hotel by either me or you, they cannot be harmed even if they leave the premises. Because remember, we started the hotel together, and we'll welcome guests to the hotel together." I look over at Charlie. "You do know the consequences of a bad deal, right?" I remind her. My little lamb looks curious, there may be a day I have to explain this to her.

"Just what do you think you're doing roping my little girl into your mess?" Lucifer is rightfully angry. If I had a daughter, I would probably do anything I could to protect her and make her happy. But I also wouldn't be stupid enough to let her make such an open deal. I can tell he's only a moment away from blasting me into oblivion. If he does or doesn't, it's still a win for me.

"Dad! No!" Charlie intervenes, standing in front of her dad and pushing him away from me. Good, I didn't want him making my shirt dirty with his disgusting fingers.

"Ch-Charlie." Lucifer looks at his daughter. He no longer looks like he wants to kill me, he just wants her to be happy. What a dedicated father, and what a weakness to have.

"Just, please." Charlie asks Lucifer. "At least for now."

I can see the conflict in Lucifer's face. He knows he's no longer the most powerful and I love that he knows it. But he also knows that if he harms my little lamb, I'll harm the thing he cares about more than anything.

Lucifer focuses his attention back on me, his red eyes gone but the anger is still there. "This isn't over Alastor." He threatens.

"I'm well aware." Of course it's not over, Hell is not yet under my rule.


Your POV

I don't know if I would call this a resolution, but at least no one seems likely to die or double die tonight. The tension between some in the group and the confusion about how others should feel is sure making the large lobby feel small.

Without any further explanation, Lucifer takes his leave. Vaggie is comforting Charlie, who seems sad that she had to stand up against her dad, somewhat against her own will. The two of them take their leave, which causes the rest of the group to dissipate into other areas of the hotel.

I stand, getting ready to recommend that we should probably leave and talk as well, but Alastor is one step ahead of me, as usual. Within a blink we're no longer in the lobby, but my hotel room. "Is that what it's like when you travel through shadows?" I ask Alastor. "It's just... instant?"

"Sometimes." Alastor responds, taking a seat on the bed with a sigh, his hands running through his hair and holding onto his ears. It's interesting seeing him when he doesn't have his walls up. Even though he's always smiling on the outside, I don't think he always is on the inside.

Seeing him move now that he's not wearing his jacket I notice the marks on his arms. They look recent and painful. Are they burn marks from Vox's electricity earlier?

I walk up to Alastor and take a closer look at his arms. He seems confused. "What are you doing?" He asks.

"Were these from earlier?" I lightly run my hand over the burns. "I'm sorry. You wouldn't have gotten these if I wasn't so fucking stupid." I flip his arm a few times, seeing that there are quite a few. I put his staff together by healing it, I wonder if I can heal this too.

I'm trying to remember how Alastor explained it. Think that I'm the only thing that can mend this, the only one that can make this better. Truly believe that. As I focus, I keep slowly moving my hand up and down his arm, which lights up a golden glow as the burns slowly fade away.

"You learn quickly." Alastor compliments. Now that his arms are healed, he grabs my chin and pulls me close to him, giving me a small kiss. "Thank you." That sounds sincere.

"Y-yeah. Of course." I stutter, a little thrown off.

"If I'm not asking too much of you..." Alastor begins as he pulls his shirt over his head. There are more burn marks on his back and chest. " would be very helpful to have these healed as well."

I know I've seen him shirtless before, on a couple of occasions. But it's still a view I can appreciate when I'm given the chance.

"Little lamb?" Alastor questions. Oops, I've probably stared for too long!

"Oh! Sorry, yeah. Not a problem!" I sit on the bed next to him and start working on healing his wounds from the earlier battle. After a good minute or two he's all healed up.

"Perfect." Alastor seems pleased as he starts straightening out his shirt again.

"You know, I should probably look you over. Just to make sure you don't have any other burns that need healing." I interrupt his process as he looks over at me. I shrug. "I'd hate knowing you weren't fully healed. So... you know... pants need to come off. Otherwise, I didn't thoroughly check." He should be able to understand where I'm going with this, right?

Alastor chuckles, I think he understands. He leans over to me and slides the coat I've borrowed from him off my shoulders and down my arms. "I believe a thorough investigation is in order." I'm glad we're in agreement.  

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