Chapter 42: I love you too!

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"Lilith." Sera says as she begins to calm down. Hearing this I relinquish the hold I have on my audience, the angels around the room slowly getting their bearings. Sera runs her hands over her crown, takes a deep breath, and she seems more relaxed. No extra eyes. "Elaborate, please?" She asks.

"Charlie and Lucifer are down there doing everything they can to keep him from causing too much destruction and mayhem. But somehow, it's like he's tapped into a second source of power. Something we haven't seen before and something we didn't anticipate." Lilith begins explaining. She sounds a bit worried. I'm sure it wasn't easy leaving Charlie, but someone had to come explain what's happening.

"And I'm guessing he's upset because she's here?" Sera asks in an extremely unamused tone. I shoot her a glare. Well, what do you think, you bitch?

"Well, what do you think, you bitch?" Lilith responds. Whoa! Okay, Lilith might not be so bad! "You stole a soul from Hell! There's no way you've watched everything that's happened and still think that the outcome you want is the correct outcome." Lilith argues.

"If you don't resolve this soon, he's going to destroy Hell, take as much power as he can, and then he's coming here next." This seems to put the angels in fearful discussions with each other. "He's going to destroy the fabric of Heaven and Hell as we know it, all thanks to your selfish decisions." Lilith seems angry at Sera.

There doesn't seem like much I have to say at this point, Lilith is doing it for me. Go Lilith!

"Sera." Emily's soft voice interrupts Sera's thoughts as she looks at the small girl. "Let her go. This is the best decision for Heaven. For us. For her." She says as she looks at me with a smile. "Do you think you can help prevent this tragedy?" She asks.

"I know I can." I say confidently to Emily. "Not that some of you deserve it." I mutter to myself.

Sera nods. "Then go." A portal opens next to Lilith. Now's my chance!

Before I leave, I look at my mom one more time, fly over to her, and give her the biggest hug. "Just wanted one more." I say as I hold her tight. "I love you."

"I love you too." She says with a smile as we pull apart. "Go do great things." She encourages me. I'm glad she's happy and healthy. I know she's going to be okay. I know I'm going to be okay.

I had plans to fly through the portal, but Lilith stops me. "I wouldn't recommend that. You're going to lose those wings permanently once you go through." Better to hear it now than fly through guns blazing only to end up skidding on the street!

"Thanks for the warning." I say as I land. "Fun while it lasted." I joke. I run through and look around, trying to figure out exactly where I am. I don't know if I've been on this side of town before. The streets don't look familiar to me. I try looking up at the pentagram in the sky to see if that would help me with any direction, and of course it doesn't. What did I really expect?

I look down at my hands again. My skin tone seems a greyish-blue color. Different from both when I was living and my brief stint in Heaven. I can't tell if anything else is different or not just yet, but I'm sure there's something. Just like there seemed to be something while I was in Heaven. Lilith was right, the wings I had while I was in Heaven are gone.

I take a second to look at my reflection in a building tinted window. I definitely look different. I look like a small lamb. I think I look adorable. Dark eyes, floofy hair, and these cute ears! I even have a tail! Demons are going to mistake me for powerless and that will be their downfall. But I can worry about that for another time.

It doesn't take me long to realize which direction I should be heading. Demons are running away like their lives depend on it. Probably because it does. Under normal circumstances it would be wise to not run towards danger, but I'm truly hoping I can help prevent this disaster.

I'm not sure if Lilith is following me or not, I just start running. I run as fast as my legs allow me. I have to weave through demons who are fleeing, which is just confirmation that I must be going the right way. As I continue, I can see explosions of buildings and large fires. I must be getting close.

I finally get to a more open area than the crowded streets. Looking around I can see Charlie and Lucifer. I'm glad they don't look injured. It looks like they're doing their best to play defense and prevent as much damage and carnage as possible.

"Charlie!" I yell as I run up to her. She's holding a shield and turns her head to me, a huge smile on her face.

"You're here!" She must recognize my voice. Once that excitement goes away her expression changes to sadness. "I'm so sorry for earlier. I'll never forgive myself! You didn't deserve-" Oh goodness she's adorable, I have to stop this.

"Charlie, I forgive you. You did what you had to do. I'm fine. Let's focus on stopping the mayhem, yeah?" I smile at her.

I can see the tears start to build up in her eyes as she nods at me. I'm glad she's forgiven me for my earlier actions towards her as well.

This small moment is interrupted by demon body parts flying through the air, buildings being toppled over and blood pouring through the streets. Holy shit, Alastor.

"Ladies, now might be a good time to let her go talk to him, don't you think? I'm seconds away from killing this bastard." Lucifer interrupts us. I knew Lucifer was powerful, but to think that even in this situation he's confident that he could easily stop this carnage is a bit terrifying to think of. Also, I didn't come all this way to lose Alastor!

"I'm going, I'm going!" I say frantically as I push my legs to start running again. I run to the next block, which finally gives me the clearest view of what is happening.

I figured when I found him, he would look like a demonic monster. The size of a small building, staff embedded in his hand, tentacles toppling buildings, eyes looking for anything that moves that he can smash or tear apart. Yeah, that's about what I expected. Did he... just eat that demon? Okay, that I didn't expect.

"Al!" I yell, but that doesn't seem to get his attention. I'm probably getting drowned out because of the screams of everyone else around. I sigh and run to get closer. Once I'm finally close enough I see his eyes shift to me. I don't think he realizes who I am. It looks like he's going to crush me with one of those giant tentacles. God damnit, Al.

"Alastor!" I yell at him again, this time a little more forcefully. This seems to have gotten the reaction I expected. He stops everything he's doing, frozen in shock. The demons who are around seem confused by this change in behavior, but they're using this chance to escape. I still stand in my place.

"I'm sorry, I left before I got to tell you..." I still feel like I have to yell, but at least this seems to be working. I'm glad he values me this much. It makes me smile.

"...I love you too!" 

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