Chapter 44: The happiest demon in Hell.

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Your POV

I didn't want to interrupt his conversation. Then once I realized what he was talking about and who he was talking to, I REALLY didn't want to interrupt his conversation. I wasn't sure how long I could hide behind this portal, and if I stayed too long, this cup of coffee was going to get cold. I heard my mom ask Alastor about when he planned to pop the question, and I figured this might be a good time to try and save him from further discomfort.

Though, I think my plan backfired. The look on his face once he saw me was brutal. It makes me think that he wants to be anywhere but here at this exact moment. What am I supposed to say?!

"Is this a bad time to tell you I brought you coffee?" I say quietly, showing the cup of coffee I brought.

"I... how long..." Oh, the poor man is a stuttering mess. He has one hand on his head, running his fingers through his hair, trying to find his words. I start walking towards him but before I can say anything else he disappears in the shadows.

"Oh, damnit Al!" I know I sound a little annoyed, but it's more just playful at this point. I can't really blame him for that reaction. I know all these emotions are still pretty new to him and he probably wants to handle this somewhere else. But, also, I don't like coffee. Now it's going to be cold.

"Hi honey!" I hear my mom through the other side of the portal. She sounds so chipper. It makes me laugh.

"Hi mom." I say as I look at her, still holding this cup of coffee I don't want. "So, who's idea was this... call?" I ask.

"Not mine." She shakes her head with a hand on her chest. "You be nice to him!" My mom jokingly threatens as she points at me.

I roll my eyes. "Trust me, I don't think it's me he's going to have to worry about. If word gets out of this, it'll be everyone else bombarding him that he has to worry about." I clarify. "I should probably go find him and try to save him from such a horrible fate." I say dramatically.

"You go do that then." My mom laughs as she waves. Before I say my final goodbye, I hear a panicky voice behind her. I've never heard this voice before.

"Oh oh oh! Is she still there?! Can I ask her something really quick?!" Who is that talking to her off screen?

"Oh yes, of course!" She says as she scoots over. A new gentleman stands next to my mom with an adorable little wave. He looks like a snake, maybe a cobra?

"This is Sir Pentious. He is very good friends with many people from the hotel." My mom explains.

"Oh! That's great! How did you...?" I tilt my head in a bit of confusion.

"I've been redeemed!" Sir Pentious says with excitement. I notice how when he blinks, his hat blinks too. "I didn't get a chance to say a proper goodbye or thank you to them. So, if it's not too much to ask, could you just tell Charlie that I said thank you very much? Tell everyone I enjoyed my time with them, and I hope I can see them soon, if they wish. And tell Miss Cherri that..." Sir Pentious seems to be struggling with that last part. I can tell by how his tone changed that he may have some special feelings for her. How adorable! But I've already ruined one man's confession today. I'm not going to ruin another! I will wait patiently.

"Tell her that... I'm glad that she didn't die in the battle! Okay bye!" Well, that ending sure seemed rushed as he ran right out of frame from the screen. Both me and my mom are at a loss for words.

"Is he going to be okay?" I ask my mom.

"Oh, he's going to be fine!" She waves her hand at me and smiles. "Now, go find Alastor. That poor man is probably stuck in his own thoughts trying to figure out what he's supposed to do now." She waves at me, and the portal disappears.

I'm not sure how often situations like this are allowed, but it's nice to know that I can have even minimal contact with her. I can't begin to explain how important it was for me to see her healthy after watching her pass from cancer. Who ever knew that my death and eternity in Hell would make me the happiest I could be?!

Now... to find Alastor.

I checked all the usual places around the hotel that I thought he would be hiding. I checked the lobby, both upstairs and downstairs. I checked his studio. I checked my hotel room and his room. Once the common places were checked I started searching further. Hallways, kitchen, dining room, a few empty hotel rooms just to be sure. But to no avail.

"Well, what the fuck?" I mutter, trying to think. Is he even in the hotel? Of course! That's where he would be hiding! But how do I get there? Last time he took me there he just snapped his fingers. I don't know if it will work the same.

Well, let's give it a try. I think of his secluded bar. The wood floors, the jazz in the background, the dim lights, close my eyes and snap my fingers. When I open my eyes I'm there, and so is he. Sitting at the bar swirling a rye whiskey.

I walk up and take the seat next to him. Before I can even get a word out, he lets out a little laugh. "Don't think your little snap let you in here. I knew you were looking for me." He clarifies. He waves his hand in front of him, materializes a vodka cranberry, and pushes it towards me.

"Well, thank you for letting me intrude on your private time in your sanctuary." I say sincerely, knowing that this place is important to him. I tap my fingers along the glass, not sure how to start this conversation.

"That was a bit unexpected." He starts. He takes a sip of his drink and slightly laughs. "You're going to keep me on my toes for all of eternity, aren't you?" His smile looks so genuine as he looks down at me.

"Only if you'll let me. I'm sure you'll do the same." I hold my glass up and move it closer to him. He gets the hint and clinks his glass against mine. We both take a sip, trying to think of the next step.

"Well, do you want to see it?" Alastor asks. That's a bit of a vague question and I'm not sure of the 'it' he's referring to. He takes his hand and puts it inside his jacket pocket, pulling out a small velvet black box. Oh! That kind of 'it.'

I put my hand over his, stopping the process. "Only if you're ready. There's no rush for this, you know." I try to put him at ease.

"Little lamb, I've been here for decades. I never thought I would feel this way for anyone. Now that I finally do, I can't wait to keep having these feelings. I want to keep having these feelings with you." He puts his hand on my cheek, and I can't help but lean into his touch. "So... I want to ask..." He opens the box and reveals a beautiful gold band diamond ring with two smaller red rubies on each side of the diamond.

"Would you make me the happiest demon in Hell and marry me?"  

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