Chapter 45: Shall we then? - Final Chapter

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A few months have gone by since that conversation in my secluded bar. It was a long night of celebration, dancing, and listening to her sing. Just for me. I'm sure a lucky man.

We ended up telling everyone in the hotel after a couple of days. It's not that we didn't have plans to tell others, but we were going to wait at least a little while. However, my adorable little lamb doesn't go anywhere without her ring now. Of course Charlie would notice.

Word spreads fast in Hell, so it's been interesting making sure I keep my status as the feared and powerful Radio Demon with the public knowledge of her existence and connection to me. Though, with the months we've spent together we've learned a lot about what she can still do and what she's no longer capable of now that she's a demon. Though she can't manipulate other demons on such a wide scale, her singing and playing still draw in demons long enough for us to do what needs to be done for those who cause us problems.

With her help, not only have I had no issues remaining one of the most powerful and feared demons, but she's been a powerhouse with me. Other demons first underestimate her, but she quickly proves herself a threat to anyone who questions her.

Charlie has been up in a frenzy since my little lamb told her about Sir Pentious. She now has the proof she was looking for that her plan works and has been trying to share the news with the rest of Hell. Most demons are still skeptical, so Charlie's been busy working on her next steps.

There has been some newly built interest in the hotel since the proof of Sir Pentious, but not a ton. We've had a few demons check in, and my little lamb has been helping Charlie and Vaggie with the bookkeeping and intake of new demons. She's been very helpful in keeping the two girls organized.

As of this moment right now, my little lamb wanted to watch a movie in the lobby. She knows that if my reflection shows in the screen her movie would end up a lost cause. Not that it really mattered, she ended up falling asleep roughly 45 minutes into the silly movie.

She looks so peaceful and comfy with her head on my lap. I've been running my hand up and down her arm while the movie continues to play. I was never really watching the film, but I can't get up either. Whenever this movie ends, I should really wake her up. We have more plans for the day. But until then...

"Aw, look at how cute hot stuff is when she's sleeping." Angel says quietly as he leans over the couch. He lets out a little laugh. "I never thought I'd see you so... relaxed? Happy? Content?" Angel can't seem to find the right word. His interference makes my eye twitch.

"I was relaxed, happy, and content until just a few seconds ago." I bite back, turning my head to look at him. "If you wake her up, I will tear your limbs apart and broadcast your screams for every other disrespectful wretch who dares to questions me." I threaten, still gently rubbing my hand up and down her arm.

"Jesus, calm down you insane strawberry pimp. I'm not going to wake her up." Angel waves his hands in defense. "Charlie wanted me to remind you about your reservation. She says time is getting close." He continues to speak quietly.

I hear her laugh, meaning she's awake. I look down at her and she's looking up at me with a big smile. "Strawberry pimp." She says as she laughs again. She sounds a little tired, probably still waking up a little.

I glare over at Angel. He woke her up. He knows the consequences. I know he's worried, I can see it in his face.

"Oh, stop scaring Angel. He didn't wake me up. I was already waking up." She waves her hand up at me, trying to get my attention away from him. "So... reservation, huh?" She questions with a smile.

I can't help but sigh and slightly laugh. "He's lucky for your generosity." I tease, getting flipped off by Angel. "Yes, I have a reservation for dinner today. We should probably start getting ready. Not a place for oversized t-shirts and pajama pants." I pull on her t-shirt sleeve as she sits up yawning.

"Okay okay, I'm going. I'll find something that's... not this." It sounds like she's trying to think it through.

"Hey hey hey wait a minute." Angel stops her from continuing, pointing at her hand. "Your ring has a new band..." He points out, then points to my hand. "And you have a wedding band. Did you two secretly get married without us?" Fuck.


Your POV

I feel much more awake, but even I wasn't ready for this yet. Shit. I told Alastor we should've held off wearing the new bands. But he insisted.

"WHAT?!" I hear Charlie yell from down the hall. How in the nine circles could she hear that from where she was. Well, now that this is happening, she'll probably be here in three...two...

Charlie comes running over to us in a panic. "Where?! When?! Why?!" She sounds a little upset. Vaggie calmly walks in the room, pulling Charlie back a bit.

"Give them some space, babe. My goodness." Vaggie says with a shake of her head.

I put my hands up in defense. "Where? In Cannibal Town, at Rosies Emporium. She was our officiant. When? Just a week ago. Why? We just wanted it to be a private event. At least as private as we could make it. We brought Husk!" I argued, knowing that statement would remove some attention from us. Luckily, it works! Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel all look at Husk, who is glaring at me before looking at all of them.

"They needed a witness! I was forced to go!" He yells.

"I like being forced." Niffty says as she hides behind the bar with Husk. It was loud enough for all of us to hear.

"Keep that to yourself." Husk crosses his arms and shakes his head at her.

"Now's our chance. Go go go." I whisper to Alastor, who understands and uses his shadows to move both of us from the lobby to our room.

Really, it's just my hotel room where he's moved most of his daily belongings. He still uses his hotel room as an office of some sort. I try my best to respect his privacy.

"Your reservation isn't in Cannibal Town, is it?" I question, opening my dresser and trying to decide what to wear for this.

"What if it was?" Alastor asks as he grabs his jacket off the coatrack. I can tell by the tone in his voice that he's bluffing.

"I'm not going to judge preferences and pallets here, but I do have limits. That is one thing I'm not ready to try." I say seriously as I pull out a pale blue turtleneck sweater. "Don't get me wrong, I like meat. But... not... that meat." I shiver at the thought.

Alastor's laugh grabs my attention as I start changing my outfit. The look in his eyes is playful and a bit lustful. "I know what meat you do like." He quips as he starts fixing up his bowtie.

I have a hand on my hip and a smirk on my face. "Well look who's getting feisty." I laugh. "Are we actually going to this reservation or am I jumping your bones now?" I tease.

"No, we're actually going." Alastor clarifies as he walks back towards me. He holds my chin and lifts it slightly, that look still in his eyes. "But I will absolutely be having my way with you when we get back."

"Well, I have no objections." I respond, getting a quick kiss before he opens the door.

"Shall we then?" He motions for me to go first.

"Yeah, let's go." I grab his hand on the way out, heading out for our dinner reservation.  

Thank you! (5/18/2024)

Thank you for reading through all 45 chapters and indulging in my idea for a story, I greatly appreciate every comment, favorite, read, and addition to your reading list. It's been a Hell of a ride and I've had a lot of fun!

I've started my second AlastorxReader story, You Won't Get Away Twice! Right now, it's a weekly chapter upload. Once I get closer to the final chapter's uploads will get quicker. If you liked this, I'd recommend giving it a try! 

Thank you all again and I hope you all enjoyed! <3

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