Chapter 20: Together, we could rule Hell.

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I keep staring at the spot where Emily and Lute were just a few seconds ago before the portal disappeared. Emily seemed distraught and Lute seemed pissed. They truly believe I'm not where I should be, but I must have done something while I've been here to change my designation. But I've done so many things since I've been here! What is the exact cause?



I only have three more days until our deal is done. Then she can technically leave Hell. In just three days she'll be able to go through that portal. I need to convince her to want to stay in that amount of time. She's my powerhouse.

Looking down at the table it looks like she was working on a list of some sort. Does it say Pros and Cons?

I pick it up and look at it, which seems to have put my little lamb on edge.

"Um, Alastor. That's just... you don't need to look at that!" She jumps in. So, she obviously doesn't want me to see it. Interesting.

She has a lot more Pros listed for staying here in Hell then she does for leaving. Hold on a second...

"Five-" She interrupts me quickly.

"Please don't read it out loud." She asks desperately. "It's bad enough that you found it." She carefully grabs the list from my hand. I might not have to do as much convincing as I originally thought. I can't help but smirk.

"The best, huh?" I question her. Her face is so red. It's adorable seeing her this embarrassed. I would be lying if I said I didn't have a good time.

Before she can answer I pull on the bow she made with her neck scarf, making the fancy looking knot come undone. I figured that's why she was wearing it. There's something about seeing the bite mark I've left on her that makes me feel a certain kind of way. Maybe proud? I've felt proud before, but this is a little different. I've been enjoying these new feelings. I don't want to lose them. I don't want to lose her.


Your POV

Alastor hasn't given my neck scarf back and he hasn't stopped staring at me since he took it. He puts his hand gently on my neck and runs his thumb over the mark he left that I was previously covering. "Is it still sore?" He asks.

I'm surprised he seems genuinely concerned. I feel like I get to see a side of him that other people might not get to see. "I mean, yeah, a little, but it's nothing I can't handle. It'll be fine." This doesn't seem to take his concern away. I don't think I'll ever hear Alastor apologize sincerely for any of his actions, but I can tell he feels bad about this. I slightly laugh. "If I could rewind that moment again to prevent this from happening, I wouldn't." I start folding up my Pros and Cons list but still keep eye contact with Alastor. "I'd let it all happen again, exactly as it did."

This seems to have cheered him up a bit. He lets out a small chuckle as he moves his hand to my cheek, leaning down and touching his forehead against mine. I think he likes the contact. Maybe he hasn't been this emotionally close to someone before?

"Play for me today?" He asks. "In the lobby. If you'd be so kind." Alastor has a way of making requests sound like questions, when I feel like I don't really have an option. But I'm happy to have someone genuinely excited to hear a performance.

"Sure." I'll just need to find a trumpet, which I'm sure Alastor can help me with.

I fix up my scarf again and make my way to the lobby. I get a corner of the lobby set up for a small band and get in a quick warm-up. After a few minutes I finally feel like I can play something. Alastor doesn't disappoint in providing a band and a trumpet. I'm used to a more classical silver trumpet, but it makes sense that being a jazz man he would think of the more golden brass colored horn. It'll play just the same!

It's interesting to me that Alastor can make living things appear out of thin air, but it's useful when you need a drummer, bass player and keyboard player. I'm surprised he added another wind instrument player, a clarinet at that, but I guess considering early jazz that would make sense. Now, what to play?

I let the band vamp for a few bars, trying to get a feel for what I want to do. A thought comes to my head, and I snap my fingers as I think of it. I try to motion to Alastor, who is waiting so patiently, that I need one more thing for my trumpet.

I try to make the motion of a mute. I think it could sound pretty if I had one. Alastor understands and with the snap of his fingers I have one in hand.

Now I have what I need and a melody in my head. Playing back and forth with the clarinet is proving to be fun, this is great!

((The song that's stuck in my head now:

After a good key change and a little back and forth the song ends a little short of four minutes. I look back and notice that it's not just Alastor anymore. It's... everyone. Including Lucifer?!

I get a round of applause, which gives me the biggest smile as I bow to my audience. I make eye contact with Angel, who's waving a finger at me to get my attention. He must have brought back what he promised. The pills he has at his work that could prove to be useful.

I walk towards him, and he gives me a big hug. "That was great!" With one of his extra arms, I can feel him put something in my pocket. When I let go, he winks at me. I can't thank him enough for remembering.

As I walk back to my instrument, I put one of the small pills in my hand. Once I make it back, I pick up my water bottle and take it with a sip of water. No one seems to think much of the motion, except for Angel who knows what I'm doing. Alastor does seem a bit suspicious.

It's interesting though, last time I performed it caused a weird hypnotic effect on the audience. There are two main differences I can think of. One, I'm playing instead of singing. Two, I'm not using Alastor's staff as a microphone. Should we test this theory?

"Just wonderful, little lamb." Alastor praises. "Truly, marvelous." He's genuinely having a good time. "I'm worried you'll get drowned out if you continue playing with that mute though." He hands me his staff. "Try this." Sneaky man, I think we have the same thought. I know I sound loud enough just how I am now.

I place the staff in front of me but motion for the band to not play anything. I just want to test it out. I think back to a classical solo I had to perform in college.

((Amazingly beautiful trumpet sound!

Once I get through the minute I look and realize that though everyone is tuned in and applauding, they seem a bit off from their normal selves. They all had that strange golden tint in their eyes that the crowd in Cannibal Town had before as well. So, it's the staff along with my performances. I'm surprised to see this influences Lucifer as well; this power indeed is dangerous.

I look at Alastor, who is not phased the same as everyone else. I think that makes sense. It's interesting, even though we're not the only people in the room, we talk like we're alone.

"It's the staff." I tell Alastor. I know he's thinking the same thing.

"Combined with your musical talent, and it's powerful. Even Charlie and Lucifer are at your beck and call." Alastor looks at the two who are in a trance before looking back at me. "Together, we could rule Hell."   

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