Chapter 28: It's going to cost you your life.

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News travels fast in Hell. By the time we make it back to the hotel I can already hear a woman's voice on the TV giving a play-by-play report on the fight between Alastor and the V's. I don't know what would've been more awkward; walking into the hotel and having everyone stare at me in the skimpy outfit that the V's chose for me or walking into the hotel using Alastor's long coat to cover as much of myself as I can. We went with option two, but walking in wearing Alastor's coat while he's standing right next to me is a clear giveaway that there's something a bit more than just a deal going on between us. Maybe I should've rejected Alastor's offer for his coat. Everyone in this hotel already saw me in the stupid skimpy outfit because of the broadcast. But I doubt Alastor would've taken no for an answer and still would've given me his coat anyways.

All of this to say, how do we explain this?

"You two have some explaining to do." Vaggie announces as she crosses her arms. She doesn't stand from her spot on the couch. I can't tell if she's upset or intrigued.

Charlie turns the TV down; her focus moves from the update to us.

"What exactly do you want to know?" Alastor questions, lightly putting a hand on my back. I take the hint and start walking towards the group, Alastor doing the same. We take a seat on the smaller couch in the lobby, waiting to be grilled.

"Have you guys fucked?" Angel asks with a large smirk on his face. Why did I expect any different from him.

"Really?" I sigh, annoyed at Angel.

"Yes." Alastor answers as he puts his hand on my leg. This throws everyone off, including me. Well, except for Husk, who already knew about this revelation. It's not like Angel wouldn't have been able to put the clues together, but to outright tell everyone?!

"Does he have a tail? I've been dying to know." Angel asks me directly. He still asks loud enough for everyone, including Alastor to hear.

"Uh-" I'm quickly interrupted.

"We're getting off topic." Alastor interjects. "If none of you have any other valid questions we'll be on our way." Alastor mentions, looking around the group.

"I have a quick question..." I interject, looking at the group. "What do you all remember seeing?" I'm curious to know if they were under my and Vox's manipulation as well or if the hotel was somehow immune.

"I heard your voice on the TV!" Niftty says with a laugh. "I looked and you were dressed like a slut." I can't help but roll my eyes. Thanks for pointing that out. "But after that I just remember having this sudden urge to find Alastor. Like... I HAD to find him!" She fisted her hands and started shaking a little. So, they were affected as well. "I never found him. But when I felt focused again the lady on the TV was just showing us what happened."

"Well... that was actually a pretty helpful recap. Thanks Niftty." This proves that the manipulation power I seem to possess when partnered with a powerful demon like Alastor or Vox can affect pretty much anyone.

"No problem slut!" Niftty says excitingly. Again... thanks.

"So, are you two, like, officially dating?" Charlie changes the topic, tilting her head to the side.

"I mean..." I start, seeing if Alastor will interject again. He doesn't, so I guess he doesn't mind if I answer this. "...we never really talked about that specifically. But neither of us are seeing other people. Just enjoying each other's company." I explain.

"Neither of you are seeing other people?" Husk questions, drink in hand. His tone of voice has a hint of accusation, I can tell where he's going with this. "Aren't you engaged?" He asks.

I sigh, rolling my eyes. "Let's just keep it simple and say it wasn't working out." This answer doesn't seem to be satisfactory. "The likelihood of me getting back to Earth are slim to none." I know the real answer to that, it's not going to happen. "I've accepted the fact that this may be my new home." Charlie looks sad as I say that. I put my hands up, shaking them in defense. "I'm not upset about it. There was always a chance I would end up here, right?' I argue.

"I mean, I guess." Charlie doesn't seem convinced. "When we were talking with my dad, he didn't seem like he thought you belonged here." She makes a valid point.

"Well, your idea of this hotel is that sinners can be redeemed, right?" I question. Charlie nods. "With that logic, couldn't the opposite be true?" Her eyes get a bit wider. It doesn't seem like something she wants to consider. "If sinners can change their ways and show good traits, couldn't I show traits that would bring me here?" I argue.

"We've never had a living soul survive here for this long." Lucifer explains as he walks into the lobby. I don't know how long he's been listening, but he doesn't look very happy. Alastor's hand tightens on my leg. I glance over at him and he's staring daggers at Lucifer. What is it with these two?

"I don't have anything to compare this to, but there must be a part of your experience here that is influencing your actions." Lucifer moves his gaze from me to Alastor. "I wonder if you're slowly losing your humanity." The words were meant for me, but it's obvious he's hinting that my time with Alastor is causing me to make poor decisions.

"All you see are the negative actions that free will allows." Alastor argues with Lucifer. "That's all you've ever seen. You view everyone here as sinners who took their free will and made poor decisions. That's not entirely true. Sure, some people arguably make unwelcoming decisions. Others learn to thrive and grow because they've been thrown in rough environments." Alastor surprisingly gestures towards Angel.

"Take Angel for example..." Alastor begins. "...he started at the bottom when he first arrived here, surviving on nothing but table scraps. However, he learned to not just survive but thrive. Build relationships that are meaningful and succeed. Also, who do you think is going to oversee that sector of the pentagram and the porn industry now that the V's are gone?" This argument seems to surprise Angel. It must have dawned on him that his deal with Val is now done, but he probably never even thought of the next steps.

"That's all great, Alastor." Lucifer says in an unamused tone as he rolls his eyes. "You can't disagree that she's not supposed to be here!" He practically yells as he gestures to me. "I know Heaven has already tried to take her back, but they were unable to bring her." This is news to a few people in the room. I love that most of my personal business is just entertainment for those in the hotel. No, not really. "Once your deal expires tomorrow, I'll meet with the seraphim's, and we'll make sure she gets to Heaven." Lucifer announces.

"What do you mean once my deal expires?" I question Lucifer. He doesn't answer so I look at Alastor. "What does he mean?" I ask him.

Alastor looks extremely frustrated. It's as if the wheels in his head are turning, trying to figure out how to work through this. "Our deal ends tomorrow." He says calmly, but he doesn't look right at me. "Once it expires, you can go to Heaven. You can leave." He explains further.

"Okay... great. Why would I want to do that?" I question. Now Alastor is looking at me confused. I think he expected me to be upset that I didn't know the entirety of our deal or happy that I can leave for Heaven. Ultimately, it's my own fault I didn't know the details of our deal, and I don't want to lose all the connections I've built here in Hell.

"But (y/n)..." Lucifer seems lost for words. "...that's where you belong."

"I've been mulling that question over since I've been here. Many times, trust me." I explain. "But don't you think that's my choice to decide? My free will? Not yours."

How many people question Lucifer? Is it wise?

Lucifer laughs at my question. I think he's snapped just a little. "You're right, you do have freedom to choose." Are his eyes turning red? I've seen those red eyes before, it can't mean anything good. "But if you're going to stay here, it's going to cost you your life."  

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