Chapter 5: Am I going to regret this?

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Your POV

That 'lovely' was such a low tone that it threw me off a bit. He seems a bit too excited to be helping me out. There must be something else behind this. But I didn't make a deal with him, right? I didn't offer anything in exchange, and that's how these things worked, right? How would I know?! As far as I'm aware I didn't make a deal with him. Before I was able to think too much more about it, Alastor grabs my arm and starts taking me down a different hallway.

"Let's get started then, shall we?" He seems very excited about starting this training instantly as he pulls me along.

"Wait wait wait! I'm supposed to go back to the lobby!" I argue, pulling against Alastor, which didn't seem to do much of anything. My feet are skidding across the carpet for a little while before they lose traction, making me stumble to keep up with him.

"It'll be fiiiine!" Alastor says confidently, still not letting go. "It's not like you're leaving the hotel! We'll work on your training in my studio." He doesn't even look back at me anymore as he continues dragging me along.

"Studio? Do you actually have a radio show?" I ask out of curiosity.

"But of course! It is, after all, the proper medium to express oneself!" Alastor points out.

"Interesting." I mutter, and I'm sure he heard. "So... assuming that everyone who is here is because they've died... that means you've died as well, right?" I'd be curious if he'd answer.

"Hm. Well you're somewhat correct." Alastor responds. We continue to walk, and he looks at me as he speaks. "Not everyone is here because they've died, some were born here, you see." That was indeed an interesting concept. Does that mean that these demons still fuck? Well, I guess why wouldn't they? They're already in Hell, it's not like they're going to get in deeper shit. My mind is getting off track and I shake my head so that I can focus on what Alastor is explaining again.

"I, however, was not born here. I hope that answers your question." He further explains. Which did answer my question, but now I feel like I have a lot more questions.

We arrive at a well-organized and designed studio. It looks to be newly built but with older technology. Once we arrive it finally hits me as I look at both of my arms. "Wait... when did you let go of my arm?" He isn't dragging me along anymore, when did that stop?

"Quite a while ago, little lamb. Pretty sure you walked here of your own will, didn't you?" Alastor asks with that sly smile.

I didn't... did I? When? He's crafty for sure. Maybe this is a bad idea. "Am I going to regret this?" I ask him plainly.

"Ha! Maybe!" He answers before walking further into the studio and farther from me. What kind of answer is that?! He stands and faces me but keeps both of his arms behind his back. "Now, let's keep you focused on the task at hand. You need to learn to protect yourself and understand the power you have here." As Alastor speaks, his shadow rises from the floor and stands in front of him.

I instinctively take a step back. That's not normal. To be fair though, none of this is.

"I wouldn't run away." Alastor recommends as he fixes his monocle. "For some, you'd indulge them in a chase. It would make killing you, or worse, that much more exciting." The look he gives me as he finishes his sentence makes me feel like he'd be one of the demons who would enjoy that chase.

I kept my feet planted, doing my best not to be afraid. It is difficult though not knowing what everyone, including Alastor, is capable of. How on earth do I have any skin in this game?

"Now, you have one goal at this moment. You just need to stay alive." Alastor says as his shadow moves closer to me. "Keep that in mind, focus on that thought alone, if you see something that is threatening that goal, raise your hand and destroy it." The shadow is getting too close!

It couldn't be that easy, could it? So, in this scenario, that shadow monster is approaching to kill me. At least that is what I'm to believe. So, if I raise my hand, like this, and focus on stopping the threat, it should work.

A quick beam of a bright light emerges, and the shadow disappears. It happened so fast. I look at Alastor with a big smile on my face. "I did it! No shit! That works?!" I am both proud and puzzled that it can be that simple.

Alastor laughs a little, hands still behind his back. "It's that simple, and you did a wonderful job. Just keep that thought in mind and you should be relatively safe." It is comforting to know, and it's nice to know I hold so much power in such a dangerous place.



So, she does have power. Power that she can easily access. She doesn't seem to be able to tap into her full potential, but that will come in time. Until then, I can make her believe she's incredibly strong. With her silly little flashes of light, I can make her believe she can defend herself against anything. She doesn't need to know it's nothing more than an annoying flash, like a harmless camera.

I'll set up a few more little practices for her before she leaves today, make her believe she's fending off attacks. Once we're done with that, I just need to get her into real trouble. She'll realize she needs to become stronger, and she'll come crawling back to me for more training. I think I might know just the trouble she can get herself into...


Your POV

Alastor helps me train a little bit more, showing me that I can fend off multiple attacks with both hands. He even tries to prepare a sneak attack coming from behind, but I am able to beam it away before it reaches me. I laugh as I realize I am going to survive, at least tonight.

"With this, I'll have nothing and no one to worry about, including you." I say somewhat jokingly with a smirk. "Get too cocky Alastor, and I might just beam you away too." Would I really? Probably not. He's been the one to show me what I'm capable of so far. I should probably keep him on my good side in case I need his help again later.

Alastor laughs at my joking threat. "Oh, little lamb. Wouldn't you miss me if I was gone?" He asks. I think he's joking, but before I can figure it out, he's changed the subject.

"You mentioned that your father was surrounded in a red smoke?" He asks as he walks up to me.

"Yeah. It seemed to light up the room when I was outside, but once I was in the smoke was too thick to see much of anything." I explain as I look up at Alastor.

"I may have an idea of the culprit you're looking for." He begins as he puts his hand on my shoulder, walks out of the studio, and starts heading back to the main lobby. It will be quite a few twists and turns as well as a few stairs before we make it there.

"Talk to Angel once you get back to the lobby. He'll most likely be sitting with Husk at the bar. See if you can get him to talk about his boss. I think that may be who you're looking for." Alastor seems to think that Angel's boss might be the one that made the deal with my dad then.

"Good to know. I'll see what I can do. Thank you. You've been... surprisingly helpful." I say with a smile. "Should I be worried about Angel's boss?" I ask.

"Not with your newfound power! You'll be highly protected, I'm sure of it." Alastor pats my head and stops walking. "Though, I would keep our training just between us for now. Tell people you learned it on your own if you must." He recommends. I'm confused and plan on asking why, but he clarifies for me. "If people notice you hanging around me too much, they might get the wrong idea and advise against it. Then how would you become stronger?"

Alastor wasn't entirely wrong. Vaggie warned me about him already, but I also don't know exactly why. I should make my own decisions. "Alright." I agree.

"Good girl." Alastor says as he again pats me on the head before disappearing in a black shadow. Now that he's gone, I can hear the voices from the main lobby not far away. I have to ask Angel about his boss.  

The Sacrificial Lamb Looks Tasty (Alastor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now