Chapter 31: From here on out.

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Synopsis of Previous Chapter: If you skipped the previous chapter, here's what happened (the clean version).

You and Alastor spent the night in each other's company, joking about fictional neighbors and playfully arguing over control. You specifically asked if Alastor would stay overnight with you. Previous nights that are similar you always wake up and he's nowhere to be found, you wanted this to be different. He agreed and stayed the night in your hotel room.

Now, onto the show!

I had a wonderful and very restful nights' sleep. This was slightly surprising considering I'm used to having this queen-sized bed to myself. But, like I requested last night, when I woke up, I finally didn't wake up alone.

I'm the first one awake, he's still soundly asleep. It takes true dedication to even smile in your sleep! I worry his face is literally stuck in a smile. But he's found ways to be expressive even with his permanent smile.

He looks so peaceful. His chest slowly rises and falls with every breath. Normally that's a good sign that someone is still alive and healthy. But he's not technically alive. At least he's healthy, I guess?

I slowly start scooting towards the edge of the bed, trying not to wake Alastor up. I notice that as I move one of his ear's twitches. It's fricking adorable! If I didn't care about waking him up, I would be touching his soft fuzzy ears! But there's no way I'm interrupting that peace.

I tiptoe out of bed and make it to my dresser. I first grab an oversized black t-shirt that's long enough to reach down to the middle of my thighs. Then, I search the top drawer for a little bit before I find what I'm looking for. The small pill bottle that Angel gave me for my... bedroom activities has proven to be helpful. At least I think, I guess we don't know for sure. But better safe than sorry!

I take one pill out, look to see that Alastor is still sleeping and tiptoe over to the bathroom. I grab the cup next to my sink and fill it with water. When I look back up, I see Alastor standing behind me in the mirror.

"Jesus fuck!" I jump, almost dropping the pill in my hand. "Weren't you just sleeping?!" I turn around and ask him.

"And now I'm awake." Alastor states matter-of-factly. Not only is he wide awake, but he already has his slacks on. When did he do all of this?! I JUST checked on him before I walked in here! "What are you doing?" He asks.

Do I tell him what this is? He must know, right? "Taking my vitamin." Yet a lie just flies out of my mouth. His eyes narrow at me, he knows I'm lying.

"I'm sure the pills Angel gave you are vitamins. Sounds like him." So, Alastor did notice on that day. He just didn't say anything. He's got a point; this isn't a very convincing lie.

I roll my eyes. I seriously am a shitty liar. I need to work on that. "I've absolutely been enjoying our... alone time activities. But that doesn't mean I want to add a permanent addition to this strange relationship, whatever you want to consider us. So..." I hold the pill up, "...bottoms up!" I joke as I put the pill in my mouth, take a sip of water and swallow it.

"I see." Alastor doesn't seem upset by this revelation. I wonder if that was something he even thought of as a possibility. Is it even possible considering our circumstances? "If that was something you were worried about you could have told me. I'm pretty sure I would have access to preventatives easier than you would." I don't know why that statement surprises me, but he's also not wrong.

"Well, I figured I would take matters into my own hands." I explain. This statement seems to have intrigued him. "I know I'm something to you, but like I mentioned to Charlie yesterday, it's not like we've really talked it out." I walk out of the bathroom and start going through my dresser, trying to find an actual pair of clothes for the day. Alastor isn't far behind as he takes a seat back on the bed. "If nothing else, I'm entertaining to you, right? But I think how you feel about me confuses you. You... appreciate how I make you stronger. I appreciate how you make me stronger. But you also have a hard time thinking about me being this close with someone else, right?" I question.

"Not at all." Alastor argues. "I could care less who you choose to hang around with and what activities you choose to do with them. Especially since as of this morning, technically our deal is done. You're free to do what you want." I don't have to look at him to know that's a bunch of bullshit. I don't know why he won't just admit it. But if I must prove it, fine.

"Oh, well then I misunderstood..." I've finally decided on an outfit for the day. As I start putting on the pair of shorts, I fold the end of each leg so that the shorts are even shorter than originally designed. I get the bra on where it's as comfortable as a bra can be and then wear the button up short sleeved shirt completely open. I'm not buttoning a single damn button. "That's good to know, because I was going to go out again with Angel and Cherri tonight, have a few drinks, see where the night takes us. I feel like there's still so much of Hell I haven't yet explored, so many demons I haven't met. Sounds like you wouldn't mind one bit." I challenge.

The eye twitch is exactly what I expected, but the grip on his staff makes me worried he's going to break it again. I'm surprised he still hasn't said anything to my comments. He's trying so hard to act like this doesn't bother him, it's adorable!

I start putting my shoes on, purposefully bending over in his direction to tie the laces so he can get a good look at exactly how exposed my outfit is. "I mean, thanks to you I know how enjoyable a demon's company truly is. But I don't really have any other demon to compare with, right? Maybe I'll fix that tonight." I continue as I stand back up and head towards the door, reaching for the knob.

Before I can open the door Alastor emerges from the shadows and blocks my way. Interestingly enough, he's again fully dressed. Is that an advantage of traveling through the shadows? He's barely holding it together. His eyes have a slight red glow to them, and I swear the lights to my room have somehow dimmed down.

"Change." He demands. The radio effect in his voice is a bit amplified, I'm not sure if it's because he's angry or to be more intimidating. The venom and anger in his voice would have scared me early on in our interactions. But when it comes to this, I'm not afraid.

"But why? I thought you didn't care." I jokingly challenge as I put my hands behind my back and tilt my head playfully. "You obviously do." I clarify. He still looks annoyed. I change my demeanor so I'm more relaxed and not challenging him anymore. "Look, can we just actually talk this through? Just tell me how you actually feel. It's okay if you don't understand or if it's new, I'm not going to exploit it to everyone. It will stay between us." I sigh. "I want to know what to expect from here on out." I explain.

I think Alastor can see where I'm coming from. He doesn't look as angry, but he still looks frustrated. He pinches the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes. "I might need a drink to get through this." He mumbles.

"It'll be that difficult for you to tell me how you feel?" I question. I knew it would be hard, but I didn't think it would be that uncomfortable.

"Well, that..." Alastor starts as he looks down at me, "...and I think it's time you knew more of exactly who I am and why I am here."  

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