Chapter 16: Have you ever felt jealousy? 🍋

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Quick Note: Content warning for this chapter and the next chapter. It's a two parter! Themes of sexual activity involved. If you'd prefer to skip the next two chapters, I'll post a synopsis in Chapter 18 that will cover the main plot points while still being appropriate. But who are we kidding?! Have fun you sinners!

Also, this chapter will be a bit longer, but for good reason, I promise!

Everyone seems to have gone back to their normal business. Their eyes look back to normal, or at least as normal as they were beforehand anyways. Alastor waves me over and I follow him out of the building, trailing along at his side.

"Those were interesting lyrics. You said that was improv?" He asks as he looks down at me.

"Yeah. I did two years of jazz ensembles. But I more played than sang." I explain to him. I wonder if he went to college.

"I see. It didn't sound like you were talking about yourself." Alastor wasn't wrong.

"I was trying to think of what people here would like. I don't know much about your backstory, and honestly, I'm not sure if I want to. But I thought of you. Maybe when you first got here." I look up at him, he looks intrigued by my comment.

"I mean, you probably weren't an overlord your entire time here. But from what I've learned about you so far, I bet it didn't take long for people to know your name." It doesn't seem like a farfetched idea.

"You're not wrong." Alastor verifies my comment. "I'd like you to perform for me more. I'm sure the hotel guests and staff wouldn't mind hearing it either." He sighs, looking away like he's reminiscing. "Hell has moved on so quickly to newer things. Technology, music, social media, ugh. It would be nice to bring some jazz back." He looks back down at me. "I'm sure that's something you're capable of." It's clear that this will be one of my new duties under my new management.

But I could have worse requests. It's been a long time since I've had any requests for performances. Who would have thought my next gig would be in Hell? "I'm sure I can oblige." I'm not going to tell him no; I don't want to know what the consequences are.



I knew Charlie and the others would question me when I got back. Luckily there's nothing that requires me to give the details of the deal I have with my little lamb. Even she doesn't remember the specifics. After today, I truly only have four more days to play with her. But... I've been... enjoying having her next to me.

As night hits and most everyone is asleep, all I can think about is her performance. The earworm has been stuck in my head all day. As I sit in this chair my foot continues to tap to the beat in my head. It's been nice having some good music back in my life.


Your POV

The night went by so fast; I can't believe it's already morning. I rub my eyes and look around the room, nothing out of the ordinary. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it's never a bad idea to check my surroundings around here. Who knows when unwanted shadows will be watching me.

I'm glad that my wardrobe now includes nightgowns, it's much more comfortable. I thought about getting up and starting my day, but I could take advantage of the privacy I have. I've been in Hell almost a week now and in all that time the only human contact, if I can even call it that, was with an evil TV. I deserve some alone time. Wait, does masturbating get you sent to Hell? No wonder there's so many people here!

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