Chapter 10: How do you know my name?

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After a healthy breakfast of mixed bar nuts and mimosas, probably too many mimosas for this early of the day, I shall begin my journey to Alasor's studio. I know it's stupid to get drunk this early in the morning, but a little buzz won't hurt, right? As I continue making many turns getting to the studio, a thought pops into my head. It's probably a stupid thought, spurred on by a little liquid courage. I decide to unbutton the very top button of my red shirt before I make it to Alastor's studio. I'm curious if he'll notice. I don't want to intrude, the polite thing to do is knock. After a couple of knocks and a few seconds of waiting, Alastor opens the door.

"Hello little-" He stops talking mid-sentence. Something tells me he may have noticed the loose button.

"Something wrong?" I can't help but prod. He can't have this big of an issue with a button on my shirt, I've seen how other people dress around here!

Alastor gave a half assed laugh, his eyes narrowing at me in a threat. "You're treading dangerous territory. Unless you truly want to see the consequences, I'd highly recommend against playing these games with me."

I don't know what to respond, but I also don't want to look away. The more I stare directly at him, not budging, I notice the antlers on his head growing in size. I've never noticed that on him before. His shadow on the ground expanding to the entire floor and up the walls. His eyes look like radio dials.

"I won't give you another warning." His voice comes through, but his mouth doesn't move. Interesting, it lights up when he speaks.

I'm scared, but I must learn to stand up for myself while I'm here. I also have to decide what's worth fighting for in order to stay alive. A button is not worth dying for.

My eyes still look up at him as I fix the button on my shirt. "Happy?" I ask.

Everything that had changed around the room seems to have gone back to normal. There is no more growing shadow, no more radio eyes or extended antlers, and when he speaks...

"That looks much better." He actually moves his mouth when he speaks again. So, everything is just... peachy now? "Come on in!" He invites me in. So, I guess we're all squared away then. Still, very interesting. Well, I guess if we're not going to address the obvious elephant in the room...

"So, where is your staff?" I ask as I walk further into the studio. I am still observing the walls, making sure there are no more shadows I should be concerned about.

"It's here." Alastor pulls open a drawer and inside is a staff broken into two pieces. The top of the staff looks like an old microphone in a red tint. He picks it up and hands me both pieces. "Now, we've used your power to fend off enemies-"

"More like try to fend off enemies." I mutter, interrupting his train of thought. He narrows his eyes at me. "Sorry, continue."

"Let's see if we can use your power to mend or heal." He puts his hands over mine and positions the staff so that both pieces are touching. "Realize this object can only be restored by you. It can't be restored any other way. This object lives or dies based on you." I look at him with a little confusion. "Right now, it's an object, but someday, it may be a demon here that you care about." He clarifies. Well, that would be an interesting circumstance. "Have the pure thought of wanting to heal, and it will be done." Alastor seems so sure. I wish I had more of that confidence.

I look down at the broken staff. I have the thought that only I can fix it, only I can make it better. Alastor will never get his full power back unless I mend this. As I have these thoughts my hands start to glow again, like how they did before. The difference this time is that the glow didn't disappear in a flash, it remains like a pulse. I can feel energy in the pulsating glow. This energy wants me to give it directions, it wants to know what it should be doing. I can feel it.

Fix the staff, I think. The glow brightens until the whole staff is glowing. It takes a few seconds, but once the glow dies down, the staff is back in one piece.

"I did it." I say proudly as I look at Alastor. "It's fixed!"

"It's fixed." He says in shock. I hope the shock is from seeing it back in one piece and not doubt in my abilities.



It's fixed. It's actually fixed. I knew she would have the power to do it eventually, but she was able to fix it today.

As I grab hold of the staff, I can feel it. I can feel the power flowing back through me. The power I had before my fight with Adam.

But not only that, I feel more power. More than I had before. This must be because of her. With this, I'll be... unstoppable.

But not yet, it's too soon. For now, I'll just be delighted to feel this rush of power once again. I'll have to learn to adjust to the new power as well. I don't want to accidentally hurt my little lamb; she's proving to be valuable.

I twirl the staff around a bit, it feels right. I put my weight on it, testing it out. It's as sturdy as I remember.

"Good job, little lamb. You did perfectly." She seems to like praise. I don't mind seeing that smile occasionally.

"Now, I promised if you put my staff together, I would have the power to help you." I remembered. I put my hand out to her and expel my power. I know she can see it surrounding me and I can transfer some to her so that she will be safer. "Take my hand." I prompt.

She didn't even hesitate... interesting. Her hand seems so small in mine. Is she not afraid of the power I'll give her? Does she not question that it might not be the same?


Your POV

After taking Alastor's hand I can feel more power flowing through me. It feels different than my own, but I know I'll need all the help I can get. Once he let my hand go, I put my hand up to one of the windows. I used the same flash of light we practiced yesterday, except this time the window shattered. Yep, I'm stronger.

"Oh no... I'm sorry." I apologize. I didn't know I would break something.

Alastor slightly laughs. "Nothing I can't fix." The broken window is surrounded in shadow before being replaced with a new window. "I think this is enough for the day. You should head back to the lobby, when's the last time you've checked in with Charlie and Vaggie?" Alastor has a good point.

Once I make it back to the lobby, I can find Charlie, Vaggie, Husk, Angel, and a new face I haven't yet seen before.

Charlie smiles wide at me. "There you are. I want to introduce you to my dad. This is Lucifer, my father." She points dramatically to the shorter man standing next to her.

Lucifer? As in... biblical... devil... Lucifer? He doesn't... look like I thought he would.

"Daaaad this is-" Charlie was interrupted.

"(y/n)?!" Lucifer questions. He sounds surprised.

Now there's an awkward silence in the room. I have never met him before. So... "How do you know my name?" 

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