Chapter 38: This hurts.

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Synopsis of Previous Chapter: If you skipped the previous chapter, here's what happened (the clean version).

Lilith was not very happy with the stunt you pulled, but it did set Alastor free. You sang the first verse of a song to try and gain control of Lilith, but she laughed and sang the second verse, getting control of you.

Under her control you almost died, but Alastor intervened in time. You gave Alastor his power back. Combined, the two of you were almost able to get control of Lilith. You have yet to figure out how, but she's so powerful that she can easily break your holds of control.

She sang again, distracting you and sending Alastor flying across the room. Once she gained control of you again, she had you pick up a shotgun and aim, but because you closed your eyes, you're unsure of where you're aiming.

((If you skipped the last chapter or just want it again, The Death of Peace of Mind Female Cover.

Now, onto the show!

Finding the bravery to open my eyes, I look and see I'm pointing the shotgun at a beaten down Alastor. He looks like he's struggling to get up, but he's slowly making his way. He's not even aware I'm about to shoot him. It reminds me of an unaware wild deer.

"NO! MOVE!" I yell as loud as I can. I'm trying everything in my willpower to stop this from happening, but no matter what I do I can't stop my muscles from doing what Lilith commands.

I see Alastor turn his head to look at me. He looks wounded already, I'm going to make it worse. Or I could end his time here in Hell! This isn't what I want! Fucking muscles stop!

As my fingers pull the trigger, I can see Alastor's shadow take over and quickly do what it can to protect him. The shadow encompasses Alastor and within a blink he's disappeared into the floor. Even though he's gone there's a blood splatter left behind where he was.

Was that from earlier? Or did I...?

That...fucking... bitch. My teeth are grinding together so tight and my mind isn't thinking straight. I know I don't hold all of Alastor's power anymore, but somehow, I still feel a bit demonic. Screw my humanity, whatever still remained. Lilith will die.

I don't know if it's all the anger, or the fact that all I can see at this point is red, but something is different. Even though I can tell Lilith wants me to reload the shotgun, I command my body through this anger to stop listening to her. To regain control. She must be seeing something different in me too, the way she's looking at me is new. I wouldn't say afraid or impressed, but I can tell that she wasn't expecting this.

"Are you satisfied?
Love's the death of peace of mind,

My voice sounds so guttural. I've never been one of those screamer chicks when doing vocal lines before. I'm not sure where this voice and this power is coming from, but I don't want to take it for granted. All the purple glow that was in the room before has dissipated. Lilith looks like she's on the defense.

I don't know how this is possible, but I still have that eerie green glow surrounding me. Even though I've given Alastor his power back, somehow, I still have demonic power flowing through my veins. I feel like my heart is trying to beat out of my chest. I don't think I'm drooling, but I feel something dripping from my mouth down my face. What's happening to my nails?


Charlie's POV

I feel so conflicted. I don't want to intervene. My mom is fighting with (y/n), and I care about both of them!

I know (y/n) hasn't made the best decisions since she's been here, but I still believe in her! It's been hard for her. Getting sacrificed and sent here, having scary interactions with some of the sinners, learning that she has power here, being told she was supposed to die that day, making a deal with Alastor, and that's only just scratching the surface!

Though, I don't know how (y/n) is doing this. She looks... demonic. Her glowing red eyes, blood coming from her mouth, extended nails, green glow. She looks pissed. I think when my mom had her aim and shoot at Alastor that's what put her over the edge. But... what do I do?

I don't know what (y/n) will do; I should be ready to defend myself while I figure out my next step. I surround myself in fire and change into my demon form, trident in hand. I hope I don't have to intervene.


Your POV

I can see that Lilith is taking steps away from me, but I can't have her move too far. I think about finding a way to restrain her, and black tentacles shoot up from the floor and wrap around Lilith's arms. At first, she's able to pull herself free, but I'm persistent.

I keep restraining her over and over until she's so tied up that she can't fight back. I can't help but laugh. I'm only a few steps away.

"When the curtains call the time will we both go home alive?
It wasn't hard to realize love's the death of peace of mind,
When the curtains call the time will we both be satisfied?
It wasn't hard to realize love's the death of peace of mind,"

Though my voice sounds back to normal, I don't think my appearance is. Lilith struggles for the first couple of lines but as my voice finally reaches her, she stops struggling. The gold tint stuck in her eyes, waiting for my next command. Earlier, I would have just sent her home. But not anymore.

I hold out my right hand and think of a weapon. Once my arm and hand are encompassed by a green and black glow the large kitchen knife from earlier emerges. She thought she was going to kill me with this? Ha, how fitting!

If she hurt Alastor, MY Alastor, I'll make her pay.

"Love's the death of peace of mind,"

As I stand in front of Lilith, I use my control over her to have her kneel in front of me. Her head hanging low to the ground. She has no intention of fighting me back. Good.

I can't help the laugh that escapes me. I know it probably sounds like I've lost my mind. But I've done it. I've won. Just one final thing to do.

I raise the kitchen knife high above my head. I have a firm grip on the handle, I'm not going to miss. Just one more verse.

"Love's the death of peace of-"

I can't finish the song. I can't say the last word. I never knew this could be so painful. It wasn't painful before. It didn't physically hurt when I killed my dad. It didn't hurt at all when I killed Vox. This hurts. This physically hurts.

I look down at myself and I can see the bloody tips of a sharp object sticking through my skin. I can see the sharp ends through my shoulder, the far side of my chest, and one point sticking out through my ribs. Fuck, this hurts. What happened?

"I'm so sorry!" I can hear a crying voice behind me. I slowly turn my head and see Charlie. She looks a little different than I remember, but she looks very upset. It looks like she's holding onto a large weapon of some sort. Her weapon is pointed at me. Wait... her weapon is through me. Did she stab me?

I'm not seeing red like I was earlier, and I lose my grip on the kitchen knife I was holding. I can hear it hit the ground. Lilith seems like she is back to her normal self and no longer in my restraints. "Charlie!" I hear her say, surprised.

I can feel the sharp object getting pulled back out. That also didn't feel great. My mouth opens like I want to scream, but nothing comes out. I think I'm out of breath. It's a bit hard to stay standing and I fall to my knees. I don't think she hit anything vital, so why do I feel so weak? Why am I in so much pain?

"I am so sorry, (y/n)!" Charlie cries as she kneels in front of me. "I-I didn't know what to do. I couldn't have you kill her. You're losing a lot of blood." She seems concerned. I don't think she was trying to aim for a kill. But has Charlie ever stabbed a living person before?

I look at my wound again. She's right, I'm losing a lot of blood. This doesn't look good. I look at Charlie, hoping she can help answer my question.

"Where is Alastor?"  

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