Chapter 6: Good luck, little lamb.

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Finally, back in the main lobby I see Vaggie talking with Angel and the bartender, who must be Husk. Once she sees me come around the corner, she leaves the bar and walks up to me. "I came to give you your room key, where were you?" She asks.

"Ah, sorry." Shit! I'm a horrible liar. "I got a bit turned around in the hallways, then decided to explore a bit. Lost track of time. Sorry to keep you waiting." That wasn't entirely a lie.

It feels like minutes before she responds. It was probably only a couple of seconds, but the guilt is kicking in for lying. "No worries. Here's your room key." Vaggie smiles and hands me a hotel room key. It's not an electronic key like the newer hotels I'm used to. It's an actual physical key.

"Perfect, thank you. I really appreciate the help." I say with a smile. "If it's alright, I'm going to see if I can make a better second impression with Angel. I'll try not to yell at his face this time." I say with a slight laugh.

"I think you'll do great." Vaggie says with a playful punch on my arm. "Go get 'em." She says as she leaves the lobby.

I wave as she leaves and walk towards the bar. Husk notices me first as he's wiping a glass. Angel notices me second.

"Ah, the fat phobic spider hater." Angel says as he takes another sip of his drink.

"Yeeeeeah. About that." I say as I sit on one of the stools. "Please know I'm very sorry about that, Angel." I don't look right at him, but I can feel his eyes on me. "I do have a fear of spiders, but... spiders. Not you. Just a few hours ago I realized my situation was real. I didn't know any of this existed. But none of that should be an excuse for how I treated you. I'm terribly sorry. I'd buy you a drink, but I don't really have any money here." I say with a slight laugh as I look up at him.

Angel listens to my horrible but sincere apology and laughs at me. "No worries, hot stuff. Husk, one for her please." He seems to forgive me. Also...

"Hot stuff?" Why does everyone seem to give me a nickname?

"Because you're incredibly warm. And truthfully, not that bad looking." Angel says as he clinks his glass with mine. "You're not really my type, but I can appreciate hot." He says as he takes another sip.

I don't remember the last time I've laughed this hard at someone's comment. "Hot wouldn't be the word I'd use. Girl next door vibes maybe. Also, happily engaged." I mention as I show Angel and Husk my engagement ring.

"Huh... engaged to a Goodwill thrift shopper by chance?" Husk asks as he walks away to grab another rag.

"Hey! It's not much but I love it!" I argue with him, taking another sip of my drink. How to ask Angel about his work. "So, when my dad sacrificed me to Hell, he sacrificed me to someone shrouded in a thick red smoke. You wouldn't happen to know anyone with deep red eyes that hides in red smoke, would you?" I ask, holding my drink and looking at Angel.

Before he can answer he seems to be thrown off by my question. He swallows his drink down the wrong pipe or something as he starts coughing. After a little bit of recovery, he looks down at me. "You've gotta be shitting me." He mutters. He looks angry.

"So, you do know someone." It wasn't a question to him; it was a statement.

Angel's eyes shift back and forth, as if trying to figure out how to answer. "Look, that description matches someone I know. But I don't think it's wise of you to be seeking him out. He's a dangerous man." Angel warns me.

"I appreciate the concern, I really do." I take another sip of my drink. I can feel my confidence rising. "But I have a living human soul, that shit is powerful here. I can defend myself." If I sound confident enough, will he believe me?

"Vaggie said you shouldn't be leaving the hotel." Husk argues as he starts to pour Angel a second drink.

"But how will I ever get home if I can't find the demon who made a deal with my dad? I can't live here." I argue back. "I can defend myself from this asshole. Come on, where can I find him?" I ask Angel again. I can tell he seems uneasy.

Angel sighs, drinks his entire second drink in one go, slams the glass on the counter and points at me. "Fine, I'll bring you. But some rules." I listen eagerly. "You don't judge my work. You don't touch anything. If you're going to confront Val, you do it AFTER I'm done with my filming. I'm not getting my ass handed to me because of your interruptions. Understood?"

Husk is holding back laughs behind the bar, and I am busy trying to figure out what Angel does for work. But I'm not going to say no to this opportunity. "Dea-" I stop before finishing the word and shaking Angel's hand. If I say the word 'deal,' does that start a deal? "Got it!" I change the wording and shake Angel's hand.

Angel rolls his eyes at me, maybe I am a little over cautious with this whole deal thing.



As I watch their interactions from the shadows of the hotel, I am pleased with how this is turning out. She kept her word and didn't tell any of the other hotel attendees of our interaction. Even going so far as to stretch the truth. She's so obedient, like a pet. She's entertaining. I don't want to lose her. I know it's because I need her power to get out of my deal. But besides that, the thought of her going back home makes me... something. I'd like her to stay. I think I can make that happen. As long as she survives her time in the V's tower.

I bet the V's still think I'm dead. I don't think it would be wise for me to expose that I'm still here. Having the V's think I'm gone could prove to be beneficial. I don't have to worry about either of them saying anything about me. Angel's been working for weeks since the battle, and she has proven that she won't share information if she's asked. All that being said though, she's on her own making it back to the hotel.

Watching her leave the hotel with Angel makes me feel a little... worried.

Good luck, little lamb.  

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