Chapter 40: A big mistake.

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Your POV

I take a breath. It feels like it's been just a little too long since I've taken a breath. I blink my eyes a few times, squinting as things become clearer. Fuck, why is everything so bright?

"She's waking up." I've heard that gentle voice before. It's been a while though. Where have I heard it before? It wasn't for long. What was her name? E? Em? Emmie? Emily?!

I finally have my eyes open and sit up. I wasn't wrong, everything is way too bright. I don't know if I was just too used to the color pallet I lived in the last couple of weeks, or if they really need to think of more than just pastel. This looks like some sort of crazy court room. There are many areas for people to sit, but there's no stairs to get to any of these areas. I watch one fly right to their seat. I'm... I'm in the wrong place!

"No..." I mutter as I look around. I recognize Emily and Lute, but everyone else looks new. I look at my hands and my skin tone is a bit different, but other than that I can't tell if anything else about me is different than it was before. I can't see my face.

"Just take it easy." Emily encourages me as she kneels next to me. She's very kind. "I know you have a lot of questions, and that's why we're here. But know that you're safe and everything is okay." She smiles and offers me a hand to help me stand up.

"You're making a mistake." I snap with gritted teeth. I don't know whose fault this is, but it's probably someone in this room. I take Emily's hand and stand, trying to get a better understanding of what's happening. "A big mistake." I say loud enough for the room to hear. "Send me where I belong!" I yell, hands fisted so tight that I worry I'll lose feeling in my fingers any second.

"That's what we're here to debate." A new voice explains. I try to look up as high as I can and it's a tall woman with a large crown. Emily flies up high and takes a seat next to her. "We're here to discuss if you belong here or if we should send you back down. If you weren't mistakenly sent to Hell in the first place, you would've been here much sooner. We acknowledge that mistake and believe that with time, you can again find your place here. You shouldn't be punished for your father's mistakes." The woman explains.

"How kind of you to think that through for me." I hope she can feel the sarcasm in my voice. "Why can't this be my decision?! Why don't you listen when I tell you I don't want to be here?!" I know I sound combative, but I don't want to be here long.

"You don't even know what it's like here, you've only been here for a few minutes." Emily kindly argues. "Give it a chance!" She tries to encourage me.

"Plus, you've only made the actions you made because of the manipulation of the Radio Demon. If you didn't have any engagement with him, you wouldn't have this anger and this drive to go back to Hell." Lute chimes in, making me focus on her. "Who in their right mind would want to go to Hell?" She questions.

"Well, with that logic maybe I'm not in my right mind." I tilt my head and smirk at Lute. "Do you really want a lunatic walking the same streets as you in Heaven, Lute?" She looks frustrated at me. The room can probably tell I'm trying to get them irritated.

"Enough." The woman at the top interrupts mine and Lutes banter. She must be the one in charge of this courtroom. I can see her frustrated sigh even from down on the ground floor. "We believe that with time, you can be rehabilitated here, in Heaven, and that your reunion with the Radio Demon could prove problematic for both Heaven and Hell. It will be better for everyone if you two are permanently separated." I don't know her name, but I know I hate her.

"You're making this decision based on assumptions!" I yell at her. I can hear the venom in my words, and I hope that gets across to her. Somehow, I feel like I have venom in more than just my words. I feel like I have venom flowing through my veins. I don't know how it's possible, but I still feel a little... demonic.

She's so far away, how can I be sure she understands the mistake she's making? I know I just got here, but by chance, does everyone get the ability to fly?

I look across my shoulder and sure enough I have a pair of wings. Well, that's exciting! This will be the one pro I give Heaven. One! I'm not sure if flight lessons are required or if I can just... think it?

I take a small jump and think about wings flapping, and that works. I'm hovering slightly over the air. Flight lessons done! I use my new ability to get on the same level as Emily and this new lady. I'm still a good few feet from them, but at least now I can have a conversation with them up close.

"How the fuck do you know what's best for me and what's best for you? You have a big crystal ball that can show you what's to come?" I ask her, annoyed.

"Look, calm down, little lamb." The woman motions her hands in a downward motion, as if that would calm me down. Also...

"Don't you fucking call me that." I snap at her. Where does she get the right? I feel like if I wanted to, I could make that green glow come. That same demonic power I held before. But how? Maybe not now.

"That's what he called-" Emily tries to explain to the woman before she puts her hand up as if to tell Emily she understood the mistake. She lets out a deep sigh, grasping her hands together and resting her head on them.

"Sera, maybe now is a good time to bring in our guest speaker?" Emily recommends to her, putting a hand on her arm.

"Yeah, Sera." I taunt, folding my arms over my chest. "Why don't you bring out your secret weapon? I'm sure it will convince me to drop the entire subject." I laugh, still flapping my wings to keep myself in the air.

Emily and Sera look at each other and nod, confirming their decision before looking at another seating area in the courtroom. "The floor is yours, Mrs. H." Emily says to a new person in the courtroom.

Mrs. H.? There's no way they would mean...?

"Honey." I hear her voice below me. I know I should look, but in a strange way I don't want to. I've just said so many things, I've just acted very unbecoming. In front of her. How would I not think she was here?

I finally back away and look at the lower seating area. A beautiful woman with long (h/c) hair, life in her eyes, a sweet smile, and oddly enough some features that remind me of an adorable doe stood before me.


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