Chapter 9: Less... tempting.

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I can't sleep. Knowing I'm this close to getting my staff back is just exhilarating. If only she didn't need to sleep. I could have it now. Every minute is going by like an hour. I need to find a way to pass the time. I might as well have some fun and check on my little lamb while she sleeps.

Traveling in shadows around this hotel is much faster than actually walking the hallways. Plus, it makes barriers like locked doors no problem. Sliding under her door and materializing in the corner to remain in one of the darkest areas just in case she was awake seems like the best choice. Not that she would be aware enough to realize if she was being watched by a demon.

She's asleep. Somewhat surprising, considering everything she'd been through in one day. Her father sacrificed her to a demon, she ended up in Hell, found out everything she is experiencing is indeed real, got felt up by... why does that thought make me fist up my hands tightly? I can't get too worked up. She's right here, sleeping in front of me. She's safe.

Looking around her room it looks like she likes to keep things neat and tidy, something we have in common. Her shoes are placed by the door, jeans, socks and bra folded on the dresser. But I wasn't expecting this.

Covers kicked off, snuggled up to one of the pillows on the bed, and still wearing my jacket like a nightgown. It was definitely long enough on her. She looks so comfortable considering her circumstances. I feel comforted seeing her in my jacket. As much as I love to see her like this, vulnerable, yet still feeling safe in my jacket, it wouldn't be a good look for others to see. I'll have to remedy this issue in the morning before she makes it to the lobby.


Your POV

I surprisingly got good sleep last night. I'm not sure if it's because I'm absolutely worn out from yesterday's events or because the bed is very comfortable, but either way I'll take this win.

Sleeping in a jacket that's too big for my frame wasn't ideal, but it's the only shirt I have. I need to find something else. Though, I'm surprised. Ever since I put this jacket on it's had a faint cologne smell attached to it. It smells nice. Alastor gives me the vibes of a gentlemen from the 30's or 40's possibly. I wonder what music he listens to.

Ugh, not important now. What's important is leaving this room, finding a better shirt, and getting some food. I put my clothes back on and when I open the door to head back down the hall I am greeted by Alastor. "Oh shit! You scared me." I breathe out, a bit startled. How long has he been standing by my door.

"Apologies, little lamb. Didn't mean to frighten you." Alastor retorted, holding his arms out towards me. "I brought you something."

So, he did. Taking the fabric from his hands it's a soft feeling red button up short sleeved shirt. Red seems to be the theme here. "Oh wow, this would fit me much better. Where did you-"

"Never mind the semantics, my dear. Why don't you go put that on before heading down to the lobby?" Alastor interrupts. He is waving one of his hands at me as if encouraging me to go change now.

"Um... okay?" I can hear the questioning tone in my own voice as I back away, shut the door again and change into the short-sleeved button up. It does look a lot better and more form fitting. I can make this work!

I open the door again, holding Alastor's jacket that he leant me. "I'm guessing you'd like this back then?" I ask as I hold the jacket out to him.

Alastor doesn't respond right away, he's looking down at me, but not making eye contact with me directly. Is he...? I look down at the shirt, I know I kept the couple top buttons unbuttoned. I think it looks nice like that. There's no way he's...

I look back up at him again and he still is! He's staring at my chest! Sure, with how I have the top buttons unbuttoned it shows a little cleavage, but nothing that hasn't been done before!

"Alastor?" I stretch his name out as I try to grab his attention again. I've never seen him behave like this around me before. Or really, anyone before.

His eyes look like they're going back into focus, and he clears his throat. I find that gesture a little funny, because he still sounds like he's talking through an old radio. I don't think that will ever get cleared up.

He grabs the collar of my shirt and pulls me closer to him, no explanation of his actions at all. Before I can ask, he moves his hands to the buttons on my shirt, putting the top two buttons of my shirt together so that every single button is in place.

"There. Much more proper and modest. Less... tempting." Alastor's tone drops lower as his sentence finishes.

"Tempting?" I question as I tilt my head. Did he really just say tempting?

"I'm sure you're hungry! Ask Husk for some food and then meet me in the studio, like we discussed yesterday." Alastor completely drops the earlier subject as he finally takes the jacket he leant me, folds it up neatly and walks away.

I want to say something. I want him to clarify what he just meant. However, I don't think I'm going to get an answer from him. Before I can get all my thoughts back together, he's already turned a corner and is out of sight. I sigh, I feel defeated as I walk back into the lobby.

Sure enough, Husk and Angel are at the bar. This early in the morning.

"Husk, what's around here for food?" I ask as I take a seat at the bar.

"Oh, well you've come to the right place. We here at the Hazbin Hotel serve only the finest dishes for breakfast." Husk states as he begins fumbling under the bar. Once he finds what he was looking for he hands me a bowl of mixed nuts.

"So... bar nuts." I should've known it would be something sarcastic.

"The finest bar nuts." Husk clarifies. "Along with our signature healthy juice bar. Hand squeezed out in the backyard orchard." He mixes something together and hands me a glass.

I'm a bit skeptical, so I take a small sip. "It's a mimosa." I state.

"The finest mimosa, from our handpicked-"

"Okay Husk, I get it. Jesus." It looks like bar nuts and mimosas for breakfast!

"(y/n), I'm sorry about Val. I'm sorry I wasn't there to..." Angel seems distraught about yesterday. I don't want him to know the details of what happened. But he doesn't need to feel guilty either.

"Angel don't worry. It's not your fault. I-I was able to use my power to escape Vox. It just took me a minute to sober up in the elevator. No harm! Everything's fine." I smile at Angel, hoping I can help him get rid of the guilt he feels.

It took a minute, but Angel eventually gave me a small smile. "You seem like you're okay. You must be one tough chick to slip out of their grasp." Angel says as he takes a handful of nuts and eats a few.

I slightly laugh, trying to keep up the lie as best as I can. "I'm sure Vox won't be trying to mess with me again." At least, I hope.  

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