Chapter 23: Us girls have to stick together, right?

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Synopsis of Previous Chapter: If you skipped the previous chapter, here's what happened (the clean version).

You realize the dog demon you saw across the street was your dad. You were furious to see him here. You felt that no matter what you did in your previous life, he would've ended up here anyways. You felt like nothing you did changed the outcome.

You confronted your dad briefly and by the time you walked away he was double dead.

You were upset at the outcome of your confrontation with your dad, but Alastor was attracted to seeing your power in use. He brought you back to your hotel room and comforted you. You forgot about being upset that you lost your dad, enjoying Alastor's company.

Now, onto the show!



I only have two more days until the contract is done. I don't feel as worried about her leaving, but I do worry that once she realizes she doesn't have to indulge in my requests anymore that she'll steer clear of me. I've been more vulnerable with her than I'm happy to admit. I know we're more powerful together, I hope she feels the same.

I despise these overlord meetings. Now that the exterminations are on pause, I don't see a need to meet. Though I do like seeing Rosie as I exit the elevator. At least I have someone I can sit next to that I get along with.

Carmilla paces back and forth. "It's been weeks since the past extermination attempt and we haven't had any sight of the angels. This doesn't mean we're in the clear. We need to be prepared for something worse." She begins. She's not wrong, but I'm not very interested in this topic. With my little lamb, I can destroy anything.

I hear numerous rings, dings, and bings echo throughout the room. Ugh, everyone with their frivolous cellular phones at arm's reach. What ever happened to good old personal connection? Everyone is constantly staring at their screens. Though, it is interesting to hear them all go off at the same time.

It feels strange being the only one not looking at a one of these devices, but it makes me feel superior. I'm not connected to a small screen to get my gratification.

After the table checks their cellphones, the attention seems to be moved to me. This seems interesting.

"What's circulating the virtual newspaper today?" I ask aloud. I look at Rosie. She looks confused and possibly a little concerned.

"Alastor, is there something you'd like to explain?" Carmilla questions. Well, that's vague.

I tilt my head. I'm confused, but I don't want to show that I am. "There are many things I'd like to explain. Like how long-term exposure to your tiny computer boxes are going to rot your brains." This doesn't get any reaction. "But I'm assuming you have a more pointed question." I prod.

"She looks alive." Rosie explains as she looks at her cellphone.

I look over at Rosie. Does she have a picture of my little lamb? "Come again?" I ask.

Rosie shows me what she's looking at. Though she's learned that if I look directly into her cellphone, it will just become staticky. Looking at the image at an angle allows me to see a clearer picture.

It's a picture of me and her on the balcony of the hotel in an intimate pose. My forehead pressed against her with my hand on her cheek. This isn't good. I can't help but narrow my eyes, fucking Vox tech.

This image looks like a social media post of some kind. It has a caption I don't quite understand. The picture is surrounded by little beating heart images with the words 'Alastor's Secret Boo' underneath. What's a boo?

"Alastor, care to elaborate?" Carmilla turns the attention back to me. I don't appreciate this.

"If she's alive..." Zestial begins. "... then her soul must be very powerful. Any demon would benefit from her." Zestial is now focused on me. "Perhaps Alastor has already figured this out." Well, perhaps he's right.

"If Alastor has found her before anyone else then he's just lucky." Rosie suggests to the table. I appreciate her efforts. "There's nothing saying an overlord can't utilize a living soul." She explains to the table.

"You're not wrong. But if we all got a notification, how many other demons just got this same post from Velvet? All of Hell?" Carmilla asks. "Also, if she's truly this close with Alastor she'll be sought after every minute of every day. She would easily be used as leverage against him." Carmilla folds her arms together.

"I can't have that." Did I say that out loud? I must have, everyone is focused back on me. Fuck this meeting, I must find her.

Disappearing in shadows and reappearing in the hotel I feel like I'm frantically looking around the lobby. I don't see her anywhere. "Husker!" I yell, catching his attention. He jumps every time I call him. "Where is she?" He knows who I'm talking about, I'm sure.

"She went out." Husk responds.

"WHERE?!" I can't lose control now. Keep it together.

"I-I don't know!" Husker is shaking. "She mentioned going out to perform. But she didn't say where." At least that's helpful information. I'll find her.


Your POV

I had an audience focused on my performance just a second ago, but everyone's phones went off at the same time and now they're all focused on their screens. Do they have emergency alert systems down here? Is there something I should know?

I hold the trumpet in my right hand, looking at the street crowd that is now focused on me. What is this? I'm obviously not controlling them.

"Get her!" I hear one yell. That can't be good!

I feel like the last TV during a black Friday sale, everyone is rushing me. I swing the trumpet at the closest demon to me, smacking them in the face with the metal object. Sorry poor trumpet.

As the crowd closes in I think more about my training with Alastor. I put my hands up and flashes of gold light appear and dissipate the demons in my path. They're like invisible bazooka blasts!

Once other demons catch on that I can fight back they're a bit more hesitant. I keep both of my hands up in defense, looking back and forth. "Stay back!" I yell at them. So far no one has charged again, but what's to stop them from trying again?

I hear a bottle shatter and then notice a strange red smoke emerge close to the crowd. Once it gets closer to them, they start backing away, creating a bigger barrier between us. But where did it come from? I don't have a good history with red smoke.

"You okay?" I hear an unknown voice ask as I see her walk a little closer. She's holding a glass bottle with a red liquid. "These fuckers looked like they were bothering you. I can't stand by and watch this happen. Us girls have to stick together, right?" I don't know who she is, but she seems nice. She has a thick British accent, dark skin, and beautiful red hair. Her sense of style is perfection.

"Um, thank you." I say, still looking at the crowd, a bit concerned. "I appreciate it."

"Oh of course." The girl snaps her fingers, and a long limo pulls up and stops in front of us. "Here, want a safe ride home?" She asks.

"That would be helpful." I say to my new gal pal. I get in the limo before I have to worry about the crowd much longer and she's not far behind me. The limo starts driving off from the crazy scene.

"Thank you again." I sigh. "I don't know what happened. The crowd just turned on me. It was so strange." I shake my head, thinking back on it. "Oh, sorry, I don't mean to be rude." I put my hand out to her. "I'm (y/n)." I introduce myself.

The girl laughs a little, shaking her head. "You naive girl." She reaches for a glass bottle that's in the cup holder, shakes it up and opens it up. "I'm Velvet." She says with a smile as purple smoke fills the inside of the car.

"Velvet... are you one of the fucking V's?" I ask, trying to back away from the smoke until there's literally nowhere else I can go. I try opening the car door and pushing the button to roll down the window, both to no avail. I have to breathe it in at this point. The more I breathe in the sleepier I feel. The last thing I hear as I fall asleep is Velvet's laugh.  

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