Chapter 30: Mercy isn't something I'm known for. 🍋

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Quick Note: Content warning for this chapter specifically. Themes of sexual activity involved. If you'd prefer to skip this chapter, I'll post a synopsis in the next chapter that will cover the main plot points while still being appropriate. But who are we kidding?! Have fun you sinners!

Also, this chapter will be a bit longer, but for good reason, I promise!

I take my arms out of the sleeves of his coat. My first thought was to throw it to the side, but that wouldn't normally be what Alastor would do. In a very dramatic manner, I sit up on my knees so that I can straighten out the coat a bit better, shake it out to make sure it's completely even and work on folding it very carefully. I make sure all the creases of the folds are even on both sides and that it's folded to the best of my ability.

Alastor is amused by my antics and laughs at my attempts, shaking his head as he watches the display. "Something tells me you'd be a horrible housewife." He laughs at the offended look I have on my face. "You didn't fold it properly."

"Oh, my stars..." I'm not very good at accents, but I'm trying for one of those submissive women with the soft high pitch voices from the Grease movie I remember. I believe that movie depicted the late 50's, but my point will still stand! "...well Kelly from down the street learned from Betty next door to her that Betty's husband, Fred, prefers his work coats folded with the sleeves folded at the elbows. I figured if Betty was sharing her secrets, she must be in the know. Fred always looks so sharp when he leaves for the office. Not as sharp as you, of course." I have one hand on my chest and the other moving dramatically as I make up this silly scenario. All I need now is a stick of gum and a perm.

It takes a few seconds before Alastor falls apart in laughter. I've never been able to make him laugh this hard. I don't know if I've ever heard him laugh this hard. It's almost like he was really trying not to. I'm glad I can make him happy. Whatever this relationship is, it's not just for power or sex. At least that's what I like to hope. It's more than just those things to me.

"Well, I don't want to speak ill of Kelly or Betty..." Alastor plays along, taking the poorly folded coat and walking it to the dresser. "...but Fred needs a lesson on how to properly handle his coats and jackets." I'm laughing at this fictional scenario. Imagine living in the same house and having neighbors. It will never happen. I wonder what his life was like before coming here. Was he ever married?

Alastor walks back over to me, cups my face in his hand and leans over to look at me closer. He has a fun but dangerous look in his eyes. "And you, my dear, need to be taught a lesson." I still look at him, but I can feel his finger trailing from my neck down to my chest. He pulls at the corset top I have on to make me lean in closer. "I can't be having my little lamb out galivanting in such tempting outfits."

I hope he understands this wasn't my outfit of choice. He can blame the V's if he's truly this upset. Though, I don't think we'll be having any further trouble with them.

"What would Kelly or Betty say if they saw you in the front yard in this?" Oh, my goodness, he's still playing! Alastor starts pulling at the red lace on the corset, loosening the top. "What if Fred was driving home from work and he saw you in this?" He continues jokingly questioning. The lace from the corset has been undone, the top loosely holding on. If I move even a little, it will probably fall right off. As Alastor waits for my answer, he starts pulling off the fishnet gloves I have on my arms.

"I worry that Kelly or Betty would think that you lived with an insane woman." How long can we keep this fictional story going? As I continue speaking, he slowly removes the other glove and then moves to the fishnet leggings, doing the same thing. "And Fred wouldn't dare look." I continue the plot, lifting my leg to help make Alastor's efforts easier. "He knows you'd confront him for even glancing in my direction." I joke.

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