Chapter 12: Oh f**k, was that not the right answer?

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Synopsis of Previous Chapter: If you skipped the previous chapter, here's what happened (the clean version).

Lucifer explained that he knew your name because he was the one who made the deal with your dad. He explained that he felt he was in a difficult situation because he knew you would've died that day if he didn't make that deal. Lucifer felt this was the best way to keep you alive until he could find a better option.

As you discussed more you found out that your dad traded you so that he could see his dog, Hank, again. This made you very upset. Husk recommended that because of the bad news you received that the group, or at least all the people who wanted to go, would go out for a night of fun.

Now, onto the show!

After a little convincing we were able to get Charlie and Vaggie to join us for a night out. By us, I mean me, Husk, Angel, and someone we were meeting at the nightclub named Cherri Bomb. I guess she's a good friend with Angel. Vaggie was even kind enough to let me borrow a pair of black jeans that match well with the red button up I got earlier today. I'm glad Vaggie and I are similar in size. I might be a hair taller, but at least close enough that I can borrow some clothes until I get my own.

That thought makes me a little sad. Am I going to be here long enough that I need to buy clothes? How will I buy them? I have no money!

The night club reminds me of one I went to back in college. The lights are low and colorful, the music is too loud for its own good, and it's crowded. I'm glad we found a booth for our group; it can be our safe haven away from the club of crazies. There is one feature of this club that is very different from anything I've seen before.

"Does this club have a sex room?" I ask the group as I look at a set of doors on the far wall.

"Three of them to be exact." Cherri says as she puts down a round of shots. It sounds like she has maybe an Australian accent. It sounds unique and nice. "Why? You interested?" She looks at me with a smirk.

I laugh as I grab one of the shots. "Nooooo thank youuuuu." I say dramatically as I take the shot.

"Yeah, she's 'engaged'" Angel quotes as he puts his empty shot glass down.

"Not that it even fucking matters anymore." I mutter, no one responds. I look up and see that they're all looking at me. "Like I'm getting out here! You really think I'll survive long enough? I don't." I rest my face in my hand. I glance at my engagement ring and then look at everyone again. "Sorry, I don't mean to be a bummer." I have to bring the mood back up somehow. "Besides, that's not why I wouldn't fuck you." I say to Cherri as a joke and wink at her. Hopefully this will make everyone perk up again.

This does get a few laughs, good!

"It's because she's straight." Husk throws in.

I shake my head in disagreement. "Wrong." Now the table is interested in the topic.

"So... you're bi?" Charlie asks.

"Close. Pansexual." I explain.

"Uh huh... and how exactly is pansexual different than bisexual?" Vaggie asks.

"Well... think of it this way." I begin, taking Charlie's shot that she didn't yet take. "Let's say this shot represents a woman being attracted only to biological men. And this one..." I grab Vaggie's unfinished shot glass, "represents a woman being only attracted to other biological women. And..." I look around the table for another shot. "I need one more shot."

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