Chapter 14: You're my pet now, little lamb.

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Your POV

My eyes blink a few times as I wake up. My head is pounding. I absolutely drank too much last night. What happened?

As I sit up, I realize I fell asleep in the same clothes I was wearing last night, so I must have just passed out. I have to try and remember yesterday.

I know I went out with the gang last night to some night club. It was dim and loud, and we were taking shots. Angel, Husk, Charlie, Vaggie, and Cherri Bomb were all there. Was Alastor there too? I can't recall. I think he was, but I'm not sure.

I know we talked about my sexuality, that's where the trouble started. But now everyone knows I can be attracted to anyone, regardless of who they are, as long as I like their personality. Did I tell them anything else?

There's a note on my dresser. As I flip it open it reads 'check the drawers for more clothes, since you'll be here for a while,' but it's not signed by anyone. What?!

Opening one of the drawers has a set of shirts, short sleeved and long sleeved. Another drawer has pants, shorts, leggings. Another has socks, underwear, and bras. Who set this all up? How do they even know my size? What do they mean I'll be here a while?! What else happened last night?

I'm pretty sure Husk walked me home; I remember him helping me up and out of the bar. He's a nice guy, how did he end up down here? I vaguely remember Cherri Bomb mention that he's a gambler. Maybe that gets you sent here, poor guy.

There's a part of my memory that's still very fuzzy, I'm not even sure if it's a memory or a weird dream. It was Alastor, but he didn't look like he normally looks. He was surrounded by a green glow; his face had changed so much. It was so... demonic. His small antlers grew to an insane length, and it was so windy. I think we were shaking hands.

I change into something different as I try to put together pieces of last night. I think I'll go with a pair of black leggings and an oversized red sweatshirt. Why do all my clothes have to have a red theme? As I put my second sock on, it finally hits me. I don't think that last thought was a dream. Fuck, did I make a deal with Alastor?!

"No no no no no." I know I'm panicking as I stand back up and look at myself in the mirror, holding my head. I look insane. But I don't look any different. I still look alive. What deal did I make?!

I don't bother with any footwear besides my socks since I know my first destination. I'm going to head straight to his studio and figure out what happened.

As I run to the door and swing it open, the man in question is standing right in front of me, towering over me in the doorframe.

"Did you get some rest, little lamb?" His staff is in his hands behind his back. That smile really never goes away. He knew I was going to go look for him.

"We made a deal yesterday, didn't we?" I want to get right to business. My head still hurts a bit, but there are more important things.

He laughs as he walks past me and invites himself into my room. "Indeed, we did. You told me quite a bit yesterday. Do you not remember?" He questions, looking back at me after he walks in.

This is so frustrating. "What was it?" I close my door with a little gusto and walk back towards Alastor. I don't think I'll ever seem threatening to him, but I need him to tell me.

"Oh! You don't remember!" He seems genuinely shocked as he laughs more. "Oh, you poor thing." He shakes his head.

"Alastor!" I growl, my hands in fists.

"I gave you freedom from guilt." He puts his staff in front of himself and leans on it. "No one back in the living world that you were connected to remembers who you are."

"Wait seriously? No one?" I question. "My dad? (fiancé's name)?"

"No one." Alastor clarifies. "You seemed distraught that people would be worried about you for how long you've already been here. But if no one remembers you, they'll have nothing to worry about. They're free from worry and you're free from responsibility." He seems so proud of himself.

That sounds like something I'd ask for; I don't think he'd make that up. "And what did I offer you?" I ask him.

"Hm?" Alastor is toying with me. He's looking at his own hand, acting like he's not going to answer me.

"Alastor!" I walk closer to him so that I'm standing toe to toe with him. He's finally looking down at me, giving me his full attention. "What was my end of the deal to you?" I ask again.

To my surprise, he takes one of his hands and pulls my chin as he leans in closer to me. We're face to face. This is the closest I've ever been to Alastor. My heart feels like it's going to beat out of my chest. Out of a little fear, but also a little bit of excitement if I were to be honest. No, this is not the time!

"You're my pet now, little lamb." Alastor seems to enjoy revealing this news to me.

"Clarify." I coax.

"If I tell you to lend me your power, you do." As he speaks, Alastor moves his hand from my chin, down my arm, and to my hand. He grabs my hand, holds it up and twirls me around. Still holding my hand in his, I can see myself and Alastor in the full-length mirror of my room. "If I tell you to sing and dance for my own amusement, you do." His face is so close to my ear as he explains more. Why is this giving me goose bumps? Am I afraid? Or am I... excited. He twirls me back so I'm facing him again. He has one hand resting on my waist and the other still in my other hand. It looks like we're dancing. "If I tell you I want to feel things I've never felt before, you will oblige my curiosity."

I'm at a loss for words. He's serious. I don't know how to respond to him.

Alastor laughs, still not letting me go. "If you want proof that we made a deal, go try to make a deal with someone else." He finally fully stands up and releases me. "You can only be under one contract at a time. If you try to make another deal, it won't work. So go ahead, try."

I still don't know what to say. I slowly back away, not looking away from Alastor. He doesn't look like he has any interest in following me. I feel comfortable looking away from him if he's not going to follow right behind me, so I turn away and open my hotel room door. I look down the hallway, trying to figure out my next step. I see Vaggie walking down one of the hallways. Maybe she can be my guinea pig.

"Vaggie!" I yell, getting her attention.

"Oh, you're finally awake. How are you-" There are more important things right now, Vaggie!

"Just, make a stupid deal with me." I interrupt, thinking about it for a second. "I'll... give you a pair of socks in my dresser if you give me a pair of socks in your dresser. Deal?" I hold out my hand.

Vaggie looks confused. "Why don't we just trade?"

I shake my head. "Just... please!" I'm still holding out my hand.

"Um... okay... deal?" Vaggie still seems confused. She grabs hold of my hand and we shake. It doesn't seem like anything happened. Is something supposed to happen?

Vaggie looks concerned now too. "Nothing happened..." She mutters. "You aren't... already in a deal, are you?" She questions.

From behind her in the hallway I can see Alastor, he looks proud.  

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