Chapter 39: Are you free?

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I'm glad I was able to escape that shot. Well, the worst of it at least. My left arm is bleeding, but it looks like the bullet went straight through. It doesn't look like I went too far, maybe just a building over. I can still hear my little lamb giving it her all. She sounds... demonic.

I don't know why hearing her so upset about me makes me genuinely smile. I guess it feels nice being cared about so deeply.

I tear the sleeve from the left arm of my coat. I have others, so losing this one won't be the end of the world. Using my right arm and teeth I'm able to tie off the wound for now, at least to get it to stop bleeding. I should probably wait a little longer for this to heal.

Great Alastor, altruist, died for his friends? Sorry to disappoint, that is not where this ends.

But she's not just my friend, she's so much more. I won't die for my friends, but I would die for her.

I don't hear her anymore. It must be over. My little lamb must have succeeded.

"I'm so sorry!" I hear Charlie say. She must be apologizing to her mother. It must be hard to be witness to her mother's downfall. But this is the outcome that needs to happen. This way my little lamb and I can rule. This is what we want... right?

"Charlie!" Wait, that's Lilith's voice. She's still alive. I pull myself up with my right arm, but I can feel how strenuous this is on my body. It's like every bone in my body is telling me to stay down, but I can't. I need to know what's happened.

"I'm so sorry, (y/n)!" What has befallen my little lamb?! What did Charlie do?!

Trying to use my abilities right now to travel quicker would only make my injuries worse. Luckily the walk isn't far. If other demons see me in this state, it won't be good. The walk from the building I was using for recovery and shelter, through the alleyway, and back into the now destroyed club still proves to be a difficult walk. I know I'm leaving a trail of blood as I walk, but there are more important things right now.

"Where is Alastor?" I hear her weakly ask. She's on the ground holding herself up with one arm while the other looks to be holding a severe wound on her right side. Her breathing seems shallow. Charlie's weapon has blood on it. Charlie's responsible for this.

I know I'm in no shape to fight the Princess of Hell, especially with Lilith right here. But if they take away the one thing I care about, then I have no care for the outcome of how this turns out. As long as I can make them hurt.

It must be the angry static noise that give me away as I approach the trio. Lilith and Charlie have eyes on me as soon as I enter the building, but now she notices as well. Don't worry little lamb, I'll make them pay.

"Al." She's never called me Al before; she must really be hurting. I have to get my priorities straight. Put this anger aside, Alastor. You're in no shape to fight! Charlie and Lilith don't look confrontational. Focus on her right now.

"I'm here, little lamb." Charlie moves out of the way which gives me room to kneel next to her. I put my hand on her cheek. She doesn't feel as warm as she usually does.

"I'm sorry, I tried." She's apologizing right now? She should be worried about herself!

I shake my head. "No no. You're wonderful." I pull her closer to me, holding her against my chest with my right arm. My left arm is still recovering. Sure is taking its sweet time.

"Are you free?" She asks me. Her breathing is so labored. I must find a way to stop the bleeding.

"Yes, little lamb. I'm free." I take the rest of my coat off, trying to tie what I can around her punctures. But they're so far spread apart and so big. I don't know what to do!

"I'm glad." She smiles. Her eyes finally lock with mine. "Help set me free." It's a statement, but why does it still sound like a question. I know what she means, but this is not the outcome I want.

"No!" I argue with her. "We can still heal you. You're going to be fine." Why is she still bleeding?!

She shakes her head at me. "You promised to make it painless." Her eyes look desperate. "Please."


Your POV

It's easy to see that the smile he's wearing is far from how he's feeling right now. He's panicked. He doesn't want this outcome. It's okay, I'm ready. I just want the pain to go away. I know I'll see him again soon.

It hurts so much, but I do what I can to lift my arm and touch his face. This seems to focus him a bit more. "Don't cry." He looks surprised. I don't think he realized he started crying. I wipe one of the tears away with my thumb. "This isn't goodbye, you know." I remind him. I don't know how many more words I have in me. "I'll be back in a few minutes, okay?" Breathing is getting difficult. Everything is a struggle. I think he's starting to acknowledge it.

His head is to the floor, and I can see some tears fall. He holds me close and holds me tight. I love this feeling. He has his arm wrapped around my head, holding me to his chest with his head next to mine. I hear him take a deep breath and his grip on my head gets a little tighter.

"I'll be here waiting. Don't make me wait long." I hear his words clearly, but my body feels like it's no longer responding. I'm not even sure what he did, but something has changed. The pain I felt a second ago is gone. I can't take any more breaths. My vision feels like it's getting dark. I feel like I need to take a nap, I'm so sleepy.

"I love you, so much." I'm glad those were the last five words I heard.



My mind is a mess, I feel like my breathing is so chaotic. My eyes keep creating more tears. I drop the bloody kitchen knife back to the ground and hold her cold body as close to me as I can. She's not speaking anymore. She's not breathing anymore. Why am I this emotional? She'll be back soon.

Charlie and Lilith don't say anything. I know Charlie is crying, and surprisingly, Lilith seems empathetic to the situation unfolding in front of her. They could easily tell all of Hell how the all-powerful Radio Demon is at his weakest point and easy to dispose of, but they're both still here. They're being, maybe supportive, is the right word.

Her body slowly disappears into nothingness. I'm not sure exactly what happens to her human body since she's died here, but I know her soul will appear.

Here... any second. Maybe, any minute? The silence between the three of us is uncomfortable. This is taking too long!

"She should be here by now." Lilith says quietly, her arms folded.

I pick myself up, doing my best to control my anger. I know it can still be seen all over my face. When my eyes become radio dials and my words come through my mouth only with light it's obvious, I'm upset.

"Then where is she?" I angrily ask.  

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