Chapter 4: So, do you have an open room?

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Your POV

"That... Alastor character... is he dangerous?" I ask Vaggie now that we are heading down the hallway and up a set of stairs.

"Oh yeah." She says confidently. I can hear in her voice a little venom. Maybe she has some personal issues with Alastor?

"One thing you should know about being here, (y/n), is that demons like to make deals." Vaggie explains to me as we continue to walk. "Don't. Make. Any. Deals." Her message is clear.

"Noted." I say. "If it's such a bad thing, then why do these deals happen?" I ask for clarification.

Vaggie seems to think about it for a bit. "Most deals are out of desperation. It's to save them from a worse fate. Just, don't put yourself in a shitty situation. Stay with us here and you should be safe." She says with a smile.

"Stay in the hotel for safety. As you have a giant talking spider and a shady deer." I say with a slight smile, obviously trying to show the hypocrisy.

"Oh, Angel is definitely not someone you should be worried about." Vaggie says with a slight laugh. "Probably don't go to work with him. Again, just, stay in the hotel until we figure out what to do."

I give Vaggie a thumbs up as we finally make it to the room we are looking for. Charlie's room.

The doors open to a very nice and neat room. It is decorated very well and is kind of cute. Lots of plush pillows, pictures of friends and family. I take notice of the picture of Charlie and Vaggie together. They are a pretty cute couple! In a corner of the room is a big whiteboard, where the woman in question is currently focusing her energy on, muttering to herself occasionally.

"We did trust falls already, but what about... trust... pushes?" She mutters as she writes 'trust pushes' on the white board.

"Babe." Vaggie says, interrupting Charlie's thoughts.

The tall blonde turns around to look at Vaggie and me. "Hey! Who's this?" Charlie asks politely as she shakes my hand. "Whoa, you're-"

"Warm. I've been told." I interrupt with a smile. "I'm (y/n). It's nice to meet you." This Charlie girl seems nice enough, she's probably somewhat harmless, right?

Charlie lets out a little laugh. "Sorry. I'm Charlie. Princess of Hell!" She says dramatically.

Okay... so maybe not so harmless.

"Babe, she's alive." Vaggie says to Charlie, who now looks concerned.

"How?" Charlie asks.

"Her dad sacrificed her, long story." Vaggie summarizes.

Charlie looks like she is thinking. "There are a few demons who make deals with those on Earth, but usually not to this extent." She thinks aloud.

"Is there a way to pinpoint who may have made this deal?" Vaggie asks Charlie.

"Not that I'm aware of." Charlie replies sadly. She paces the room for a little bit before she stops and looks back at us. "Give me some time to figure out the next step with this. I may need a day or so to think this through. This is important." She smiles as she asks for the time.

"Yeah, that makes sense." I say, confused about what my next steps would be. "So, do you have an open room?" I ask as a bit of a joke, knowing it would be wise for me to stay in the hotel. "It doesn't sound like I'll be going anywhere else anytime soon."

Charlie's face lights up and she starts clapping her hands together in little fast claps. "Yeeeeees!" She says like an excited child as she runs out of the room.

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