Chapter 21: Why is he here?

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Together, we could rule Hell. That's what he said. I lay in bed just staring at the ceiling, lost in that thought. Alastor made a good point when he mentioned to Emily and Lute that with my power here, I wouldn't have to submit to those in Heaven. But this all seems to be happening so fast. My entire life has changed in the span of a week. I went from being a low-income college graduate who was engaged and trying to take care of her depressed dad to a powerhouse independent girl in a confusing relationship with a mysterious and powerful demon overlord in Hell. Plus, I'm still fucking alive! I'm in the weirdest limbo ever!

I know people say that power goes to your head, and I worry about that a little. I've never had so much independence to be able to take care of my own problems and fight back. With Alastor's guidance, I think we could be unstoppable. We probably could rule Hell. We can make it to be whatever we want. But maybe I should practice more. It seems like I can manipulate people once they're under my melodic hypnosis, and I can decide when I want to set them free. But it's still important to make sure this ability doesn't have any weaknesses. I can work on that tomorrow after a good night's sleep.



It's been difficult to sleep these past few days. I feel I'll be able to get out of my deal with her soon enough. Once she sees how powerful I... we... are. She'll have to intervene. She'll have no choice. I'll convince her to set me free, as long as I have my little lamb on my side.


Your POV

Once I'm awake and moving I take a look in the mirror and see that the bite mark I had yesterday has drastically faded. It looks nothing more than a small bruise that you'd have to look extremely hard at to see. I think I can manage without having to hide this today.

A pair of red shorts and a black tank top should be fine for the day. I finish putting my shoes on and head out the door of the hotel. It's been some time since I've left these grounds.

A lot of people worry about me leaving the hotel because they think I'm defenseless, but I don't feel defenseless lately. Plus, it seems no matter how much alone time I want, I never make it very far.

"I struggle seeing you walk about in public in what little clothing you are wearing, little lamb." I hear Alastor angrily comment as he follows behind me. The jump scares of him appearing whenever and wherever have slowly started losing their effect.

I roll my eyes and stop for a second so he can walk next to me instead of behind me. He does look pretty upset. He's good at showing his emotions with his eyes. "I understand and acknowledge that you must be from a time period where this was not common dress code." I begin.

"You're basically walking around the streets in your underwear." Alastor interrupts me. "I put those in your wardrobe for you to wear in the comfort of your room. Possibly the hotel, if I must compromise." His eye is twitching at this point. It must be difficult for him to keep his composure right now.

"So, it was you that put all the clothes in my dresser. I kind of figured." I mumble the last part. "Anyways..." I try to get back on topic. "Sometimes it's more comfortable than walking around all day in long sleeves and full pants. I'd get too hot." As we continue walking, I look around the buildings and point to a nearby poster. "Plus, there's this shit all over the place! There are posters of barely dressed or completely nude models everywhere down here! You're surrounded by all of this, and you have a problem with my tank top?" I argue.

"I don't care about them! I care about you!" Alastor responds in anger. His antlers have grown in size and even his arms, legs, and neck have all gotten longer. He easily towers over me more than he normally does. I stop walking and look up at him, noticing his eyes look like radio dials and his teeth look like they could shred through a car.

I know he's upset, but I think he's upset because he doesn't understand how to process the feelings of what he just admitted. He said he cares about me. I know he looks like a terrifying rendition of what I'd picture a sleep paralysis demon would look like, absolute nightmare fuel. But even still, I'm not scared.

I know I must be losing my sanity. I smile at Alastor. He may look terrifying right now, but he cares about me. "I care about you too." I tell him. I can see the confusion in his face. Trying to figure out how to process not only what he said, but my response. "I know what I wear is important to you, you struggle with some complex feelings. I promise, when we do more fancy events, maybe you take me on a proper date, like a gentleman, I'll dress appropriately." I'd be curious if he ever actually would. What would a proper date look like in Hell? This seems to be calming him down though. His face is back to normal, and his limbs are going back to their regular size. "Let me wear this, at least for today, because it's comfortable and I like it." I'm curious what his mind is thinking right now.

Alastor looks conflicted. He takes a deep breath and lets out a sigh. "Fair enough." He responds as he continues walking. I follow in step, surprised that there isn't much more on the topic. "But if I see anyone looking at you in a way I don't like, it will be the last thing they see before I rip their eyes out." It's not a threat to me, but it still sounds so sincere. He points to a group across the street. "Like these street thugs. They can be the first to test my patience." Now it just seems like he's searching for a fight.

As I listen more to the voices coming from across the street, one voice sticks out. I don't recognize any of the three guys, but one sounds so familiar.

"What do you want from me? What do I have to give you to make this deal happen?" The guy who kind of looks like a beat down bulldog of a demon asks one of the other guys. Those words... that voice... even some of his features. Though not human, they're familiar.

"Dad?" I ask quietly.

Alastor seems a bit surprised. "Wait, your father is here in Hell?" He clarifies. "Are you sure that's him?"

I look more closely at the demon's features. Body shape closely matches my dad's, voice is uncanny similar, and there's a strange circular marking on his right temple. Could that be the remnants of a bullet wound? He did it anyways, he shot himself.

"He looks like my dad, but at the same time, doesn't. I'm not sure." I explain.

"Well, he wouldn't keep all his mortal features. But usually, the new features we carry have some significance." Alastor explains. He narrows his eyes a bit, as if trying to look more clearly at something. "He has a dog tag necklace around his neck. Has two tags, similar to that of a veteran." Alastor looks closer. "Mentions some name of a Midwest town in America I can't make out. I think the name on the other tag reads (dad's f/n)." He clarifies.

"Yep... that's my dad." Why is he here?  

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