Chapter 37: Love's the death of peace of mind.

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Quick Note: Content warning for this chapter specifically. Actions of self-harm suggested. If you'd prefer to skip this chapter, I'll post a synopsis in the next one that will cover the main plot points while glossing over the details of the difficult details.

Also, this chapter will be an interesting two parter involving a song, which the link will be in the chapter. But the entire song will be used over two chapters. I'm also going to do my best to distinguish who is singing which part by using different font styles, which hasn't been done in earlier chapters. For example, if italicized, the lyrics are sung by Lilith. If bolded, it's being sung by (y/n). I hope this helps!

I also just quickly wanted to say thank you to those who have taken interest in this story and who are still with me 37 chapters later, I really appreciate you! Every like and comment truly means a lot to me! If there's any questions I can answer by all means just let me know!

Alright now, have fun you sinners!

This must be Lilith. She's a very beautiful woman, but rightfully so I'm sure she's pissed at me. I do see where Charlie takes after her mother. Both such beautiful and powerful women. I'm way in over my head. I'm going to die.



I know I'm not far from her, but every inch feels like a mile. So far everything is fine. The breeze at the top of this building as I look down at the club feels a bit calming. I take a deep breath, trying to stay under control and keep my worries to a minimum.

Once the lights are out in the building I see that demons are walking out in some sort of trance. I know she's on her way. My little lamb is amazing. I need to keep her safe.

I take my first step and I feel it. I never knew this was how it felt. I never even realized that I held this weight across my neck before. I put my hand over my neck and rub it a little. Though nothing has visibly changed, I feel like a chain I've been carrying all this time has been removed. I feel like I can breathe easier.

It's done... I'm free.

I'm free from her. I'm free from my restraints. I'm free to harm, to kill, to rule.

But... I'm free to do what I want, right?

I thought I knew what I wanted for so long. But now, I'm not so sure.

I know right now; I want to help my little lamb.


Your POV

I still hold the power of Alastor's staff. If I can get Lucifer under my control, I should be able to get Lilith under my control too, right?

I start my confident stride towards Lilith. She's much taller than I am. What's that saying? The bigger they are, the harder they fall. With each step Alastor's signature green glow mixed my my goldent tint surround me. I feel so powerful. I just have to think of something to sing to get her under my feet.

((The Death of Peace of Mind Female Cover. Ugh, I wish I could find a female duet! But this will have to do! Still really amazing cover!

"I made another mistake,
Thought I could change, thought I could make it out,
Promises break, need to hear you say,
You're gonna keep it now,"

I can hear Lilith's laugh during my verse. "You think you're the only one who gains power from songs?" Lilith challenges. Is this turning into a fucking duet?!

"I miss the way you say my name,
The way you bend, the way you break,
Your makeup running down your face,
The way you touch, the way you taste," 

Similar to the golden glow I have around those I manipulate; Lilith causes a beautiful purple glow to grow around the room. Much faster than I'm able to produce.

I am surrounded by that purple glow quickly. Though I can still understand what's happening around me, move my own eyes and speak, I don't seem to have any control over my own movements. As she sings, I'm unwillingly moving to the bar and grabbing a large kitchen knife. It takes me a second before I realize what she's having me do. My hand faces the knife towards myself, the other hand holding the knife steady and firm.

No no no no! I don't want to stab myself to death!

Before I'm able to push the knife into my own stomach Alastor is standing behind me, his hands gripped tightly around my arms and pushing them back. He's using any extra traction he can get by bracing his leg against the bar. I know I'm holding most of his power, I'm not sure how limited this makes him. But at least this gives me some time to regain my own control back.

"When the curtains call the time will we both go home alive?
It wasn't hard to realize love's the death of peace of mind,"

By singing through the chorus, I'm able to get my power far enough to at least regain my own control again. I have a safe space where I can refocus. I drop the knife, staring angrily at Lilith. I have no idea what I'm messing with. But I'm happy Alastor is here.

I give Alastor my hand, focusing on giving him his power back. Envisioning the staff that lives inside me and focusing on materializing it again. As I'm working on this, I can hear Lilith's beautiful voice again.

"You're in the walls that I made with crosses and frames hanging upside down,
For granted, in vain, I took everything I ever cared about,"

Fuck, her power encompasses the room fast! Luckily Alastor's staff has finally taken a physical shape and is back in his hands. With his power back he was able to create a small black circular shield to protect both of us. If Alastor didn't protect us so quickly, we would've fallen under Lilith's control. I can see why Lucifer was worried about this manipulating ability, especially if it can be this strong. I'm a toddler compared to her!

"I miss the way you say my name,
The way you bend, the way you break,
Your makeup running down your face,
The way you fuck, the way you taste,"

I'm trying harder to focus on getting my and Alastor's combined powers sent farther faster. I grab hold of Alastor's staff. Now that he has his abilities back, he can utilize his strength to try and do whatever he can to distract Lilith. He has black tentacles coming from the ground trying to grab hold of her, which she easily walks around like it's nothing. Thanks to him though I'm able to see that gold tint hit her eyes and for a split second I swear I had her under my control. I wasn't even going to have her do anything drastic, I was just going to have her go back to Heaven! But somehow, within a blink, my hold on her was gone. How?!

"When the curtains call the time will we both go home alive?
It wasn't hard to realize love's the death of peace of mind,"

Lilith's voice comes from behind me. I turn but by the time I do Alastor is standing in front of me, blocking Lilith from making a direct hit. Whatever she was going to do would have probably killed me instantly. Her attack sends poor Alastor flying across the room and slamming into one of the walls. I'm angry, but too distracted worrying about Alastor to catch on that there is more to that chorus.

"When the curtains call the time will we both be satisfied?
It wasn't hard to realize love's the death of peace of mind,

Love's the death of peace of mind,
Love's the death of peace of mind," 

Fuck, no! Not again! How is she able to make me do things like this? I can still think clearly but my entire body seems to have a mind of its own! Every good bar owner usually has a shotgun hiding somewhere behind the bar. It doesn't take me long to find the shotgun underneath the sink, but locating the bullets and getting them loaded is taking me a little time. "You fucking bitch! Stop!" I yell at her as my hands start getting bullets from the box. I can hear her beautiful melody continue, keeping her hold on me.

"You come and go in waves leaving me in your wake,
You come and go in waves swallowing everything,"

As she sings, I continue to get the gun loaded. I know it's only moments before I end up shooting my own stupid face off. I don't think I can watch. I close my eyes, but I feel my arms extend out, different than what I was expecting. Where am I pointing?  

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