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The sky crumbled around you as you fell through the clouds. You tried to no avail to move your broken wing.

"LEVIATHAN!" You cried, still trying to reach your fallen mentor. Your fallen friend. Their silver body, which you'd admired reflecting the moonlight so many nights before, lay broken, their shimmering scales darkened by blood, as the earth cracked beneath them. You forced your broken wing straight, using it to glide, before you crashed in front of them.

They stirred slightly as you touched down near them. The small movement gave you hope. "Can you shift?" The manic desperation cracked your voice as you reached for the face of the Hydro Sovereign Dragon. "Into anything smaller- I can carry you- I can get you to the water- I can-"

Lava bubbled up from the cracks beneath you both. You barred your teeth and turned your back to your sovereign, protecting them, and dousing the heat in all directions as more and more geysers erupted around you. Like a caged animal, you shrieked, panicked, as you bent the molten earth away from the being you cared about most.

They finally spoke to you. "*Insert your Dragon Name here*, I need you to do something for me."

You gasped, your eyes wide, and you turned back to face them. "Anything. Anything, Leviathan."

"Live. Go to Morax."

"MORAX?" Your violent response strained your already wounded ribs. You gripped your chest with a wince. "That snake betrayed us-"

Leviathan's calm voice stopped you. "His youth leads him to be foolish. An ambitious opportunist who sought the power of the sovereigns he knew he'd never become. But. What he did, he did to survive. And you, you can guide his ambition." Their strain and pain finally showed in their hoarse voice.

You shook your head "I-"

"As a war dragon, he'll respect your power. As one of the last of his kind, he'll feel solidarity with you. As my pupil, you will counsel him to be a peaceful and just god."

Your eyes watered. "Leviathan..."

"I trust you to do this. And I trust him to keep you safe. Our kind will not die today."

With the last of their power, they healed you. "No!" you protested, as a blue light enclosed around you.

"We will meet again." They promised, before you watched the earth swallow them in the last sliver of your old world before the blue capsule closed around you.


It was silent in the blinding blue light. Compact, but completely still. You could hear nothing outside of the earthquakes that ravaged your homeland, only the sounds of your own screams and cries within your capsule as you begged for your sovereign.

You weren't sure how long you were stuck in the protective shield. You remember waking from what felt like a long dream. When the blue light suddenly vanished, you were surrounded by golden leaves. You fell to one knee and reached for the gingko leaves on the polished stone steps. You smelled the sea in the distance, and the warm earth nearby, soft from a recent rain. Birds chirped and fluttered in the golden hour. The peaceful nature of it all brought a tear to your eye. You observed the leaf, then your own hand. The world you'd known was gone; new vegetation and topography now took its place. Your human form was adorned with fine armor, a parting gift from your sovereign.

When your head finally lifted, you looked up the stone stairs until at the top, in a white, black, and gold cloak you saw a man. His eyes, the color of the setting sun, glowed as he studied you, unclear if he would need to defend himself against the pryo dragon who appeared before him. In all of your processing of the sights, sounds, scents of this new world, you failed to notice that he looked- afraid of you.

You dropped your head, this time intentionally, in a bow. "Morax." You struggled with his name, but composed yourself. "I- I offer you my service... in exchange for your protection."

His lips parted.

You were his first contract. 

Dragon Daddies (Genshin Men x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now