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One year later...

After a long trip, you were thrilled to finally step through the doors of his office. "Neuvi!"

You dashed to hug him, and could feel your cycle start just from the sight of him. You kissed his cheek but he didn't move. "Neuvillette? What's wrong?" You glanced around his stiff body language.

"You should sit down." He sounded vacant.

"Oh." You backed up slowly, and sat in a chair across from him at his long desk.

"Some things have happened while you were away."

"...what happened?" Your expression sank.

"The Melusines have moved out of the home you shared with them. They now live in a small village of their own that can only be accessed by a significant swim."


"Carole was killed."

Your heart stopped. "What-"

"Vautrin avenged her, and has been sentenced to the Fortress of Meropide."

"You- what-"

"He broke the law. I upheld the law."

"But he- But Carole- Neuvillette..."

He looked down at his hands, folded on his desk. "My decision was correct."

You looked away from him.

"...And I don't think I would have made it if you were here at the time...."

A greater pit formed in your stomach. "Neuvi-"

"In your letter, where you explained cycles to me-"

From the rhythm with which he spoke, from the fact that he wouldn't look at you, you could tell everything he said had been rehearsed. You leaned back in your chair like the words that escaped his lips physically pushed you away as much as they did emotionally.

"You mentioned that you wanted to make sure that I didn't feel coerced by the influence of the cycle. And while I told you at the time that I didn't feel the influence, it's been brought to my attention that my behavior and rationale is not as unaltered as I initially believed."

"Brought to your attention? By Whom?" You asked even though you knew the answer. How DARE she-

He ignored your question. "In your presence, and in your defense, while under the influence of the cycle, my protective outbursts on your behalf are ill-suited for an Iudex. Due to my position, and what my position means to the safety and protection of the people of Fontaine, I must not be influenced. Even by you."

You're choosing them over me. "So you're getting rid of me? D-did I do- something- wrong?" Your voice cracked.

"No. No, Y/n." He finally looked at you with tears in his eyes. "No- No. I want us to still be- I want us to be like we were before the cycles. I want you to maintain your position so you can still heal yourself. I want you to still have a home here."

Tears fell silently down your face. "But not a home with you."

"You can adapt to repressing your cycle again."

"Can I now?" You bit. "You'll allow it as my boss? After my demotion back to you doting little secretary?"

"Y/n." He closed his eyes and a tear fell down his cheek. "I know it will take time to adjust and I want you to take all the time you need, but please do not leave Fontaine until your cycle ends."

"Like I'm fucking staying here. Are we done? Have you said all you wanted to say in this one-sided decision?" You hissed.


Dragon Daddies (Genshin Men x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now