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It had been 100 years since you'd seen the Iudex. All of the human friends you'd made in your time in Fontaine had passed on. You returned for funerals.

Nowadays, you took your male form when you traveled and when you were in Fontaine for work. Most of your contacts now knew you as a man. Your long hair was pulled back in a slightly lower messy bun. You still wore all black, with black pants that hugged your muscular legs and a flowy linen shirt that draped over your broad shoulders. Your stature was intimidating, which streamlined the process of having to prove your competency before anyone took you seriously. Your confident and unbothered demeanor led to efficient discussions and negotiations.

The Melusines, however, still recognized you immediately.

Menthe spotted you on an errand, and ran to hug your legs.

You chuckled and squatted down to her height. "It's good to see you, Menthe. How have you been?" You asked with a kind, low voice.

Menthe held your hand with both of hers as she looked up at you with big sad eyes. "... Will you please help Monsieur Neuvillette?"

Keep it together for the kids. "Is there something wrong with Monsieur Neuvillette?" You asked calmly.

"His leg really hurts him. He doesn't talk about it, but we can all tell. We haven't been able to help him. He said once that of everyone, you would probably know best..." Menthe looked down.

You let out a heavy sigh. "Of course I will help him, Menthe-" She crashed into you in a hug.


(Choose your gender for this next section. I as the author see all of the below with Y/n in a male form, but it's written gender neutral. Up to you as a reader! You can switch it up part way through, too, if you wish.)


You stepped into his office at what should have been past the end of his work day. He sat at his desk with no sign of winding down for the evening.

"No need to wait for me, Menthe. You may go." You hadn't heard that warm, deep voice in a long time. It brought you so much comfort, once. In a way, it still did.

"Do you confuse many people for Menthe, or just me?" You asked gently.

He froze. When he finally looked up from his work, he had a mix of relief and devastation in his eyes. "Y/n?"

"Menthe told me your leg has been bothering you. I'm here to take a look." You said calmly as you lit his hearth fire for the evening.

"I- I-"

You raised an eyebrow as you took a seat at the edge of the coffee table and gestured for him to lay down on his couch.

"How are you?" He asked, his voice hollow.

"That's not why I'm here. How bad does it hurt-" You watched him walk towards you with heavy support on his cane. "...I see."

"I manage. It's inconvenient. But I manage."

"Lay back." You instructed evenly. You began to unbutton his spats. "How long has this been going on?"

He opened his lips to speak, but closed them. He looked away from you.

"Does the onset of this pain align with when you began taking the suppressants?" You offered diplomatically.

"It does."

"I see. Who makes the suppressants for you? I'm not going to recommend anything orally unless I know what you're already taking."

"I do not know. Lady Furina handles the orders."

Dragon Daddies (Genshin Men x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now