Your Second Year in Fontaine

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At the end of your workday in the Palais, you and the Melusines congregated in the kitchen as you often did to make dinner together. You'd taught them many new dishes from different nations, and this evening, the meal was a favorite from Snezhnaya. You gathered around the large wood island, where one of the Melusines rolled out the dough at your instruction while the other finished mashing the potato filling.

"These are essentially dumplings," You explained as you demonstrated cutting the dough, adding a dollop of potato, and sealing it shut. "Then, we are going to cook them in butter and onion and serve with applesauce, sour cream, and fermented cabbage. Perfect for a cold day like today." You placed your sealed dumpling on a plate with a warm grin. When you looked around at the eager faces, you noticed one was missing. "Where is Miss Carole?"

The other Melusines looked between each other. "Hmm, she should be here any minute! It's strange that she wouldn't be back yet..."

You dusted your hands on your apron and slipped it off before you made your way to the door. "I'll be right back."

"Are you going to look for her?"

"Yes, I won't be long." You maintained your pleasant demeanor despite your growing worry.

"But your coat!"

Your eyes glowed as you opened the door. "I'll be alright, thank you for your concern, loves." You stepped outside.

Two streets down from your house, you found Carole cornered in an alleyway by three painfully average men who believed themselves to be intimidating. "If you keep snooping around our business-" They threatened.

"She's a guard. That's quite literally her job." You snipped from the street.

"Y/n!" Carole called.

"Shut it!" One of the men snapped at Carole. She jumped, startled. Your lips pursed. "Go home, sweetheart." They condescended to you before returning their attention back to the Melusine.

You rolled your eyes and stepped into the alleyway.

Neuvillette walked down the dark street with a shiver at the changing weather, when he was halted by a body thrown from the alleyway, then another landing on top of the first, and finally a third. You stepped out after them, dusted your hands, and then extended a hand back for Carole to take yours. She darted to your side and hugged your leg, as the men groaned and rolled off each other, gasping and scattering at the sight of the Chief Justice.

"Thank you." Carole whispered at your side.

You placed a hand on her head, then squatted down to face her at her height, moving your hand to her shoulder. "Miss Carole. We've talked about this..." You began with a low gentle voice. She nodded and looked down. "I know you want to do well in your role as a guard. But you need to be careful."

"I just don't understand... if I did something... to make them dislike me so much..."

You pulled her into a hug. "No, honey. You've done nothing wrong. You are brave, and kind, and dedicated to the safety of the people of Fontaine. They are so lucky to have you here. Those are just some unfortunate men who feel they have something to prove. Scaring someone smaller than them makes them feel big and important. Hopefully they will learn to be better one day, but for now, while the tensions remain high in the capital, please don't be out by yourself after dark, okay? That goes for all of us non-humans."

"But- you fit in with the humans so well! They don't even know you're- why can't I be-"

"Honey, I lived as a human for a long time. I have practice. And I don't have cute ears." You pinched one of hers playfully.

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