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The full moon lit your way back to the Palais. You could hear distant waves in the cool peaceful night. You moved silently up the steps to the Palais, then up to Nuevillette's office. You opened his office door without a sound and ducked inside. Swiftly, you pulled out a letter from your breast pocket, slid open his top drawer, and removed the blue wax candle and silver metal seal. You snapped a small flame under the candle to drip a few heavy drops on your letter, sealed it quickly, and then returned the materials exactly where you found them, position and all.

You dropped your letter, addressed to Snezhnaya, with the seal of the Iudex of Fontaine in the large pile of outgoing mail on your way out, along with a few other letters to cover it.

You left the Palais without so much a word. No one noticed you.

On your way home, you stopped to purchase a few chocolates, and made your way towards the community center. His class should be just about-

You watched people pour out of the center, holding and waving parchment, encouraging it to dry. You smiled as you searched for your Iudex.

"Monsieur, your otter is beautiful!" You heard one of the old ladies compliment. You beamed as you made your way towards what must be him.

"Your ship is truly excellent. And you captured the waves so masterfully." Neuvillette complimented in return.

"Why, thank you, Iudex!" She bowed appreciatively.

"We'll see you next week!" Her husband waved before he took his wife's hand for their stroll home. What a cute couple.

Neuvillette smiled softly, and his expression grew brighter as he noticed you. "Y/n."

"Good evening, Monsieur!" You greeted cheerfully. "Let me see!" You dashed around his parchment, trying to catch a look.

Apprehensively, he turned his paper slowly to show you.

"Aww!! He's so cute!!" You squealed with excitement. "You're a natural!" You praised. ...and you're making connections. Aww Neuvi-

He cleared his throat. "May I escort you home, mademoiselle?" He offered you his arm.

"You most certainly may." You accepted.

"What has you out so late tonight?" He queried down at you.

"Besides the lovely weather? A craving for chocolates." You sighed. "Would you like one?" You offered.


Finally, after weeks of diligent preparation, the day had arrived.

"Ladies!" You called the Melusines to attention in your home. They scurried down the stairs in uniform, awaiting your orders. "Today's the day. We have diplomats, moguls, and leaders from across Teyvat arriving in Fontaine. Miss Carole?"

"Yes, Miss Y/n!"

"Would you be so kind as to collect the macarons for the welcome gift baskets? I already placed an order with our famous little baker, and she'll have some extras for us to snack on as well." You smiled.

"She was in the paper, Miss Y/n, did you see?" One of the Melusines bounced with excitement as she fetched the paper.

You glowed as you grazed the article, complimenting your little friend as a rising young talent in the pastry scene of the capital. "We should frame this for Vautrin after the banquet. I'm sure his very proud." You were incredibly proud.

"We have the bath salts from Mama for the welcome gifts, too!"

"Perfect. Neuvillette's welcome letters are here with tickets to tonight's Opera..." You checked off your checklist. "As long as we have these gift baskets to the hotel by noon, we should be ready for our guests."

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