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In the Liyuen countryside, on a warm spring day as the birds sang, and the creek trickled under the stone bridge at the heart of a small village, an old woman stepped carefully towards a smooth stone table. "Excuse me, mon cheri, is this seat taken?" The old woman asked, holding her tea.

The man looked back at her, stood, took the tea from her to set it down on the stone table overlooking the mountain tea fields, and helped her into the seat next to him.

"What's a nice young man like you doing having tea with old people up in the mountains..." She complimented as she settled into her seat.

He chuckled. "You're too kind, madame. I'm not as young as you infer." He bowed his head. "Is it your first time in Liyue?"

"It is!" She smiled gleefully. "I had no idea how beautiful this countryside was... The paintings can't quite capture it. The mountains are so majestic, and peaceful."

"Thank you. They are." He agreed warmly. "What brings you to our countryside?"

"I'm visiting friends in Mondstadt!"

"Oh? This route is a bit out of the way for you."

"Yes, well, my friend told me that I should stop here on my journey. She said she hadn't been here in a very long time, but that she hoped this tea house still stood. She insisted I visit if it did."

"Well. Your friend has excellent taste. In my opinion, this is the finest tea in Liyue. Do you get to see your friends in Mondstadt often?"

"Not as much as I would like, but they do write to me often, which is very sweet of them."

"As they should." He sipped his tea. "Have you always lived in Fontaine?"

"No. I immigrated there from Natlan a lonnng time ago. Many of us who live down by the water are immigrants. What about you, hun? Have you always lived in Liyue?"

"The vast majority of my life, yes."

"Do you have a wife? A family?" She looked around the tea house grounds.

"I do." He paused. "She's- away... at the moment."

"Mhmm... did you muck things up?" She asked as she took a sip.

"I did." He admitted.

"Did you cheat on her?"

"Oh no. She would have just castrated me herself and been done with it."

"My kind of woman. Did you hit her?"

"Never." He said with vulnerable insistence. "I'd never hurt her."

"And have you been together a long time?"

"A very long time."

"She's your first love, ain't she?"

He blinked a few times at the outsider perspective. "Yes."

The old woman tapped his hand. "She'll get over it. Did you apologize to her?"

"I- haven't had the opportunity to yet."

"You need to get on that, son."

He looked out beyond the mountain range. "I know."

"She'll believe you. If that's what you're worried about."

He looked back to the old woman, again taken aback by her assertions. "Why do you say that?"

"I can see it in those pretty gold eyes of yours. You really mean it, whatever you want to apologize for."

His gaze returned out past Liyue's borders in the far distance. "She and I never had children of our own. I- put pressure on her in our youth. I shouldn't have. We do have a family though..."

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