Paper (Pt 2)

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(Hi! I also added a flashback to the end of the Fairytale chapter today. Please check that out first if you are interested, as it adds to the impact of the ending of this chapter. I'm not married to the idea, but I wanted to explore it, and would love feedback. Thank you so much for reading as always!)

Two young Knights of Favonius on patrol heard the strange cries of the Hilichurls in the night.


"'Mea Maxima Culpa? They were apologizing." Alhaitham sat up and reached for his notes. "How fascinating... Have you met them before? What deed would make them ask your forgiveness?"

"Psst. Read the room." Kaveh hissed at the junior.

Tighnari studied the plants they offered you. "These would make a strong painkiller." His voice was low.

You looked down, though your vision was blurry from the tears in your eyes. "I know. Someone used to make that painkiller for me a very long time ago..."

"Who?" Alhaitham leaned in.

"A captain of the guard from Khaenri'ah."

"...We knew you were old... but not that old." Cyno dropped his head in his hand. "This would lean towards the theory that the Hilichurls were once Khaenri'ahn. But why would they give you a painkiller?"

Alhaitham glanced to Tighnari, who was trying not to look at the rest of the group. "And what does Tighnari know that we don't? Have the Hilichurls approached you like this before?" Alhaitham asked.

Tighnari shot him an angered side eye, hoping he would shut up before he upset you further.

You answered. "No, but- I usually travel in a different form than this one."

"Hm." Alhaitham raked his fingers through his dark silver waves. "Well. If you ever feel like being honest with the rest of us, we might just have a good paper."

"Shut up." Kaveh snipped at Alhaitham. "This is her lived experience. Not your fucking paper."

Alhaitham spun his pen as a tick. "Does this have anything to do with that dragon you told us about when you explained why you don't use an Akasha Terminal?" Alhaitham's speech had quickened, finally releasing a question he'd held in for weeks now.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Kaveh bit.

"...Yes." You answered honestly.

Alhaitham pulled an archive book, which should not have left the borders of Sumeru, from his bag and flipped to a page he'd reread dozens of times. "The Liyue Adepti represent the largest congregation of god level power in all of Teyvat. The strongest among them, beside the archon himself, was the Stargazer Lily, who is credited with the recruitment of Moon Carver and numerous other adepti into the service of Rex Lapis. Stargazer Lily fought as a champion for Rex Lapis in the Archon War, and is believed to be the closest advisor to him in his reign. Her capture, dismemberment, and the weaponization of her body is believed to be the cause of Rex Lapis' reclusion after the events of the Cataclysm, as it showed the technological advancement of humans could overpower even the strongest gods.

Her still beating heart was cut from her draconic form, and buried in the soil of the fields of Khaenri'ah. The sinners' experimentation with the abyss bled into the soil, and poisoned the ground, leaving it barren. The Stargazer Lily's heart was used to hold back the Abyss and restore the soil, sparing the people from famine.

It is unknown if Rex Lapis found her heart in the destroyed Khaenri'ah."

Your gaze was years away. Your voice was calm, but hollow. "I didn't like the name 'Stargazer Lily'. The Adepti called me that to taunt me. And the scientist didn't take my heart."

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