The Harbor

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You lay chained on the metal table, drifting between states of consciousness, as the mages and scientists spoke in hushed tones around you.

"Ah... There she is. She's awake." You'd never forget his voice as long as you lived. "I must compliment you. You barely so much as scream. You never beg. Have you experienced torture before? You're an expert, truly."

If you had even a trace of your power, he would have burned alive from the look in your eyes alone.

"What gives you such strength... Is it hope?" He taunted as he leaned in closer to you. "That you're Golden God will save you after you so nobly sacrificed yourself for him?"

You looked straight ahead, bracing yourself.

He grabbed your hair, and pulled your head back to whisper mockingly in your ear. "I hate to be the one to tell you this. But from our reports, he hasn't even left Liyue to begin to search for you. After all this time... But, perhaps you aren't completely surprised? After all, you wouldn't be the first consort he let die, now would you..."

You took a slow deep breath, and a single fleck of light returned to your left eye. "SIR!" One of the assistants panicked.

"Shift her." Your captor ordered.


You jolted awake in a cold sweat.

This ship you sought passage on was unexpectedly docked.

You ran up to the deck to demand an explanation, when you were met with the lights of Liyue Harbor. "CAPTAIN!" You yelled. "What's the meaning of this?"

"We had to stop for an emergency, Ambassador. Please feel free to get out and enjoy the harbor for the evening. We'll be back on our way in the morning."

"I'll wait right here, thank you." You replied bitterly, and too quiet for him to hear. You crossed your arms to hug your chest.

One of the crew hopped back on the ship. "What's wrong with you? Do you owe somebody here money?" He half joked.

"If I say yes, will you bring me some food?" You were convincingly nonchalant as you pulled out a leather coin purse. "There should be a small dumpling shop down that street and to the left. My counterpart says it's still there. They're the best in the harbor. Your order is on me"

He nodded.

You lay on a bench on deck and looked up at the night sky as you waited for his return.


Thousands of years ago.

You sat under a ginkgo tree, rubbing your sore wrist as you looked out into the valley. The contract was still new to you, relative to your long lifespan. You were still adapting to the feeling of it, permanently against your skin. Last night, for the first time, you had tested its boundaries. As you tried to step out of Liyue's borders, the band bound you to them. The harder you pulled against it, trying to free yourself, the more the band expanded up your arm to drag you back inside...

"Why did you send me here, Leviathan..." You whispered. You knew the answer, but you thudded your head back into the soft earth.

"Y/n." An adeptus called from up the mountain. "Your presence has been requested."

You rocked up to your feet. Here we go again.

You took a seat across from the golden god, as far from him as was available at the open-air stone table. Past you, he could see the beautiful landscape he'd carved for his people as the wind tossed your down hair. Past him, all you could see was the stone face of the mountain where you all resided. You, and all the adeptus who lived here were given stone homes of your own, with this meeting place in the center and heart of the mountain top.

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