Morax (Pt 1)

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You lay with your head in Neuvillette's lap as he read. Warm tea steamed on the coffee table in front of the hearth, next to a few macarons on a small plate. Neuvillette petted your hair as you rested your eyes.

You felt him stir under you as he placed the book down on the side table. "Y/n?" He asked softly, unsure if you were awake.


"... Would you tell me about the time before the Fall?"

Your eyes opened. You looked deep into the fire. "Yes..."

Before the Fall.

"Leviathan!" You caught up to your mentor as the dragons assembled at the lowest level of the crystal lit crater. "What is happening?"

"We aren't certain, Y/n." The great silver sovereign turned to you. "Listen to me. I need you to trust me."

"I always trust you." You bowed your head.

They smiled softly. "Stay here, and wait for me to call upon you." They took their place with the other sovereigns. Leviathan guided Azhdaha to his place with their voice as Apep moved to Leviathan's other side.

It had been many years since the seven sovereigns gathered together. Their students, the young dragons who were your peers, congregated in the back.

"Is this some kind of hatchling assignment?" The young Dendro dragon asked you. "An emergency assignment?"

"No." You whispered.

"My mentor is preparing for war." The young electro dragon stated too eagerly.

You looked to Leviathan's distant seat with the sovereigns as you replied. "I believe we'll try to avoid that as long as possible."

"Ha! Afraid you wouldn't be able to live up to your title, pyro dragon?" He taunted.

The young geo dragon scoffed at the electro dragon. "What, and you're supposed to protect us?"

"I'd do better than the bleeding heart pyro-"

Your eyes glowed at the electro dragon, and he stopped. "You know nothing of war. Don't you dare wish it upon us." You condescended.

The dragon king's roar shook the earth, and the assembly became silent.

The Cyro dragon was the youngest of all of you by far, and while she tried to hide it, she trembled in fear and anxiety in the echoing chasm. You extended a wing to her body to ground her, and she leaned into your touch.

Apep began by reciting the facts as the sovereigns knew them. "Many of you have now heard of the unexpected visitors to our world. Their form is foreign to us. Their power is foreign to us. To our knowledge, they've killed one Geo Vishap since their arrival here a few days ago. They have since appealed with an apology and insistence that they only meant to defend themselves against our kin. The visitors wish to live here."

The Electro Sovereign was the first to ask a question. "Are they stronger than us?"

The Pyro Sovereign's low rumbling sigh was a clear answer to you. Yes. "It is unclear at this time. They do not possess the elemental power that we do, but their abilities rival our own. We need to be prepared for unfavorable outcomes."

"Will they overpopulate if they stay? Last century's volcanic parasite was a horrendous affair..." The Cryo sovereign stated.

"Seemingly not." Leviathan replied. "There is only one of their kind who seems to be a child. But even he seems to be a parallel to our mentees, as opposed to a hatchling. The visitors expressed some concern regarding the environment they came from. Their old home is uninhabitable and is resulting in weaker children, like the one they brought with them... or no children at all. They are looking for a new home that grants opportunity for the continuation of their race."

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