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 Alone in his small room, and after writing a new policy that would take effect immediately in the morning, Neuvillette finally managed to sleep...



The darling children ran to gleefully greet their father after work. The boy looked like you, but had Neuvillette's eyes. The girl looked like him, with your eyes. He held out his arms, and they both jumped into them.

"Daddy, did you have a good day at work?"

"Can we go for a swim??" The children began their usual bombardment of questions.

"Kids!" You called from inside the home.

Neuvillette smiled. "I did, but I'm glad to be home now. We can certainly go for a swim, but it sounds like your mother may have dinner almost ready."

He stepped inside then behind you, and pulled you tight against him as he placed a heavy kiss on your neck.

"Mmm-" You hummed, before a squeak as he squeezed you against him.

"I love you." He whispered. He placed a box of macarons on the counter in front of you. "How are you feeling?" He asked quietly. "Where are the Melusines-"

"I'm fine, love. The Melusines left not 5 minutes before you got home." You tipped your head back on his shoulder as you pressed a little harder back into him. "But once the children go to bed I'm gonna-"

"Mom! Look what I can do!" Your son interrupted as he dashed around the dinner table rapidly folding the napkins as he set it.

Neuvillette chuckled into your neck, sending goosebumps down your shoulder. "Very good, sweetie!" You praised, despite your distraction.


You and your husband lay in your enormous bath together, resting after he'd put the children to bed. "They get their energy from you." Neuvillette sighed.

"We're too old for this." You teased, and turned to face him. "Does this mean you don't have any more energy for me, though?" You pouted.

He was going to retort, but a small gasp took its place as your fingers grazed along his length in the water. You leaned in and kissed him deeply, once again stopping his reply. He moaned against your lips as you stroked him.

"Y/n-" Your lips were finally apart long enough for him to speak.

"Yes?" You cooed.

He lifted you suddenly from the tub and carried you into the bedroom. "What? Not in the tub?" You protested. "But you love the-" He tossed you down before he came down on top of you. He kissed you tenderly as you trembled under him in anticipation.

"Do you want another one?" He rasped against your skin.

"Sovereigns no. We'd be outnumbered."

His kisses descended between your legs. "Then we should avoid the water until your cycle ends." He mused.

"Fine, fine-" Your thighs gripped his head. Your back arched. "Neuvi-" You moaned.


Neuvillette jolted upright awake from his dream sweating and panting. He looked down with concern and unfamiliarity at his throbbing cock. "What-" he breathed, in slight mourning for the children he'd just seen, and felt like he'd spent so much time with. "Y-Y/n?" He whispered as his eyes scanned his room in the dark. His mind reconciled his dream with the present moment.

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