An Unexpected Guest

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You accepted Lady Furina's promotion with 1 condition. You refused to go to Liyue. You sat in her office with Neuvillette to explain your terms.

"Huh." She retrieved a letter. "Interesting. You were invited by name to Liyue by the diplomat. I thought you two got along quite well at the Ball."

Your eyes widened.

"Let me see that." Neuvillette stood to review the letter at Lady Furina's side. He looked back at you. "It's just addressed to you, Y/n. And there's no mention of him. But he may have requested that..."

"Him who? What's going on?" Lady Furina crossed her arms.

You looked at Neuvillette, and he replied. "I don't want her anywhere near Morax. There's old history there. For all 3 of us. She used to be in his service. But now she's in ours." He stated definitively.

"I'll happily train whoever you'd like to assign as the Liyue diplomat. But I will not go to Liyue." You said vacantly. 

"Fine." Lady Furina conceded. But, she looked at the Iudex in growing unfamiliarity at his protective demands.

"Thank you, Lady Furina." He replied to her, graciously.


A couple years later, as you sorted the mail while back in town from one of your many trips, you found a letter from Liyue addressed to Vautrin. You scurried to his post and whapped him with the envelope.

"What did I do- Oh!" He snatched the envelope with excitement.

"How long have you been pen-palling with the diplomat's daughter?" You demanded playfully.

"Uhh..." He scratched the back of his neck. "How long ago was the Ball now?"

"VAUTRIN!" You bounced gleefully. "This is so sweet!"

He blushed, which made you love the arrangement all the more.

"Why didn't you tell me?? I can talk to our diplomat. You could go with him on one of his trips!"

Vautrin's eyes grew larger. "Really- you would do that?"

"Are you kidding??" This was clearly the most exciting project of your year. "If I were Liyue's diplomat, you'd come with me on every trip as my personal guard." You beamed. "He owes me a few favors at this point, bringing you along at my request is the least he can do."

"Have you always been a hopeless romantic, Madame?" He asked sweetly.

"Yes." You beamed. "It's in my nature." Your red eyes smoldered in the sunlight. "Now. I have some exciting news of my own..."

Vautrin sat down to write his reply, which included the following: Things are mostly the same around the capital, but after years of convincing, the Index is going on his first ever vacation to Inazuma! We're all very excited for him to take a few days off, and trying to reassure him that yes, we can in fact handle the nation for 2 days in his absence.


"Lady Furina... Um..." The Melusine looked frightened as she entered the Archon's office.

"Yes?" Furina answered as sweetly as she could in her stress covering for the Iudex's first ever vacation.

"Um. The Archon Rex Lapis is here to see you."

Furina's eyes widened and she pursed her lips in panic. "I'm busy. Send him away."

The Melusine wrung her hands nervously. "He's quite insistent, Lady Furina."

So she'd heard. "Fine, fine. Send for tea. And send him in."

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