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Present day, in a small town near Mondstadt.

Your boots stuck to the floor as you walked through the cramped, dimly lit tavern. The stale air was damp with the smell of spilled cheap ale.

After assessing the seating option with the fewest number of unidentifiable stains, you sat yourself in the back of the tavern. You checked your boots to make sure you hadn't stepped in anything too foul. The artisan crafted yak leather they were made from was perfect for your all-weather travels across Teyvat, and could handle the unfortunate mix of ale, spit, sweat, and trace of vomit. Truthfully, the boots were one of your favorite offerings. Your wool cloak was heavy and worn, another old offering you were still quite attached too. You held it up to make sure it didn't touch the foul floor. Your leather armored pants, and vest, yet another offering. The cobbler and his wife had their first child this year, I hope that's been- as smooth as the first year with a baby can be. It will be so nice to see them at Yule-

"Good to see you again, old friend." A young bard invited himself to sit across from you and snapped you out of your distant gaze.

You glanced the young man up and down. "Can't you at least take a form that makes you look old enough to be in here?" You grumbled.

He smirked. "Can't you take your male form?" He leaned in with his elbows on the table and head in his hands, glancing you up and down in return. "I'm quite fond."

You let out a huff of a laugh. "Ohh, I know you are." You mused.

He batted his lashes at you.

"No." You answered shortly, but with a smirk.

He clicked his tongue in disappointment. "Worth a shot. Who-"

"HAAKK-" A man hacking a few tables over, then spitting on the floor, interrupted your pleasantries.

Your nose scrunched, and you blinked a few times in disgust. "Aren't there nicer taverns you could dwell in than this? Diluc's, for example." What you wouldn't give for the music, ambiance, and nice wine of Diluc's place right about now... You sighed, but with a subtle smile. You were happy to see Venti. When you'd been alive as long as you both had, ageless friends were a precious gift.

"He's pricey for a starving artist like myself." Venti pouted.

You reached for your leather coin pouch with a wood burned charm holding it closed, then tossed him a coin. "Your next drink there is on me, Venti."

"How generous, Madam Ambassador." He whispered, not wanting to call attention to your rank in a place like this. Not that anyone would believe him with how plainly you dressed, though. "Should I tell Diluc you say hi?" He shimmied his shoulders.

You clicked your tongue with a smile. "Tch. No. Not on this trip."

"Aww. But I'm sure he'd love to hear from my illusive patron...."

"I'm hardly a-" You were interrupted again by the man who'd spit on the floor, who was once again rudely and loudly coughing and hacking. You let out a slow breath to calm your annoyance.

Venti laughed again. "Does this make you actually miss the pretty Courts of Fontaine?" He taunted. You rolled your eyes. "...Or the elegant stone walls of Liyue."

Your eyes narrowed. Careful. And just as I was thinking about how I appreciated your friendship.

He sighed. "You really still haven't been back? After all this time?"

"No." Drop it.

"I think you'd be pleasantly surprised-"

You cut him off, the playfulness in your voice gone. "You know why I don't go back. Why do you insist on-"

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