The Ballet

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The day of your capture...

His amber eyes burned as a contract bound his lips. "Y/n-"

"Sir!" Xiao interrupted.

"Not now, Xiao." Rex Lapis bit.

Xiao was too unnerved to notice the tense posture between you two, or the fight he'd just interrupted. You two never fought... "Sir! The border! They're back!"

"Back?" Rex hissed as his head snapped to Xiao.

"The Automatrons?" Your eyes widening in panic as you ran to him.

"Yes- there's more of them this time- they have-"

Rex tugged you back as you ran to Xiao, about to take flight. "Stay here." He ordered you.


"Your cycle-"

"Is done. I'm coming with you. I've fought these machines before, you haven't."

"Y/n-" He grumbled.


You hovered above the battlefield as your fire rained down on the metal army, but as the smoke cleared, you found that the automatrons stood unharmed. Something had neutralized your elemental power. "Something's wrong! Keep your distance!!" You ordered the adepti.

A purple black aura emanated from the machines and their weapons, which began to fire into the sky at you and the adepti. No... It can't be... Fear sank into your core as you watched Xiao's attack dissipate, too. "MORAX!" You dodged one of the launched weapons as you flew to him.

He held up a golden shield to protect himself as he continued to drop meteor after meteor on the invading force. That won't work-

You watched the harpoon launch towards him. You watched how his confidence didn't falter. "MORAX RETREAT!!" You begged.

He didn't move. You halted your desperate flight path between him and his shield. With a small combustion, you forced him higher into the sky. You fled after him, climbing-

The Abyssal harpoon pierced the Archon's shield effortlessly...

...Before it pierced you.

The light faded from your crimson eyes as you were dragged from the sky.


You woke up in bed next to Neuvillette with a quiet gasp. He remained asleep. You crawled out of bed silently and retrieved a block of ice and towel from the ice box. You opened the door slowly to let yourself outside...

You collapsed in the garden you planted with Mama so many years ago. You held the ice over your chest as you began to weep. You covered your hot tears with the cold cloth as you heaved alone.

...What are you doing out here alone, Y/n? Your Captain's voice echoed through your mind.

"I- I- I don't want to be burden, I-"

You're never a burden. He insisted.

With the cloth over your face, and your jagged heavy breaths, you didn't hear your visitor approach from above. "Y/n?" He asked softly.

You tugged off the cloth and jumped to your feet as the Anemo Archon landed in front of you.

"What happened, are you okay?" He ran to hug you.

"I'm okay, I'm okay. Just-" You gestured vaguely. "Trauma."

"Where's Neuvillette?"

"I didn't want to wake him-"

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