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The door opened slowly to the outside world, which was quiet in the falling snow. "Thank you Barbatos. You may go."

The Archon seated at the foot of the bed paused the Lyre music that had lulled you to sleep. "Easiest favor anyone's ever asked of me. Your wife is a delight. No idea what she's doing with you."

Morax smirked as he brushed the snow from his shoulders. "Any trouble?" He asked formally as he removed a few layers of his robes. The cozy cabin was warmed by your crackling fire, and smelled of sweet wine and pastries. He eyed the small table where your cups still lay, and plucked a grape for himself. He was glad that Barbatos brough the breads and treats he'd requested. He knew how you loved them, but they were hard to come by in Liyue.

"Nope. Just a peaceful night drinking and gossiping. We're doing it again next month, actually."

"Are you now..." Morax eyed you as you began to stir. "Goodnight, Barbatos." He held his hand on the door to encourage him out.

Barbatos twiddled his fingers to wave goodbye on his way out.

Morax dropped down into bed behind you and pulled you in close. "You're so warm..." He whispered with a tender kiss to your hair.

"Mmm... Welcome back, love. How'd it go?" Your sleepy voice asked in a pleasant daze from the alcohol Barbatos brought with him.

"It's all handled."

"Good." You pulled his hand from around your waist up to kiss it. "I didn't need a babysitter." You teased as you wiggled your hips back closer to him.

He placed a heavy kiss on the nape of your neck. "I'm not leaving you alone during your cycle, Y/n."

"You make it sound like I'm helpless..." You arched your back as his hands slowly traced the contours of your body that he couldn't stop thinking about throughout his day away.

"You are vulnerable." He slid your panties down.

"I see it as temporarily lending you some of my power."

"Mm?" His kisses continued down your neck and across your shoulder as you spoke.

You shivered as his lips and soft breath left a ripple of goosebumps in their wake. The combination of your inebriation and his distraction made it near impossible to articulate your point. "And I- I- oh fuck-"

"You what?" He taunted against your skin as he rolled you from your side to your back.

"I think this arrangement works out exceedingly well for both of us." His lips traced from your neck to your chest as his fingertips teased your nipples alert. "Youuuu travel for 'work', you bring me to new places that I get to explore." The tip of his tongue teased before his lips closed around the firm point in an affectionate and devastatingly too brief kiss. Your chest raised up to him in need, before his kisses continued down your stomach. "You- get to be extra powerful and intimidating, which makes your 'work' easier," He lifted one of your legs over his shoulder. "and then you come back to our... accommodations... and... - fuck-" Your hips rolled into his face as you gripped his hair.

You could feel the amused curl of his lips against the skin of your inner thigh in your tipsy explanation. "Is that a request?" He asked, confident and controlled before he tasted you again.

"Mmph! Ah- ha- Only if it's agreeable to you." You pouted playfully as you turned your head down to meet his lusting, adoring gaze.

"Yes." He crawled back up your body to kiss you deeply, so he could feel your gasp as he took you. "Ohh... I find your request very- very agreeable." He rasped against your lips.

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