Calm Before the Storm

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Of all the weapons presented to you that night, only two of them were purchased by Neuvillette. The remainder, once their wielders were informed of the danger the weapons presented, were offered to you in exchange for the relief of the karmic debt they incurred unknowingly.


His pale skin was flawless.

You pulled back from him as he began to remove your clothes, echoing how you undressed him so eagerly.

"Are you alright?" He asked gently, tempering his lust at the first sign of your apprehension.

You nodded. "...Can we turn the light off?"

He tipped his head as he studied your unusual shyness. "Yes." He tilted your chin up to kiss you softly. "Why?"

Your eyes began to water a little. "You're- so- beautiful. And I don't-" You stopped. "I-"

He kissed you again as a tear fell down your cheek. "In all of my years, I've never known someone as beautiful as you." He reassured sincerely.

A smile cracked on your face. "I know you're older than most, but I'm still much older than you." You teased.

"Yes." He sighed. "And I can see much better in the dark than you. So in actuality, all your request accomplishes is keeping you from seeing me."

"Oh. Right." You bowed your head. He turned off the light on his night stand. "They aren't as noticeable now. I've been using a cream to prepare in case I ever- in case we ever..."

He leaned you back on the bed to lay down, then laid at your side and pulled you in as a little spoon. He traced the contours of your body over your clothes. "I was unaware of your- physical interest in my company. Or that you'd made preparation for this- escalation of things in advance."

"Neuvi, you seemed quite unaware of physical interest as a general topic." You sighed teasingly, but gasped a bit as his fingers grazed your nipples over your clothes.

He spread his fingers to delicately and tauntingly fondle both with the same hand. You began to squirm in his grasp. "That's true, I suppose." He kissed up the back of your neck. "But I've only ever been interested in this with you."

"Well. You're going through a cycle-"

"Before this. Before the cycle. There were dozens and dozens of times I thought of kissing you. To thank you for your help. To greet you on one of our walks. To say goodnight when I left the Melusine house after dinner." You rolled your body involuntarily against him as he spoke, his caressing touch and soothing voice lulling you back into a lusting daze.


"Yes?" His hips moved to match your needy body.

"Please-" You panted.

"Please what?" His teeth nicked your ear as his breathing became unsteady.

"I want to feel you-"

"Take off your clothes." His voice darkened as he pulled up your shirt.

You stripped quickly and pulled him down on top of you.

You'd always remember the sound of his trembling breath as he filled you for the first time. His little gasp when you took him to the base...

He nearly collapsed on top of you, overwhelmed by the new sensation as your limbs and body enveloped him.

You grabbed his face to force his lips back to yours, before he found a devastatingly deep rhythm.

He held you tight. He made you his.

"Oooh right there- Oh like that- Neuvillette- Yes... yes yes yes-"

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