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A wandering and weary traveler entered a small tavern in a quaint Snezhnayan town. His clothes were as dark as the night sky, illuminated by his blonde hair, and blue eyes that shone like starlight.

"What can I get you, sweetheart?" The sweet, plump, middle aged woman asked as she set a glass of water down at his table.

His response was short. "Whatever you recommend. Thank you."

She nodded, and moved to the next table.

Deep in his notes, he didn't notice at first when his food arrived. He took a bite without looking at it.

He stopped.

"Ma'am?" He asked with a soft voice.

"Yes, dear?"

"... Where did you get this recipe?"

She smiled from ear to ear. "You like it?"

"... It tastes like home." He blinked slowly a few times, before his eyes began to scan the restaurant. While he noticed almost all of the nations represented in patronage of the tavern, the majority were Snezhnayan or Fontainian. None had eyes like his.

She took a seat across from him. "Been away from home awhile, have you?"

He nodded once to her.

"Well. It's a very old family recipe. I'm happy to share it with you, if you would like. But you can come here any time, alright? And we'll make you feel right at home." She smiled.

He composed himself. "I apologize, would it be alright if I asked you a few questions?"

"O' course."

"Thank you. May I ask how far back this recipe goes in your family?"

"Oh gosh. Centuries. My many times removed great grandfather would make it for my many times removed great grandmother. They founded this little village a long time ago."

"It's a uniquely diverse place." He commented.

"I suppose it is! Hence the diverse menu you're enjoying. This village fell off the map for a while, but we're growing beautifully now! We're even the last stop on the Fire Priestess's Yule Pilgrimage!" She announced proudly. "Perhaps you've heard of this traveling festival?"

"Indeed I have, though I can't say I've had the pleasure of attending... It must be wonderful to watch your hometown grow and prosper. I believe I recall that these woods were once believed to be haunted...?"

"Oh, they certainly were. You could hear screams echo through the forest and bounce off the cold mountain cliffs. But not anymore. Not for a long time."

"Did your ancestors who founded this village always live in Snezhnaya?" He asked delicately.

"No, I know they weren't from here. They were refugees from a war a long time ago, but I'm not sure where they came from. They lived long and happy lives here, though, with the other 4 founders."

"So 6 founders? What were their names?"

"Red, Kid, Kay, Sweet, Captain, and Rose, who I'm named after." She replied with a smile, and the man tried not to look disappointed at the obvious code names. "I'm Rose, nice to meet you."

"Dainsleif." He returned the introduction. "Pleasure to meet you."

Rose continued. "I think Red's children eventually moved to Mondstadt. Personally," She leaned in and lowered her voice. "I think they are part of the Ragnvindr family, but you didn't hear that from me. Sweet's children eventually moved to Sumeru-"

"Do you have a picture of your founders?" He interrupted politely.

"Oh, I wish. Why?"

"I- am trying to determine if perhaps my relatives could be traced back here as well." His lie had enough truth in it to be believable.

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