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A line formed outside the Iudex's office for the evening's negotiations.

"I'm sorry." He began slowly, his voice heavy. "I wish you didn't need to be here for this." He placed a hand on your shoulder.

You shrugged. "I'm the only one who will know if they are- well-" You paused. You stepped toward the door. "At least I think I will. I've- not seen many of them."

"Where are you-" He grabbed your hand.

"I will dismiss those in line who have an elemental weapon of a different origin."

The moment you stepped outside his doors, you could feel the fragments of you in the hall. You took a slow, deep breath to steady yourself before you turned to look at the line, at least 40 people long. Your heart felt constricted in your chest, but you choked through it. "Good evening." You greeted. "Thank you all for agreeing to these discussions on such short notice."

Neuvillette stepped out after you... but the sweet Iudex was not meant for this. The second sword in line clearly possessed a handle made of a ripped-out claw. The sixth shield in line was made of the cross section of a horn, sawed off. Red and black scales glittered the hall, refracting the evening candlelight so beautifully... His eyes swelled as you remained steadfast.

You'd break if you looked at Neuvillette.

You also noticed that you had a spectator. Lady Furina peeked into the hall from around the corner of the stairwell.


There was a dark aura about those who'd used the weapons, seemingly only noticeable by you. Interesting. "We are looking for a particular set of weapons this evening. Out of respect for your time, if you do not hold one of those specific weapons, you will be dismissed. Thank you all for your cooperation." You pointed to the fifth man in line, then gestured for him to step forward. "You may go." You dismissed him politely.

"Thank you, Madame." He walked swiftly out of the Palais.

"Are- are these a part of a trial, Iudex Neuvillette?" A woman at the front asked.

"N-" You began.

"Yes." He interrupted you, his voice low, and dark.

Don't look at him. You'll break.

"You are not in any trouble, Madame." You reassured her without looking at them. She had no dark aura. She had never used the sheathed knife she held.

You dismissed roughly half the line. "Thank you. The rest of you will be called in one by one. The Melusines will offer you some refreshments as you wait." You nodded to Menthe, who scurried to the kitchen to prepare a tea cart.

You were barely holding it together, but your act was deeply convincing.

"Madame?" You asked the first woman in line to follow you and Iudex Neuvillette into his office. You leaned in towards the Iudex. "Take over. Please." You whispered.

He nodded. "Of course." You sat at the blue velvet couch, while they continued towards his desk.

"You said that these weapons were for a trial?" The woman began anxiously. "B-but this old thing has been in storage for years. I don't even know if it works. It hasn't been used for decades, it's probably rusted-" She grabbed the handle to pull the knife out of its sheath.

You held out your hand to stop her with fear in your eyes. "Wait-" As the scale in the handle glowed, your voice was choked out of you by a stabbing pain in your shoulder.

Neuvillette swiped the weapon from the wielder without thought the moment he realized. "How much, Madame? To relieve you of this-" His veiled distress darkened his usually calm voice.

The woman looked at you, as your breathing steadied. "Did it... hurt her? I didn't mean to hurt her-"

"How much." He repeated, pained.

She shook her head and stepped back in horror. "Take it. I don't know what dark magic is in that thing. But I don't want anything to do with it..."

"Madame?" Your voice was quiet. She turned back to you with a frightened remorse in her eyes. "Thank you." You bowed your head to her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know what it was. I didn't know it was dangerous- I-"

You walked slowly towards her. "You have no need to apologize." You held out a hand to her. "Thank you."

When she looked at your hand with hesitation, you nodded, trying to encourage her to take it. She placed her hand gently in yours.

You tilted your head. "This was the first time you've ever used this weapon."

She nodded. "It was my father's. I don't know where he got it."

"I see." Your eyes glowed, and a small wisp of black smoke emanated from her skin.


"It's alright." You soothed. You flicked your wrist and the black smoke vanished in a quick flash of light. "Does that- feel a bit better?" You asked softly.

"Yes." She sighed in relief. "How did you- what are you- N-never mind. Thank you." She bowed to you in return and left.

When the door closed, you gripped your shoulder and dropped to the ground. Neuvillette sprinted to you and kneeled in front of you. "Y/n-" he cupped your face.

"I'm fine."

"May I take a look?"

You looked down. You slid off your jacket, then pulled off your turtleneck. A small scar on your shoulder had deepened to a dark purple, almost black. He held his hand over the mark. His healing touch did ease your pain, but only a little. "Thank you." Your eyes remained on the knife at your feet.

His eyes darted across your scared body. "Is it- every time one of the weapons is used- it hurts you like this?"

You nodded. "It's- much better now than before my slumber. I think many of these weapons must have been lost to time... My scars don't flair up as often now."

"Y/n..." He rested his forehead against yours.

"Ice numbs the pain the best. That's- why I lived in Snezhnaya after-. Some days it was so bad I would just lay in the snow and-" You stopped yourself. "This was very manageable by comparison."

"You don't need to be here for the rest of this..."

You reached down towards the knife, your eyes glowed, and the scale dislodged from the blade before floating to your shoulder as a small light that fused to your skin. The blackened scar vanished. You let out a sigh of relief.

"Neuvillette... I need to see this through. There's a- price it seems for using these weapons. A debt that binds to the soul of the user."

"Good." His low dark voice returned.

"No." You shook your head. "They don't know. These people weren't even alive when these weapons were made, they have no idea the price they pay to use them. I can forgive that debt, if they offer my strength back to me."

"Why- you owe them nothing..."

You kissed his cheek. "Because I love a just man. And I aspire to be as fair as he is."

He bowed his head.

"It's working, Neuvillette." You whispered. "It'll take a long time to track down every last piece, but-" Your eyes glowed at him, ever so slightly brighter. "It's working." You smiled with a hope you didn't think you'd feel again.

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