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"Master Crepus?" A young assistant called into the ornate lobby. "The Tianquan will see you now."

Crepus stepped into Ningguang's golden lit and jade accented office. She sat with perfect posture behind her long desk with a copy of Crepus's proposal in front of her. "Tianquan." Crepus greeted with a bow. "Thank you for agreeing to meet with me."

"Crepus Ragnvindr." She replied. "Allow me to check my understanding. You want Liyue, in alliance with Mondstadt and Snezhnaya, to halt all trade with the Nation of Fontaine. You've outlined in explicit detail how we could develop our own fashion district run out of Liyue and to Liyue's financial benefit, with the materials these 3 nations supplied to Fontaine. You've even highlighted Liyuen designers who studied in Fontaine who would be recruited into the project. And Snezhnaya and Mondstadt will guarantee all business for such textile operations would be exclusive to Liyue. You've also arranged for Sumerian engineering students to take the place of Fontainian engineering expertise, and for a boycott for Fonta, as it is, and I quote from your report: 'impressive how horrendously they can bastardize the purest water in Teyvat.'"

"That is correct."

She tented her hands on her desk. "Why?"

"I outlined that in the report as well-"

"Yes, but I want to hear from you directly why you wish to cripple another nation's economy, when they are already struggling after the sudden and unexpected departure of one of their ambassadors who managed their trade agreements. She seems directly responsible for the success and growth of the nation over the past few centuries, and they may very well fail on their own without her. Why do you wish for us to get involved?"

"Cripple their elite." He corrected. "The Fontainian elite have been a pervasive plague on the nation for centuries. The irredeemable acts accepted by the elite and uninterrupted by the law are no longer going to be ignored by my nation or Snezhnaya. And, if they would fail on their own, isn't it better for us to position ourselves to thrive with them removed from the market... if it's inevitable?"

"Be more specific."

"I refuse to trade with a nation that has a demonstrated, documented history of the trafficking of children, and who would then jail a child who killed two of these monstrous excuses of human beings to protect his adopted siblings."

"How do you know that the trafficking is connected to the elites?"

"I have a colleague from Snezhnaya who is stationed in Fontaine. She's provided invaluable insight into the extent of this cancerous network."

"What about the common people? If these businesses and systems fail-"

Crepus smirked. "They also hate their elite, and may very well rebel without us in time. The elite rarely share their profits with their workers. Entertainers will of course be welcome to travel to us and perform in our regions, but we will not travel to see them. Fontaine is a temperate region, no one will freeze in the winter, and hopefully the impact won't last long enough to cause any kind of hunger, but Mondstadt and Snezhnaya will share reserves as needed, and Sumeru has a foraging guide and garden kit available for mass distribution. One of their Botanist students has even offered to run classes."

"Why do you care?" She asked.

"... what?" Crepus leaned back, not expecting to have to explain. "I like to think that I would still passionately oppose the trafficking of children even if I wasn't a father of 2 boys myself."

The Tianquan was silent for a moment in contemplation as she looked at one of her tapestries. "There is an old story from 1000s of years ago in Liyue. A man assaulted a young girl. When one of the Pyro adepti heard of this act, she hunted the man, dragged him to the street, ordered the children be taken inside, and she publicly burned the man's... manhood off. When the men went to Rex Lapis and demanded he punish her for her violence, he instead threatened that any men who made women and children feel unsafe were not welcome in his nation. They could leave on their own, or be dealt with by him and his adepti."

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